19 December 2024

Farside Solar Activity


The "other" side of our Solar System has been getting much Solar love and attention. Our Sun spewed out a series of CMEs, one of which was this colossal energy mass as shown above, which occurred on 17 December. SpaceWeather has some details.

Since they were on the farside, geomagnetic storms weren't really expected. However, it would seem that the CMEs did their best in extending their reach so as not to leave out our Planet, and we did get some spotty geomagnetic activity, with one short burst of storming.

Apart from this, it's been pretty quiet this side of our Sun.

Namarie! 🀍

16 December 2024

Global Intelligence Agency Report: 15 November 2024 ~ Kim Goguen & Living By Numbers ~ New Musik (1979)

*Edit: Forgot to state that the birth certificate information starts at about 45-minute mark, but a lot of what comes before is relevant as well.

For a long time now, there have been numerous sources who have identified the birth certificate as the instrument that "legally" bound and enslaved the individual to the control system. Basically, many have described it as an official document that serves like a "receipt", akin to the system saying "I'm now issuing a ticket that allows you to exist in my realm and oh by the way I also own you." Some have added that the birth certificate acts like a collateral for governments to be issued loans by the financial system.

Those are the two main things I have gathered from my past research. Logical, yes. But I was unable to find anyone who could provide more details on how this actually works (apart from some wild claims that didn't make sense) and after long while, gave up on needing to know.

Until about a month ago, that is. In the Global Intelligence Agency Report (formerly "World Situation Report") dated 15 November 2024, Kim Goguen takes us through the entire process of what happens to an individual from birth through the medium of a birth certificate. It is explained clearly and concisely, and after such a long time I now finally understand how it works ~ it makes perfect sense. 

And makes me incensed!!! When I didn't know the details before, I was just slightly aghast at the concept of the birth certificate as a debt/slavery instrument. It was yet another means for the control system to "legalise" their "ownership" over Humanity, so what else is new? However, after learning from Kim how it all works,  their diabolical deceit and utter callousness is nothing short of astounding. We are truly nothing more than batteries and chattels to them. Yes, I should know better by now than to be incredulous at what they do, and this is really not as bad as all the heinous rituals, satanic stuff and agendas to maim us that they get up to. I guess what infuriates me is that they can take something as seemingly innocent as a birth certificate and turn it into something evil every step of the way.

OK rant over.

My question now is, was the birth certificate originally meant to be a benevolent instrument to "raise" an individual? Was it supposed to qualify (and quantify) "rights" to an individual born on the Planet? Or was it just a mere official document to grant ownership to the control system in a more benign manner?

For those interested, please follow Kim's report here. From what I know, these reports are posted on yt for public access a week after they are published by United Network News, but available immediately for subscribers via app and website.

Of course Kim covers other topics as well in the report, but for the purpose of this post, I'm only highlighting the part about the birth certificate. And as always, please use your own Higher Guidance as to whether this resource resonates with you.

I'm also repeating that I only follow the intel information and not the spiritual aspects of Kim's reports.

Finally, New Musik's Living By Numbers that was released in 1979....that's 45 years ago! Prophetic.


Namarie! πŸ’– 

13 December 2024

Fight Flight Freeze ~ The Triple Warmer Factor

We all know that the energies this year feel the strongest and most intense yet (duh Grace 😁). When compounded by the volatile state of the Collective Consciousness, the energetic cocktail can get turbulent at best. For those who are sensitive to frequencies, it can feel like being on overdrive constantly.

It's for this reason that I'm posting this very simple and practical physical exercise that helps to calm the Triple Warmer Meridian, which governs the fight-flight-freeze impulse. The meridian concept itself is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) but in the video below, Donna Eden (Eden Energy Medicine EEM) applies her own understanding of energy flows (she actually sees them) and explains it from her point of view, demonstrating how we can help our body during times of distress:


The following is a diagram of the Triple Warmer Meridian, and the link below that takes you to a website that explains more for those interested:

Carol Macrae

Here's the video from Carol Macrae demonstrating how to trace this meridian backwards as well as how to boost energy levels and strengthen the immune system:


Apart from our own Spiritual Toolbox, Physical and Mental exercises that assist in attaining an optimal state can be a beneficial complement.

And now for lots of disclaimers πŸ˜‡ the last one being the most crucial.

1. I have almost zero knowledge of TCM so I have no idea how meridians work.

2. I have only a little knowledge of EEM ~ I like the idea and concept of how it works, I practice the Daily Energy Routine and a couple other exercises, and that's about it.

3. Most importantly, we know that our physical body in its present make-up has distortions, mutations and energy reversals. We also know that much of what is in the external stem from perversions or corruptions of True Knowledge and Divine Creation. For example, I've come across information from some Spiritual sources saying the Vagus Nerve (related to Triple Warmer Meridian) is key to our Ascension, and I've also come across some Spiritual sources saying the Vagus Nerve is a corruption of our Divine Template.

Let's assume the latter version is the truth. So....will doing exercises such as Triple Warmer Smoothie or Tracing Triple Warmer Meridian Backwards harm our Divine Template and hinder our Ascension process?

"I don't know the answer to that question, if I knew I would tell you." 

 The Look Of Love ~ ABC

But what I can say is that I do practice them daily and find that they do help, and that's what I need for now. This is of course in addition to Meditation practices. You will have to decide what's best for you, and what works for you. I'm only just energetically holding hands with all of you, walking each other Home.

Namarie! πŸ’œ

10 December 2024

The May-October Connection

Daily OM

**Update ~ This is the first of a possible 4-parter, links for the others todate:


There's an article in SpaceWeather that tells about how October's powerful geomagnetic storms were similar to the ones in May, when much of our Planet's skies lit up with gorgeous Celestial paintings in magnificent hues. Some farmers may not have been overly enchanted by the phenomenon because the storms interfered with their GPS, which they relied upon for crop processing. One fallout was crooked rows:


I found the article quite amusing, but I'm pretty sure the affected farmers didn't.


May & October 2024

The main reason I brought up the article is because of the mention that October had similarities with May. That is precisely what I've written in my notes! October felt very much like May ~ I say this from an energetic perspective apart from all the Solar flares and storms that were raging in October. Although not as extreme as May, the energy felt very identical. I had written this mid-October:

Let's not forget that massive energy dump back in May! Things got really weird thereafter until about September, and I personally had to declare cave-time for myself. And here we are again, with a whole new consignment delivered!

I think the following months leading right into the start of 2025 will be, well...."memorable".

I also wrote in September that what compounded things were the hard-hitting emotions:

I mentioned just last month that this period feels more challenging because there are strong emotions compounding situations. I feel that a large part of the rising emotions come from flashbacks of ancient memories that seem to sweep across our psyche in brief moments. It's like they are surfacing to be acknowledged, healed and cleared but they sometimes leave wisps of emotional charge behind, and that could be what's affecting us. Daily clearing of all that no longer serve is compulsory, in my opinion.

So we had that "protected" month of May, followed by a very intense energy wave plus emotionally-packed period from June until September, then another "protected" month of October. And then omigoddess the flotsam and jetsam that followed....

It's Mental

When I used the word "memorable" back in October, I didn't really know what I meant. Sometimes I write things that I myself don't understand but I proceed anyway because I'm strongly pulsed to do so. But yep, it's been pretty "memorable" so far. And if we apply the "pattern" from May, then this could be a pretty wild ride until about February 2025.

Apart from the emotional element that's still being keenly kneaded, we're also getting a major mental workout. I feel that our brain area is a hive of high activity ~ goodness knows what's happening there!

This started in September (here) but since November the process has been elevated to a whole new level. It's like we're in Mental Bootcamp where we have to really train, entrain and realign our mental attitude and outlook. It feels like we're having to make a pivotal mental shift in preparation for what's coming up early 2025. I truly don't know what that is, but I will stress again that we have to bear in mind (!) that our Planet's core seed atom is in the process of being vaporised. And that is an enormously humongous BIG DEAL indeed.

I will continue with more later.

Namarie! πŸ’™

09 December 2024

"Impulsive" X2.2

The Sun Today

It was a quiet two weeks on the Solar-front, but around 5 December 2024 we started to see some small sizzles registering on the chart, growing more active until the X2.2 on 8 December 2024.

SpaceWeather called the burst "impulsive" (read here).

The ensuing CME isn't Earth-facing:


  ....but it does look like Mercury and Mars are both in the line of Cosmic Fire:



As for the SR.... πŸ˜…

Space Observing System & Disclosure News Italia

Namarie! πŸ’š

29 November 2024

I Release Any Energies & Emotions That Are Not Mine ~ Lee Harris & Davor Bozic

I enjoyed this, it was energising and entertaining. Please head over to Lee Harris' channel for the video if interested:


There are also other affirmations at Lee's music channel, here.


I would like to narrate a story that goes back several years ago, some time in the early 2000's (I think). It's a story that's also a caveat which I feel I should state so that my vantage point is made clear, given the state of the spiritual communities.

In the late 1990's, I was introduced to Kryon/Lee Carroll. From there, I got to know about and eventually followed Crimson Circle/The Hoppes, as well as The group (small "g")/Steve Rother. This was because all three had events together on several occasions.

Somewhere along the line, Crimson Circle (if I remember correctly) brought in a very young Lee Harris who channelled someone with a name beginning with "Z". I forget now what it is, but he eventually had a group who provided information and which he called The Z's.

Fast forward a few years and I eventually stopped following Crimson Circle, Kryon and The group as I had less and less resonance for what they were teaching. I eventually realised that all three were from the fallen groups. 

Lee Harris is the only one whose work I still check out, and that's the monthly Energy Updates. 

So....who are the Z's? Are they fallen Zetas??!! I really don't know ~ I haven't followed Lee enough to learn about his history. I subscribe to his yt channel for the monthly reports, and the above video was published on the same yt channel, and that's how I know it exists.

I share this story so you can decide for yourself if you wish to read or listen to his work, given that I don't really know enough about his background to determine if his sources are sound. With the other 3 groups, I was very familiar with their work, diligently took notes and even bought a couple of Kryon books (!). I did like Crimson Circle's Tobias in the initial years, and that's what made me stick around until he "left" to walk-in some time around 2007. That was when I gradually lost resonance for all three groups.

Hope this helps in some way.

Namarie! πŸ’™

28 November 2024

When The Body Isn't Willing....

You Are Another Me

Mandela Effect In Real-Time?

No matter how hard they try to explain it away, there are many (including me) who believe that the Mandela Effect is a real thing with Timelines being nvolved in some way. Given this astounding and bewildering Ascension Cycle that we're in, Time is best described by Doctor Who ~ wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey (here).

Also bearing in mind the alteration of Timelines as well as creation of alternative Timelines....goodness knows how many times this has been done.

MrMBB333 features an astonishing real-time demonstration of the Berenstein-Berenstain Bears Mandela Effect in his video (around 3-minute mark). I've not seen anything like it ~ if it's authentic then I'm both super excited and beyond boggled. 

It's interesting to note that the change occurred as the man crossed a "threshold" i.e. going into a room. From what I remember learning, moving from one doorway to another can sometimes present as shifting from one timeline to another, and this is exactly what's happening in this demo.

Unfortunately MrMBB333 didn't provide the link to the demo so I painstakingly typed it out:


There's some mention of portals and Solfeggio frequencies in the description box as well as titles of the channel's related videos. I remember coming across some reports that had to do with portal opening using certain frequencies several years ago, but I cannot recall if this is the same case.

What I do know for sure is this ~ I vividly recall reading newspaper reports about Mandela's death in prison in the 80s. I also remember Berenstein Bears, the Monopoly chap with a monocle, Mirror mirror on the wall, and many others. 

So much to be explored, so many questions to be answered. 

Namarie! πŸ’—

Solar Activity & SR

Laboratory of Solar Astronomy, SRI RAS A quick update about that reverse-spike/heartbeat Solar activity ~ it lasted just 48 hours (27 & ...