Showing posts with label birth certificate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birth certificate. Show all posts

16 December 2024

Global Intelligence Agency Report: 15 November 2024 ~ Kim Goguen & Living By Numbers ~ New Musik (1979)

*Edit: Forgot to state that the birth certificate information starts at about 45-minute mark, but a lot of what comes before is relevant as well.

For a long time now, there have been numerous sources who have identified the birth certificate as the instrument that "legally" bound and enslaved the individual to the control system. Basically, many have described it as an official document that serves like a "receipt", akin to the system saying "I'm now issuing a ticket that allows you to exist in my realm and oh by the way I also own you." Some have added that the birth certificate acts like a collateral for governments to be issued loans by the financial system.

Those are the two main things I have gathered from my past research. Logical, yes. But I was unable to find anyone who could provide more details on how this actually works (apart from some wild claims that didn't make sense) and after long while, gave up on needing to know.

Until about a month ago, that is. In the Global Intelligence Agency Report (formerly "World Situation Report") dated 15 November 2024, Kim Goguen takes us through the entire process of what happens to an individual from birth through the medium of a birth certificate. It is explained clearly and concisely, and after such a long time I now finally understand how it works ~ it makes perfect sense. 

And makes me incensed!!! When I didn't know the details before, I was just slightly aghast at the concept of the birth certificate as a debt/slavery instrument. It was yet another means for the control system to "legalise" their "ownership" over Humanity, so what else is new? However, after learning from Kim how it all works,  their diabolical deceit and utter callousness is nothing short of astounding. We are truly nothing more than batteries and chattels to them. Yes, I should know better by now than to be incredulous at what they do, and this is really not as bad as all the heinous rituals, satanic stuff and agendas to maim us that they get up to. I guess what infuriates me is that they can take something as seemingly innocent as a birth certificate and turn it into something evil every step of the way.

OK rant over.

My question now is, was the birth certificate originally meant to be a benevolent instrument to "raise" an individual? Was it supposed to qualify (and quantify) "rights" to an individual born on the Planet? Or was it just a mere official document to grant ownership to the control system in a more benign manner?

For those interested, please follow Kim's report here. From what I know, these reports are posted on yt for public access a week after they are published by United Network News, but available immediately for subscribers via app and website.

Of course Kim covers other topics as well in the report, but for the purpose of this post, I'm only highlighting the part about the birth certificate. And as always, please use your own Higher Guidance as to whether this resource resonates with you.

I'm also repeating that I only follow the intel information and not the spiritual aspects of Kim's reports.

Finally, New Musik's Living By Numbers that was released in 1979....that's 45 years ago! Prophetic.

Namarie! 💖 

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