09 September 2023

Time of Purification & Accelerated Timeline ~ Mary Allison ~ 22 & 30 August 2023

Two messages from Mary Allison as expressed from her perspective ~ both are about this accelerated Ascension Cycle that we are in. I appreciate the different angles from which different sources interpret this Cosmic historical period as it serves to expand my own viewpoint.

The first message uses the analogy of water purification and the "separation" process, which I call "sub-Timelines":

We were born at a time of purification.
When water is purified, all impure sediments pass through filters to be separated from the pure water.

Please proceed here to read the rest.

In the second message, Mary Allison describes the accelerated process that's been unfolding, and explains the karmic feedback in a way that I believe allows more space for reflection for those who would normally dismiss the notion of "karma". There's much that she covers in this message, which is insightful and beautifully expressed. An excerpt follows, here's the full article:

The Earth and human consciousness have chosen to speed up their course trajectory via a timeline jump. This emerges from a collective (subconscious) decision between the earth, humankind, and all organisms present, to move faster towards a destined point of inner and outer metamorphosis. 
Karmic retribution is increasing in terms of timing. This means any "out-of-alignment" decisions not forged from the purity of one's heart, set off a chain of instant karmic (reflective) feedback. When a timeline jump occurs, past attempts at stagnation, or delaying of a lesson, are overridden as cosmological forces have been given permission to speed up the force of growth for all who remain interconnected in this reality.

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my attention....it's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...