I enjoyed this, it was energising and entertaining. Please head over to Lee Harris' channel for the video if interested:
There are also other affirmations at Lee's music channel, here.
I would like to narrate a story that goes back several years ago, some time in the early 2000's (I think). It's a story that's also a caveat which I feel I should state so that my vantage point is made clear, given the state of the spiritual communities.
In the late 1990's, I was introduced to Kryon/Lee Carroll. From there, I got to know about and eventually followed Crimson Circle/The Hoppes, as well as The group (small "g")/Steve Rother. This was because all three had events together on several occasions.
Somewhere along the line, Crimson Circle (if I remember correctly) brought in a very young Lee Harris who channelled someone with a name beginning with "Z". I forget now what it is, but he eventually had a group who provided information and which he called The Z's.
Fast forward a few years and I eventually stopped following Crimson Circle, Kryon and The group as I had less and less resonance for what they were teaching. I eventually realised that all three were from the fallen groups.
Lee Harris is the only one whose work I still check out, and that's the monthly Energy Updates.
So....who are the Z's? Are they fallen Zetas??!! I really don't know ~ I haven't followed Lee enough to learn about his history. I subscribe to his yt channel for the monthly reports, and the above video was published on the same yt channel, and that's how I know it exists.
I share this story so you can decide for yourself if you wish to read or listen to his work, given that I don't really know enough about his background to determine if his sources are sound. With the other 3 groups, I was very familiar with their work, diligently took notes and even bought a couple of Kryon books (!). I did like Crimson Circle's Tobias in the initial years, and that's what made me stick around until he "left" to walk-in some time around 2007. That was when I gradually lost resonance for all three groups.
Hope this helps in some way.
Namarie! 💙