29 December 2024

2012 & 2017: It's Beginning To Feel A Lot Like These Years🎶

(Apologies to Meredith Willson for messing with the title of his song) 

This is the third part of my on-going update. I didn't know it would get this long, hence the different titles for each one. Let me get organised and list the components here and in the respective posts:

I will now warn that I will get snarky in this post ~ I've had too much fruit cake and mince pies and too little sleep. So please do excuse me as I will be editing and censoring myself less than normal 😇


I think it's fair to say that we can vividly remember what we went through in 2012 because so much was happening in the Spiritual communities in just that one year. There was general uncontainable excitement building up to 21 December 2012 throughout the year as numerous Spiritual groups and Wayshowers pushed the "Saviour Agenda", that this life-changing December Solstice would usher in a Golden Age of Gaia practically overnight, ably assisted by our "Galactic Brethren", orchestrated by the Galactic Federation of Light and overseen by Archangels.

Followers who were "Chosen Ones" or "special" were told that they would be picked up by the GFOL and taken off-planet to a version of Paradise somewhere, others were told to simply lie down as the Solstice approached because the massive instant changes would affect their physical bodies. The biblical phrase of "Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left" was the much-quoted explanation for being specially chosen to be whisked away. I knew of and about many who had "put their affairs in order" (including selling their homes, leaving families, quitting jobs, spending/donating their savings, maxing out credit cards etc) in preparation for being "specially chosen". Solstice came and went, nothing happened, no one was "picked up", people still needed to feed themselves, require shelter, pay bills, resolve outstanding issues.

It was a tragic mess. 

I had also believed some of all that spiritual-psyop gibberish, but thankfully only the parts that there would be a major transformation for the better come 2013, especially in the medical and financial fields so that poverty and sickness will be eradicated completely and permanently, and the promise of an improved quality of Life that so many of us needed. I guess you could say I should be grateful I wasn't one of the Chosen Ones? There's more to expand about this but I'm digressing, so that will be a topic for another day.

While none of what was deceptively set-up loudly touted throughout 2012 happened, there was a more quiet transformation that was occurring. Our Planet as well as quite a number of people were going through a major internal transformation. There was no going back ~ people were becoming spiritually aware in large numbers, many esoteric words and concepts (meditation, crystals, incense, smudging, yoga, energy healing, frequency, solfeggio etc) made their way into the mainstream arena. It was like a new layer of existence had been revealed to the Collective Consciousness. Or more accurately, the Collective Consciousness was able to perceive a new layer of existence.

After a few days following December Solstice 2012, I "saw" a vision where Earth Mum was safely "received" by Cosmic Forces and taking a very much long-overdue rest in a safe environment under Divine protection. The actual image I received was the personification of Earth Mum as a gorgeous magnificent lady shrouded in light-gold, curled up safe and sound in some type of resting area. Her time of healing was beginning.

I didn't know at that time but have in recent times learnt that 2012 was a year where she anchored into the Krystal River Fail-Safe Host. 

So how does this year feel like 2012?

I believe that many have gone through another immense internal transformation, a shift so major that it's like another Spiritual Awakening, one that takes on a whole new meaning and interpretation, almost like evolving into another identity where our perception of Life around and within us transforms yet again.

As for Earth Mum, it's more obvious in the sense that we already know she's going through a very significant and crucial internal "procedure" that will change her forever ~ the separation of her inorganic timeline and the dissolution of her metatronic seed atom. It's a massive inner shift for her and signifies another major phase of healing she will be going through.

2024 also feels like 2012 in the sense that reality appears quite nebulous ~ it's like we're here but not here, most days have a dream-like quality, the physical realm feels un-real, there's a general vagueness about something we feel we should know but we don't. There's also the strong sense that we're breaking off from "something", similar to what I saw back in 2012 ~ that we had successfully broken free from a Time-loop. With what we know, this is probably the snapping off of the Inorganic Timeline.

The final way in which this is like 2012 Redux is the "Saviour Agenda" hurrah being trumpeted all over again, this time with Trump (T) leading the charge, anointed by Jesus and God, backed by GFOL/Space Force and cheered on robustly by the masses. But let's go back to 2017 first, when the T-version of the "Saviour Agenda" first surfaced....

....Then 2017

I just made myself a huge cup of Earl Grey tea before starting this part ~ Bergamot is said to improve mood and well-being 😆 So let's continue....

The Spiritual debacle of 2012 left me confused and lost. How did so many Wayshowers get it so wrong? Then gradually the "excuses" trickled in, with "Humanity wasn't ready" being the main one. I should have exited most of the Spiritual movement then but I didn't ~ it would take me a few more years before that happened, but I did become more discerning and less trusting of the Spiritual movement, slowly allowing myself to accept that many were representing false light, likely unknowingly on a conscious level. At that time, I hadn't yet learnt of the Anunnaki-Spiritual and Draco-Truther/Ufology connections.

Fast forward to 2016. Leading up to that year's (s)election, it was already apparent that several parties in the Spiritual sector were openly rooting for T and his many promises, fortified by endorsements from "Galactic sources/GFOL", endorsed with blessings bestowed by God, Jesus and Archangels. He was most definitely The Chosen One.

2017 saw the birth of the T-Q partnership which effectively elevated T's influence even more, rapidly infiltrating mass consciousness in both the US as well as outside. In a matter of days, this psyop had firmly gripped the psyche of its followers, splitting the Collective Consciousness and pitting the two sides against each other. 

The T-Q fervour subsided somewhat during the health agenda years. It never went away ~ it was simmering steadily just slightly off-stage, waiting for the right moment to be reintroduced back into the limelight.

Come 2024 and it's like 2017 all over again with a jubilant revival of a T-era following a refreshed re-(s)election. The Saviour Agenda with its numerous promises is back in full force, this time with readded highlights of sweeping changes to the medical system. (I'm still wondering how people forgot T's involvement in Big Pharma and Operation WarpSpeed....🤔)

And oh, last but not least, an additional layer of reinforcement for the latest Saviour Agenda....the support of the world's richest person. It wants for nothing more.

Image Source

Didn't get to save the world during T1 term but in this T2 term, we'll get it done!

2024 has been quite a year on all fronts imaginable. (I know, that's an understatement for sure.) Based on the 2012/2017 dynamics alone, it makes for an intriguing observation of the drama playing out. The lines have blurred between the Spiritual and Truther/Ufology communities, with the former having more Wayshowers supporting the Saviour Agenda than in 2017. 

Ancient enemies can make for convenient frenemies.

Many are now back in the 2012 mode of waiting for "The Shift" ~ the soon-to-be-here "Golden Age" courtesy of The Saviour, The Chosen One.

(Interesting that this is similar to 2012-Saviour Agenda's "Golden Age of Gaia".)

I know of people who are already champing at the bit for the rollout of med-beds,  currency revaluation, debt jubilee, Nesara/Gesara (I first heard of this 25 years ago and again, that's a topic for another day) and all good things under our Sun. It's back to 2012, but this time with the added carrot (karat?) of a crytocurrency boom.

I will continue in what I hope will be the final part.

Namarie! 💜

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