Showing posts with label A'sha Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A'sha Love. Show all posts

05 September 2023

Inner Magic & Joy ~ A'sha Love ~ 2&3 September 2023

Two videos from A'sha Love which I feel are related to each other.

Although the first one about Inner Magic is about A'sha's courses, what she shares about her own experience is beneficial for all who wish to focus on their Spiritual growth and hence, their Ascension process. Authentic Spiritual growth cannot happen without Spiritual hygiene, something that many of us tend to forget or underestimate its relevance and importance. A'sha compares Spiritual hygiene to clutter in one's home. Just like dirty messy home cannot impart a true sense of peace and comfort, likewise poor Spiritual hygiene where we allow energies that are not conducive to Spiritual health to invade our fields.

A'sha also speaks a bit about Spiritual ego (the elitism that's quite rampant in many Spiritual circles right now as well as social media programming) ~ the "I'm special" consciousness trap. She goes on to talk about being aware that much of what we are carrying (energetically) isn't even ours.

We're able to more easily access our Spiritual Mojo when we've cleaned and cleared the path to our inner temple.

Please note that I have not taken A'sha's courses and this isn't a suggestion to do so. I'm posting this video because it has great advice and guidance for those intending to progress on their Spiritual path.

Please head over here for the video.


In the second video, A'sha explains how Joy is a fundamental asset in moving forward and becoming our True Self. She has much more than this to say, of course, so please watch the video here.

Let's crank up that Joy factor!

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