When we react, somebody else or something else is controlling our power. We are just giving a knee jerk reaction to whatever somebody else decided to create.
Remember that your consciousness is the camera and you can change the filters.
Beliefs are ideas. Ideas turn into sound patterns of electromagnetic Light and Sound when they are in the body. If your beliefs and the things that you choose to honor with your mind are not in Divine Alignment as far as what creates harmony and peace, it will literally create blockages in your bio-energetic field that block the ability of the higher levels to integrate (Speaker 1. Egypt 2000).
Most of us are looking it the world through our Shadow and we do not oven know that is happening—we just feel it. That is where we get the fear feeling, the worry feelings, and the anger feelings. Also where we get the days when we we absolutely manic—you are just wired.
The frequencies are working—you feel good that day. Then you get the opposite, and you go into depression.
All of these things are the play between the energies of the Light and the Shadow within each person. The Shadow does not use any of these attitudes as filters. It uses fear, lack, and feels it has to take in order to survive, because it is afraid of not surviving at the core of its being.
If we can learn to choose action, and choose our filters, and realize we had that choice In the first place, we can choose the 12 Attitudes of Mastery—this is where it begins.
(Speaker 1, DFL Disk 10)