21 October 2023

Objects Near Our Sun ~ Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

These are massive! There are more photos at the link given above, taken from the 20 October feed.

Gregorio has also posted this:

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

....and again, more photos at the link given. These ones are from 14 & 15 October 2023.

Solar Activity

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

After a prolonged bout of the "heartbeat" type of reading (image below), the Solar Flare chart returned to registering the more-usual activity on 16 October 2023 (image above). Interestingly, the "heartbeat" reading started on 1 September, lasting for exactly 1.5 months. Although I can't be completely certain, this "heartbeat" reading could be the longest session that I can remember ever since I started tracking Solar activity some years back.

"Heartbeat" ~ Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun


We just had a minor geomagnetic storm....

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

....and we had this CME, with maximum velocity of 1005 km/sec....


This, from EarthSky:

"Sun activity for October 20-21, 2023. This animation shows a filament eruption from earlier today (at 00:24 UTC on October 21) and then a prominence eruption off the southwest limb (edge) at 8 UTC on October 21. Filaments and prominences are the same thing. They’re both ropes of solar material and magnetic fields, arcing up from the visible surface of the sun. But we see filaments on the sun’s disk, and prominences leaping out from the sun’s edge, many times larger than Earth!"

The full article is here.

19 October 2023

In the Name of Peace ~ Matt Kahn ~ 11 October 2023

With global waning interest in "The Bear" region, diminishing tolerance and draining resources, the ever-glowing embers of the age-old manipulated religious sparring partners were ignited to keep the war machine going. As always, innocent precious lives are lost or disrupted, with chaos ensuing in both countries.

Only with sufficient awareness of the control system will Humanity be moved to stand in its Collective Consciousness & Sovereignty, and reject all the agendas they are now desperately implementing everywhere.

This beautiful and relevant message from Matt Kahn is inspiring and given from the higher perspective of Ascension, which is so needed right now. He explains the situation in more detail using the Victim-Victimiser framework.

What is interesting is his mention of the "breaking point" but then again I do not follow his work regularly so it could be something he has brought up before without my knowledge. (Because the "breaking point" is said to start at the Planetary level's physical realm next month! More on this in later posts.)

Matt also includes a karmic clearing exercise in the video, please use your own guidance in this respect.

Here's the link to the video.

Let's do what we can to call in Divine Light & Divine Love for the entire world.

Namarie! 💛

10 October 2023

Planetary & Biological Activations, Magnetosphere & Van Allen Belt ~ E'Asha Ashayana ~ KDDL1 2014

A very short video clip from E'Asha Ashayana to explain a bit about Planetary activations (happening continuously now), the inorganic Magnetosphere and Van Allen Belt.

And to think we are schooled to believe these structures protect us. The extent to which we have been deceived is beyond normal comprehension. 

In this Ascension Cycle, our Planet and affected sectors of the Cosmos are healing from all the distortions and mutations that they have endured over the very long passage of Time. So too are their biological Lifeforms.

And as our Planet regains her Corona (full Plasma restoration), so too will we!  (Several years ago, a couple of sources ~ can't remember who now ~ have brought forth information that our Planet will eventually become a Star again, as she once was before she fell in density. It's about our Planet regaining her Corona.)

E'Asha Ashayana's website is here:

Namarie! 💙

08 October 2023

In Plain Public Sight....

Sightings have become a regular thing now. This intriguing one (with scout ships?) was posted by someone in a group chat. Looks Plasma-ish.

Video below:

07 October 2023

The Heart of Integration ~ Matt Kahn

Matt Khan

This is such an enlightening perspective of the deep integration process we are going through, that I wrote about earlier.

04 October 2023

When You Need Reminding....

While getting supplies in a mall, I heard She Drives Me Crazy riffing out of the public speakers. Out of habit, my mind automatically thought of the band performing the song....and I couldn't remember. I could see the lead singer's face in my mind, but couldn't place the name. Bronski Beat? UB40?

I made a mental note to check once I was done with my other errands, and had my hands free. 

A half-hour later, errands done, I headed for home and forgot about the song. It had been a long day of literally running around and I just wanted to be back home. 

At the red traffic light, I was behind this vehicle.... 😂 so I guess a check was called for.

Here's Fine Young Cannibals singing She Drives Me Crazy.

Thanks, Synchronicity! 😇

Namarie! 💗

Solar Activity & SR

Laboratory of Solar Astronomy, SRI RAS A quick update about that reverse-spike/heartbeat Solar activity ~ it lasted just 48 hours (27 & ...