29 January 2023

Sadness, Magnetics, and Stargate Energies ~ Sandra Walter ~ 27 January 2023

It's only been one month into 2023, and already we are dealing with energetics that seem to span the entire spectrum of Creation and ancient history, as well as the inevitable template of our future direction(s). Sandra Walter eloquently condenses key focal processes that she sees for the year. 

Please read her full newsletter here. An excerpt follows:

Blessings Beloveds ~

This Stargate continues to deliver realm-shifting choice points – both personal and collective – through SUNday January 29.

After this passage, we will see a dramatic increase in narrative flips, revelations, and personal choice-points. We are witnessing this already; these early 2023 revelation energies are opening many minds and hearts to new perspectives.

Comets and Core Shifts

Cosmic events are receiving some attention during this Stargate – and I find the mention of them in popular media to reveal some interesting timing.

The green, three-tailed comet may be (vaguely) visible on February 1st; look North at SUNset. I enjoy path-changing Comet energies, and this one feels well-timed with our Stargate alignment which is aimed at accelerating trajectory choices.

An article on Earth’s core slowing, or possible reversal, made the headlines this week. While the events and theories in that article are many years old, the timing of focusing on it is potent. Our theme of Inversion Collapse gets a little boost in attention. As every Gate and Gridkeeper knows, the restoration of organic Stargates includes correcting the magnetic flows, which ends the inorganic reversal. That tipping point already occurred. Remember our consistent amplification of organic light and positive LoveLight dynamics affects the physical realms.

We explored this topic in Presence. One of the themes this year is the Inversion Collapse, which includes the physical shifts in Gaia’s magnetics – including her Crystalline Core.


UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my attention....it's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...