10 September 2023

Choice-Points Energies & Balancing ~ Sandra Walter ~ 8 September 2023

Sandra Walter also speaks about the on-going "sorting" process or "choice-points", what I call "sub-Timelines". Although Sandra provides helpful guidance here, what caught my attention was the mention of "Ascension of Water":

The Ascension of Water and The Mother Plasma

Water, Crystalline Plasma, Starwater, and new plasma flows are activating their true role in the organic Ascension. This Cosmic presence is a sentient cocreator for the brand new consciousness. ⁠We unify with this Divine expression to reveal the returning force of Mother Plasma, a supreme level of LoveLight Intelligence.⁠ (
Please read the full article here)
This is exactly what I've been getting for the past couple of weeks, and I was both surprised and very glad to see it being highlighted by Sandra. I have no idea what details she's going to bring forward as I'm not attending her conference, but I do hope that she will at least write or talk about it on her sites in the very near future. The only data I have is that the Water Element has begun the rehabilitation and purification process, and like our Ascension, this will be very much accelerated. On the physical front, I feel a subtle but distinct change in how Water tastes and "feels".

Of course, ALL five Elements ~ Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Ether ~ will be healed and brought back to their Divine Organic States, as they were always meant to be (and more!), so this isn't exactly a ground-breaking topic. However, it was ONLY the Water Element being healed (or "ascended", as Sandra puts it accurately) that I was getting, not the other Elements....yet.

I'm certainly looking forward to more details coming in!

As an aside, there's this post (here) where I mentioned Crystalai's writings several years ago about the Water Element and the molecular formula H3O2 ~ I have since come across some very brief mentions of more complex formulae but with no adequate details.
As another aside, it's interesting that Avatar 2 is called The Way of Water.

09 September 2023

Time of Purification & Accelerated Timeline ~ Mary Allison ~ 22 & 30 August 2023

Two messages from Mary Allison as expressed from her perspective ~ both are about this accelerated Ascension Cycle that we are in. I appreciate the different angles from which different sources interpret this Cosmic historical period as it serves to expand my own viewpoint.

The first message uses the analogy of water purification and the "separation" process, which I call "sub-Timelines":

We were born at a time of purification.
When water is purified, all impure sediments pass through filters to be separated from the pure water.

Please proceed here to read the rest.

In the second message, Mary Allison describes the accelerated process that's been unfolding, and explains the karmic feedback in a way that I believe allows more space for reflection for those who would normally dismiss the notion of "karma". There's much that she covers in this message, which is insightful and beautifully expressed. An excerpt follows, here's the full article:

The Earth and human consciousness have chosen to speed up their course trajectory via a timeline jump. This emerges from a collective (subconscious) decision between the earth, humankind, and all organisms present, to move faster towards a destined point of inner and outer metamorphosis. 
Karmic retribution is increasing in terms of timing. This means any "out-of-alignment" decisions not forged from the purity of one's heart, set off a chain of instant karmic (reflective) feedback. When a timeline jump occurs, past attempts at stagnation, or delaying of a lesson, are overridden as cosmological forces have been given permission to speed up the force of growth for all who remain interconnected in this reality.

07 September 2023

Daily Clearing


Just recently, I posted a video from A'sha Love where she talks about Spiritual/Psychic Hygiene. This is one of my daily clearing exercise, for anyone interested. Perhaps it can provide an idea of how you can set up a daily routine for Spiritual cleansing and clearing.

Namarie! 💙

06 September 2023

SR & Solar Activity

Laboratory of X-ray astronomy of the Sun

What a weekend it's been, hey.... There were geomagnetic storms happening as well as these unusual readings (below) that have appeared before but I have yet to come across anyone with a viable explanation. Those dips seem to be occurring periodically over a 24-hour time period, beginning on 1 September 2023.

Laboratory of X-ray astronomy of the Sun

And this stripey thing has also commenced with the SR ~ again, it's happened before but no viable explanation yet.

Space Observing System

What You Seek Is Seeking You ~ Rumi & Buddha Doodles

Buddha Doodles


05 September 2023

Inner Magic & Joy ~ A'sha Love ~ 2&3 September 2023

Two videos from A'sha Love which I feel are related to each other.

Although the first one about Inner Magic is about A'sha's courses, what she shares about her own experience is beneficial for all who wish to focus on their Spiritual growth and hence, their Ascension process. Authentic Spiritual growth cannot happen without Spiritual hygiene, something that many of us tend to forget or underestimate its relevance and importance. A'sha compares Spiritual hygiene to clutter in one's home. Just like dirty messy home cannot impart a true sense of peace and comfort, likewise poor Spiritual hygiene where we allow energies that are not conducive to Spiritual health to invade our fields.

A'sha also speaks a bit about Spiritual ego (the elitism that's quite rampant in many Spiritual circles right now as well as social media programming) ~ the "I'm special" consciousness trap. She goes on to talk about being aware that much of what we are carrying (energetically) isn't even ours.

We're able to more easily access our Spiritual Mojo when we've cleaned and cleared the path to our inner temple.

Please note that I have not taken A'sha's courses and this isn't a suggestion to do so. I'm posting this video because it has great advice and guidance for those intending to progress on their Spiritual path.

Please head over here for the video.


In the second video, A'sha explains how Joy is a fundamental asset in moving forward and becoming our True Self. She has much more than this to say, of course, so please watch the video here.

Let's crank up that Joy factor!

03 September 2023

Healing Attunement ~ The Guides Through Paul Selig ~ 31 August 2023


Text from Empath1111

Attunement of the Day - August 31, 2023
When we work with frequency, we are bypassing time, as you understand it.
So if you were traumatized at the age of two, you can go back to that time and state this intention:
"I am Word through the knowing of myself as safe and perfect and I am healed in this moment of that which occurred.
I am Word through this knowing of myself as healed.
Word I am Word through this intention.
Word I am Word."
The Guides through Paul Selig
The Book of Love and Creation, Chapter 16, Healing and Christ Consciousness


02 September 2023

Falling Apart....Or Falling Into Place? ~ Matt Kahn ~ 31 August 2023

Matt Kahn

Sometimes, we need to go through a de-construction before we can re-construct. 

In this time of Ascension that we are in, we are required to be our Authentic Self, nothing less. This can mean that if what we had constructed for ourselves ~ persona, lifestyle, mindset etc ~ did not align with our Authenticity, then rebuilding needs to happen. 

And sometimes, a shift in perspective is all it takes to turn things around.

Comet ATLAS C/2024 G3

SpaceWeather It's another ATLAS Comet, this one is named C/2024 G3. From the footage above, we see our Sun beaming generously into the d...