29 December 2023

Divine Decree: Living My Highest Trajectory ~ Sandra Walter ~ 27 December 2023

Sandra Walter

Another affirmation/intention/decree, this time from Sandra Walter to help us focus on our Divine Path and Ascension (specifically the second paragraph).

I did not mention it before but I will now ~ for the last week of 2023, I wanted to feature some spiritual tools that I felt would be beneficial going into the New Year....which promises to be even more transformational than this year 😅  I had no idea what exactly to post, but Synchronicity showed the way (Gratitude!) and hence these three posts. They will certainly be my daily go-to, and may they prove helpful for those who resonate with them.

Namarie! 💛

28 December 2023

"You Are Free" ~ Paul Selig ~ 19 December 2023


Attunement of the Day - December 19, 2023

You don't deny the suffering of another.
You don't leave them in pain.
You don't attend to them through fear. You know them in love.
Now love is neutral in some ways because it has no conditions. When something has a condition, it is not neutral in the least.
To realize one in suffering is to love them dearly. Don't misunderstand this. 
The understanding you require is that as you witness the one suffering, you realize them beyond their suffering. 
You don't make it better, or condone what they feel. You lift them by vibration of your presence and the names you give them.
"I know who you are in truth, what you are in truth, how you serve in truth, you are free, you are free, you are free."
The Guides through Paul Selig
The Book of Freedom, Chapter 8, How Do You Create A World?


The previous post was an intention/affirmation from Louise Hay that we can use to help ourselves when we are facing challenging situations.

This attunement/affirmation is one we can use for another who is going through a tough time. We are conditioned to pity someone in an unfortunate circumstance, believing that this shows compassion. In reality, when we do that we see them as broken, unempowered, imprisoned. Pity carries a low frequency and does nothing to energetically help the one going through difficulty. It's as we hold them stuck in the illusion of being less than the Divine Being that they truly are.

This attunement is beautiful in that it allows us to energetically recognise and proclaim the person as a Divine Being, to energetically remind the person of this Truth, and to allow us to see the person lifted out of the situation they are in. Thoughts are things....our thoughts towards someone who is suffering should serve to lighten their heaviness and not add to it. This is how we can energetically help another to unshackle from their suffering.

Namarie! 💖


27 December 2023

Everything Is Working Out For My Highest Good ~ Louise Hay

Out Of Stress

This is a classic and a firm favourite of mine from the late Louise Hay ~ an intention and affirmation for creating a safe space, allowing things to work out for the highest good. 

Here's a clip of Louise Hay presenting the affirmation:


Based on this affirmation, I have a shorter version that I now use:

All is well
I am at peace
Everything is working out in Divine Right Order


....because I'm a huge believer in Divine Right Order (here).

And yes, as Louise Hay says, I sometimes babble this incessantly too ~ it helps to re-focus my attention and create a mental shift that brings more clarity.

Namarie! 💚

22 December 2023

Water & Remote Thought ~ Veda Austin ~ 21 December 2023

Veda Austin

Veda Austin's incredible work with Water has been featured here a few times ~ I pop into her site now and then to enjoy the results of her Crystallography and appreciate the continuing expansion of her exploration.

This particular time, her experiment is truly astounding....demonstrating in tangible and evidential results what Wayshowers have taught for a long time ~ the power of thought in almost instantaneous time. 

Veda (in New Zealand) asked someone in India to send a thought ~ standing on a rock in the Ganges River ~ to the water Veda was freezing, and what happened proves beyond any shadow of doubt the nature of True Reality. Please read the background story here.

19 December 2023

Busting Programs: The Artist

Sarah Andersen

Absolutely and completely agree ~ it's what I ranted about some time ago (Spotlight On Darkness).

There's really no room at all for anything that does not align with our True Divine Nature.

Our True Self ~ Matt Kahn ~ 18 December 2023

Matt Kahn ~ click link for video

The spiritual crisis is that you are all spiritual masters denying the truth of your being while insisting on doing things that no one is requiring you to do to remember who you've always been.

*Matt Kahn

We are all downstepped aspects of our own Ascended Master ~ we have forgotten or became disconnected from this truth over the long ages through many biological mutations and DNA distortions. Our journey back to our True Self enables us to remember and re-discover our own truths.

18 December 2023

....And Here It Comes!

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

With so much explosive energy being expelled by our Sun over the past week, Solar Storming was an inevitability.

17 December 2023

Solar Activity & Sungrazer Comet

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

More Solar stuff! First off, we're in the midst of a geomagnetic disturbance (above).

Solar flaring was pretty intense in the past few days, with an X-class flare registering on 14 December, followed by a couple of strong M-class flares the next day:

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

The Sun Today has a video clip that shows the origin of these strong flares, please view it here. The X2.8 flare is reported to be the strongest since 2017.   

Screenshot from The Sun Today

The CME clocked a maximum speed of 1953 km/sec (7,030,800 km/hr):



Earlier, a kamikaze Kreutz comet disappeared into the Sun on 12 December:


The Sun Today has more details about this event ~ I can't help but infer that the X2.8 flare is connected with the comet's death dive.

Coming back to the present.... We're currently experiencing very strong geomagnetic pressure ~ click link below image for animation:


....and also very high density (click link for animation):


12 December 2023

Host Yourself Home ~ E'Asha Ashayana & Ari Rishi

*Update 21 June 2024:
This video is now available on the TrhUah School channel.


We are now going through the Krystal River Fail-Safe Host of accelerated Ascension, and our own True "First" Divine Self is bringing us Home....

(This video was originally uploaded in Ari Rishi's previous yt channel "Voyagers". Her new yt channel is TrhUah School ~ the video is not yet in the new channel at this time of writing. All text screenshots taken from the video.)


Here's the video ~ once this is uploaded in Ari Rishi's yt channel, I will post the link.

10 December 2023

Solar Activity & SR

Space Observing System

Some data over the past few days.....

SR readings showed high activity from 3 - 6 December 2023 (above & below):

Space Observing System

25 Solar Flares were detected on 5 December 2023:

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

.....15 on 6 December 2023, 10 on 7 December 2023:

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

....and 15 on 8 December 2023, 19 on 9 December 2023:

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

Here's a look at one active burst on 8 December 2023:


Let's look at another video showing the same Sunspot (AR3511) with its massive filament spewing out, courtesy of The Sun Today: Solar Facts and Space Weather:


03 December 2023


Tiny Buddha

Pause-phases allow us to reconnect back to our own Divinity, to really breathe, to re-centre and re-align. They are not a luxury or an after-thought ~ they are essential and necessary, and most certainly an integral part of our Ascension process.

Namarie! 💛

02 December 2023

Solar Activity: 1-2 December 2023


We just got a massive Plasma dump (above) with Solar Winds clocking at max 2014 km/sec (!!!)....that's 7,250,400/hr.



This is what's sparking all the frenetic activity:


And we're right in the midst of geomagnetic storms:

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

With more expected....this report from SpaceWeather:

A HOLE IN THE SUN'S ATMOSPHERE: A huge hole has opened in the sun's atmosphere, and it is directly facing Earth. Solar wind flowing from the hole will reach our planet on Dec. 4th or 5th. Its arrival should spark G1-class geomagnetic storms. Aurora alerts: SMS Text

01 December 2023



I copied the concept from a meme I saw some time ago 😄

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my attention....it's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...