04 December 2022

Sacred Science 3: Spirals ~ Noel Tobin ~ 2 November 2022

Continuing with Noel Tobin's series on Sacred Science, in no particular order....Here's the link to the video:


In part 3, Noel explains the Creation Mechanics of the In-Breath and Out-Breath of Source based on the Kathara Grid and its scaled recursive nature that encompasses the Time Matrix. Some of the topics that Noel covers here include:

  • The structure of Kathara Grids within Kathara Grids and each grid's relationship with its own Krystal Spiral
  • Each grid's connection with Source, as well as each Krystal Spiral's birth from Source and its linkage with the corresponding grid 
  • How the Fibonacci Sequence is embedded within the Golden Mean (using some neat mathematical sequences and substitutions!)
  • Comparisons of Krystal, Golden Mean and Fibonacci Spirals, clearly showing how the FS has no connection with its centre (Source), which demonstrates the disconnection of the fallen creation by the dark ~ unlike the Krystal Spiral, which always "returns to Source" as illustrated by its numeric progression. This is the spiral upon which True Creation is based.

There are some helpful animations that provide more clarity to the topics that Noel presents. I really marvel at the intricate complexity of the Creation mechanics and yet somehow, there's also a core simplicity that leaves me in awe of its intrinsic beauty. I know, I'm contradicting myself....

Please watch the video here.

29 November 2022

Sacred Science 2: Fundamentals ~ Source & Creation ~ Noel Tobin ~ 1 November 2022

Continuing Noel Tobin's teachings on Sacred Science, albeit not in sequential order, apologies....

Part 2 is about the fundamentals of Creation, where Noel describes the creation mechanics and the correlation states/ qualities between Source and Creation and the eternal nature of such cycles. Ultimately, all external creation returns to Source for natural integration before a new wave of creation expands out again.

Disharmonious energies that are unable to go through the Resolution cycle go the route of Dissolution ~ ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

(This is the route/fate of the dark who disconnected from Source and resist re-connection. They are aware of what awaits them, hence the persistent and desperate attempts to prevent Ascension so that they can hold on to this part of Creation for "food storage".)

Noel Tobin also discusses the ubiquitous construct of the energetic Kathara Grids across all creation levels ~ this certainly brings the term "fractalisation" to whole new level.

Here's the link to watch the video.

Fall of Metatron ~ E’Asha Ashayana (2002) ~ Voyagers: 6 February 2021

*Updated 10 December 2023: New link for video is here.


This video was featured in The Earth Plan (TEP) almost two years ago, shortly after I completed viewing it. I found myself accessing this same video again recently as I wanted to answer my own questions pertaining to the chronology of events and the eventual hybrid races that were birthed, so that I could correlate the information with people on the world stage at present.

I feel that I should post this video here as well, for those who haven't yet watched but are interested. E'Asha gave this talk in 2002, and when I featured it in early 2021 it was so relevant then because of fallen angelics "teachings" were spreading fast. It's even more pertinent now, because so many new players with "new information" have entered the scene, including those affiliated with SSP and their components ~ many have garnered massive following practically overnight.

To spare me the time  I will also copy parts of my text that I wrote for this video in The Earth Plan. Special mention to the creator of the animation ~ the visuals very nicely complemented the information.


(see updated link above)

I note with interest the number of views this video is getting ~ I remember when I first watched it in early 2021, the numbers were no where near the current 78k views. 

Text excerpts (from TEP February 2021):

A video from 2002 of E'Asha Ashayana Arhayas recounting a very summarised version of the events that led to the Fall of our Time Matrix over the course of billions of years. 

E'Asha covers enough relevant points to paint a rough sketch of how reversals came to be in this part of Creation through the tragic failed efforts of the Metatron Collective to rescue fallen races. An hour's worth of incredible information that adequately pieced together for me all the bits and pieces, providing an additional layer of understanding that I truly appreciate.

For those interested, please continue here.

The Bigger Picture presented by this discourse once again demonstrates how History has repeated itself over and over throughout the long eons of time, as well as provides the basis for understanding so much of what's unfolded just in the past couple of decades. Of course, what we are seeing playing out on the world stage (and in the LW community) is the micro of the macro of the bigger macro of the giant macro. As mentioned before, the controllers are truly Super Masters of deception, whose skills were honed over the great passage of Time.

What was equally important for me to be aware of was E'Asha's compassionate view and attitude towards the Fallen, alluding to the sheer terror of facing potential extinction.


28 November 2022

The Measure of Esoteric Alignment ~ Mary Allison ~ 22 November 2022

Mary Allison


Esoteric alignment is not measured through knowledge of the ethers, but through how we treat others.
Put simply, the way we treat others is the barometer for how integrated our esoteric knowledge actually is.

20 November 2022

Level Up! ~ Sandra Walter & John Burgos ~ 16 November 2022

There are very few resources that I actually check on these days, and in the past couple of weeks I found myself moping for a resource that would appease the strong need within me for some sort of specific connection that I really wanted. Sort of like an etheric High-5 or something.

Well, I just finished watching this enjoyable video where Sandra Walter touches on several topics about what's happening with and around us. It's a wonderful update where she goes Cosmic, and I was going Yes! Absolutely! Yep! throughout the 1hr 25 minutes ~ I really wanted her to speak more 😇 I finally got the High-5 that I was asking for ✋ This is the link through which you can access the video for those who wish to watch now ~ I will continue rambling on for a bit:


I believe that what Sandra is saying is pretty much what many have been feeling and "getting" over the recent months, so to hear a voice validating our experiences is always comforting and reassuring. Yes, I know I know I know....we don't need external validation, we are our own validation, etc etc etc but for me, it's always such a relief when I know of others who are sharing the same things that are more woo than woo-woo 😆 This "Cosmic" thing has been presenting so strong lately, and I have touched on its nature in previous posts:

Unplug & Wait One Divine Moment

Receiving & Integrating

I am feeling that this Cosmic Presence at the moment is more of the Divine Cosmic Mum frequency ~ it would be some time before it balances out with the Masculine counterpart as this part of Creation has to re-establish the Feminine first.

Another topic which Sandra eloquently explains is that of Divine Will, or as I consider it, the intentions of Source. Or even more specifically, the expression of ourselves as an aspect of our own Divine Self. I am aware that many hold strong to the concept of Free Will and I understand this steadfastness. However, I also believe that ultimately, the highest expression of Free Will is Divine Will, and hence what I posted in May:

Free Will, Divine Will

One last thing for me to mention ~ she poked at a (another?) hornet's nest when she brought up the topic of diet.

OK. This is such a sensitive and triggering subject, liable to transform a mild-mannered person into a non-Green Hulk. This is also why I hardly ever write about it, because it is essentially a very personal topic that has so many branches that reach waaaaay back into ancient times. Sandra does go into this landmine territory, but as always, just take what works for you and ditch the rest.

As Synchronicity would ALWAYS have it, just yesterday I observed via group messages a mini-meltdown over this same topic ~ DIET. Someone had brought up a specific diet and the next thing you know, several long responses came in defending whatever diet they were on. It's such an ancient taboo that I have more courage and willingness to write about the deep depths of the dark rather than approach this topic 🙄

I hope you enjoy this 1+ hour with Sandra Walter.


18 November 2022

3 Comets & 3 Norths

Ordnance Survey

There's so much going on this month, both energetically as well as in the physical realm. I meant to post this earlier but just couldn't get to it until now. 

So, apart from the crowded happenings earlier in November, we also had two other events going on, the first of which is the first-in-history (at least in publicly-known history) where true North, magnetic North and grid North aligned together at a single point in Great Britain. Here for more details.

This is especially interesting and brings up so many questions, and I have none of the answers. Seeing as Earth Mum is in the gradual process of righting her tilted axis, this alignment makes it all the more intriguing and is no doubt having an even more intense effect on the weakening magnetosphere, which is not organic to our Planet.

And then we have these three comets in just 4 days! When I was reading about, it just seemed so obvious that something Cosmic was unfolding according to some plan. Again, I know nothing of this plan 😄 but I'm quite sure that it's integral to the Ascension phase we are in.

Solar Observer has an image of the latest one as it makes its way Sun-ward:

Solar Observer

And here's the video.

I don't have an image of the 2nd comet, but here's one of the 3rd comet:

Solar Observer

15 November 2022

Eternals and Immortals ~ E'Asha Ashayana

Organic Ascension



"Once upon a time the human race was an Eternal race. 

Not immortal. Immortals have to suck energy of up to other things in order to keep their continuing existence. 

Eternals don't. They have an open flow of frequency with Creation, you can call it God-Source, you can call whatever you want, but with that core Source we all came from. They actually have an open circulation, they don't have to feed on other things. 

So what we are working with are the teachings of the Eternals, not the immortals. Immortals basically are vampires, they're energy vampires. 

And Eternals don't have to be because they have an open flow of organic energy. There are certain actions that block energy, and choices that block energy, and certain ones that open it with Eternal Flow. 

And the Eternals have chosen to work with those flows, we call it Krystic Flows."

Comet ATLAS C/2024 G3

SpaceWeather It's another ATLAS Comet, this one is named C/2024 G3. From the footage above, we see our Sun beaming generously into the d...