Showing posts with label blackout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blackout. Show all posts

16 February 2024

Another X-Class Flare

First things first ~ apologies for the confusion when I wrote "January" instead of "February" in the Solar Activity post (here) ~ I have corrected the errors accordingly. I seriously don't know where I am sometimes 😄 Back to the present....


We had another X-class flare at 06:53 UTC today! It's the 3rd this year (in my timezone, else it's two in Western regions) and this one registered at X-2.5 (video here)

Chart showing the X-flare reading, with 20 flares registered yesterday:

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

Look at that eruption:

We had a radio blackout in these regions:

There's definitely an amplified restlessness, paradoxically coupled withe the feeling that the brain has turned to mush. (Coming up with this post was quite a feat for me.)

I'm also adding the SR chart, to complete the picture:

Space Observing System

Namarie! 💛

11 February 2024

Flares & CMEs

Scientific Visualization Studio

Still in catch-up mode, apologies! It's been weird and wonderful and wonky all at once. It feels like there's lots of things to cover so I'll start with SR charts first.

Space Observing System

I had mentioned (here) that the charts have been exhibiting "busyness" and peculiar readings since I first noticed them around 19 January. This "busyness" has continued right until recent days (charts above). Huge readings yesterday 10 February when I saw the chart, but did not download it as I had intended to do so today (11 February). Well, unfortunately the site is inaccessible so I will upload it when it is available.

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

Just a minor geomagnetic disturbance earlier today, but take a look at Solar Flaring!

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

X3.3-flare on 9 February (top image) with this video showing spectacular footage of the flaring:


More images:

Scientific Visualization Studio


From SpaceWeather:

Radiation from the flare ionized the top of Earth's atmosphere. This, in turn, caused a strong shortwave radio blackout over the Pacific Ocean. Mariners and ham radio operators may have noticed loss of signal at frequencies below 30 MHz for as much as an hour after the flare's peak.

Of greater interest is the coronal mass ejection (CME). New images from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory show an assymetric halo CME with an Earth-directed component. A preliminary NASA model predicts it will reach Earth on Feb. 13th:

Look at that massive wave in the above simulation!

Let's go back to Solar Flaring. Before we had that X3-3, our Sun had been putting on a massive Light display with several C- and M-class flares:

3 February: 15 C-class flares
4 February: 12 C-class, 7 M-class
5 February: 11 C-class, 2 M-class
6 February: 5 C-class, 3 M-class
7 February: 6 C-class, 2 M-class
8 February: 10 C-class, 5 M-class
9 February: 8 C-class, 2 M-class, 1 X-class
10 February: 12 C-class, 3 M-class, one of which was M9.0

More details at Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun.

And to round up this post, here's the CME that just erupted today, travelling at a max speed of 1951 km/sec (7,023,600 km/hr) :



And Namarie! 😄💛

10 May 2023

Solar Activity 🔆

Our beautiful Sun is going through a very busy phase ~ some highlights of recent (and on-going) activity....

The Magnetosphere today ~ Pressure (click link for live data):

It reached speeds of 600 km/second:

M6.5 flare on 9 May 2023 and radio blackout region:

Solar Observer


CME that swept through on 7 May 2023:

Solar Observer

Plasma dump coming up:

Firing, fiery.....

....and flaring:



(And thank you for being accessible again, Tesis!)

19 February 2023

Solar Activity & (What's Not Going On) SR

Solar Observer

We've had two X-class flares within a week, and yep we're feeling it alright, based on feedback from others as well as my own experience. 

Look at the expected spread of this Earth-facing CME from the recent flare! 

Areas affected by the resultant radio blackout:
Solar Observer


Now we take a look at what's going on with the SR. Or more precisely, what's NOT going on. As mentioned before, I've never seen such prolonged periods of near-nil-activity since I first started tracking the SR in 2016. Given that our Planet is well on track in her Ascension process and is inexorably accreting frequency ~ no matter what ~ I have great doubt as to what's being shown in the charts. There's also been quite a number of blackouts (or no readings, be it due to equipment malfunction or otherwise) in the past few months. On most days, it's a sea of blue:

Space Observing System

I'm inclined to suspect that there's something odd about this. While our Planet and Humanity are being laser-bombed with all the Divine Light they can throw at us, I can't imagine there being no effect on the SR for such long periods of time.  Bearing in mind that 7.8 Hz is a distorted diminished pulse that the system planned for us to believe is "normal and natural" and therefore we cannot survive for long out of this range, assumptions beg to be acknowledged.

If these readings are indeed true, then my already-limited comprehension of the SR and its related factors are almost zilch. If the readings are somehow not really reflecting what's happening, then....why? I can only guess that since awareness of the rising frequency of the SR over the years has been exponentially increasing, it could be an attempt to tell us "nothing to see, nothing to get excited over, the SR people are just a bunch of conspiracy theorists!"

Or.....if the readings are accurate, could it be that they are reflecting the situation in the fallen Metatronic Spiral reality? After all, we are at the merge-split point of both Krystal and Metatronic Spirals. Ya, I know....strange at best and silly at worst 😄 Well, it shows that at least my imagination is working, even if I feel like this right now:

Namarie! 💙

24 May 2022


2022 has so far generated a lot of excitement where Solar activity is concerned ~ I've stopped counting how many Solar Flares have been recorded this year alone. And those are just what the instruments pick up....many more do not come Earth's way. Our Sun has been determinedly spewing CMEs constantly to all its Planets.

One of the things that has piqued my curiosity is the radio blackout when strong X-Flares hit the planetary surface. I had meant to write about this earlier this month but *phew*....what a month it's been. 

Let's start with 28 March 2022, when the African continent was blasted and caused a radio blackout:
On 30 March 2022 both American continents were hit (I had posted briefly about this previously):
The Solar Observer
Then, on 20 April the Asia-Pacific regions were impacted:
The Solar Observer

The energies blasted these regions on 30 April 2022:

The Solar Observer

And one more time for good measure, on 3 May 2022:
The Solar Observer

In the space of just 5 weeks, almost all countries have been "Solarised" (also referring to energies from Cosmic Suns via our Sun). What does this mean? I have no idea 😆 I get a picture of a Hulda Clark zapper and it's like we've been Solar-zapped with a Cosmic version of it.

While still missing my Russian-based Tesis website, I've resorted to alternatives for Solar activity, and one of them is Space Weather Live, where they show information and charts on various things, such as Solar Flares. And of course, The Solar Observer, which publishes great posts pertaining to our glorious Sun.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💝

Solar Activity & SR

Laboratory of Solar Astronomy, SRI RAS A quick update about that reverse-spike/heartbeat Solar activity ~ it lasted just 48 hours (27 & ...