21 May 2023

The Consciousness of Water ~ Veda Austin ~ 15 May 2023

Veda Austin

This post from Veda Austin is such a beautiful testimony to the legacy of Dr Masaru Emoto, even if she isn't aware of his work with water crystals. It's a great reminder yet again for us to be cognizant of the sentience of our Elementals, including Ether. 

Much of the Creation template here is distorted at the moment ~ but undergoing healing, like everything else! ~ so all the more pertinent to help their Consciousness through Love in its various forms.

From Veda Austin:

This is perhaps one of the most important things I’ve learnt from water:
Tap water is very interesting, and has taught me a lot. Although its organic patterns are disordered, it remains very sensitive and responsive to consciousness. This often surprises people because tap water has such a bad rap. It would be easy to assume that the chemicals and heavy metals found in the municipal system would block any signal, so to speak. 
However, I've seen the signature patterns of tap water improve significantly, simply by lovingly holding it to my heartbeat for a minute. What's even more interesting, is that there is a structural change, but not a chemical one. So what are these structures actually showing us? A water analysis gives us a list of what water holds, but it doesn't tell us anything about the water itself.

Please continue here for the rest of the article.

20 May 2023

Solar Activity 🌣

Solar Observer

Holy Fires of Solara! 🔥🔥🔥 Solar activity has been relentless this month, and that's putting it mildly. Although much of the action has not been Earth-facing, we're still getting our fair share of heat. Literally and metaphorically. 

I haven't been able to post earlier, but there was an M9.4-class flare on the 16th as well as many other smaller flares which are still on-going ~ 30+ and counting in just the past two days.


And it's currently stormy:


It will get windy towards the 23rd:

Space Weather Prediction Centre

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol has posted several eye-popping graphics of our Sun's activity over the past few days, so please head over to his fb page if interested.

16 May 2023

Let Go & Allow ~ Caroline Myss

Caroline Myss

"Just let go. 
Let go of how you thought your life should be, and embrace the life that is trying to work its way into your consciousness." 
 Caroline Myss

15 May 2023

Birth of a New Cosmic Force in the Collective ~ Sandra Walter ~ 11 May 2023

Sandra Walter

May has been merciless in terms of how the energies are affecting the Mental & Emotional realms, and as indicated in previous postings (eg. It's Mental, It's Emotional), this Mental/Emotional phase is the current focus and will be for some time to come.

During such intense periods ~ which seems to be every day of 2023 so far ~ some energetic support is always appreciated, so for those in need, here are some wise words of encouragement from Sandra Walter as well as a much-needed decree (image above). Sandra also emphasises the Mental-Emotional and talks about some frequency "jumps" and "leaps", similar to what I was feeling would be an impending significant and abrupt shift. I actually believe it hasn't happened yet, and that what's occurring now is still the prep stage.

Here's the wind-beneath-the-wings message from Sandra:

Blessings Beloveds ~
Strong Cosmic forces continue to intermingle in our Crystalline Hearts, Fields, and activated DNA. Leaps in vibration and trajectories are unfolding, including another shift in our collective experience before Solstice.
All has shifted again, and will continue to accelerate, with this widespread recalibration of the Crystalline Heart, Crystalline DNA, and Unity Consciousness.
I know how challenging it can be for Wayshowers in this Now. We temper the importance of this passage with compassion and patience, knowing the widespread transcendent experiences are transforming realities moment by moment. Revelation through Grace rather than sensationalism.

Please continue reading here.

10 May 2023

Solar Activity 🔆

Our beautiful Sun is going through a very busy phase ~ some highlights of recent (and on-going) activity....

The Magnetosphere today ~ Pressure (click link for live data):


It reached speeds of 600 km/second:


M6.5 flare on 9 May 2023 and radio blackout region:

Solar Observer


CME that swept through on 7 May 2023:

Solar Observer

Plasma dump coming up:


Firing, fiery.....

....and flaring:



(And thank you for being accessible again, Tesis!)

09 May 2023

The Weekend That Was

This past weekend was one that was best manoeuvred with as little activity as possible, to put it mildly. It felt like wading through a mud-pool without a bottom, so all you can do is sort of tread water mud and allow the limited propulsion that this unwieldy action generates to slowly push you over to solid land. I could say that it was a personal experience but I feel quite certain that it's not the case, even though I have only heard from one person so far that it was rough and I haven't yet been able to check with anyone else.

I should correct myself and clarify that it really started on Friday, when all I could do was to keep breathing and get through the day with something that felt like migraine, except it wasn't. I won't sugar-coat, it was horrible. When I finally cajoled my eyes to cooperate, I checked for the usual Solar-atmospheric activity and yes, there was some development in those areas which I will detail in the next post.

However, it felt very strongly that this wasn't just coping with an increased onslaught of celestial stuff ~ it was something else at play, giving off the yucky-muck energy smog. The best way for me to describe it without being sure of any details is that it felt like under-currents of churning negative energy. It even felt like Earth Mum herself had to push through this particular phase. There's the sense of some major incursion and the resulting counterforce.

It got progressively better over the weekend and Monday was when it felt so much clearer in terms of frequency.

And yes, it's not lost on me that Friday was the full moon as well as the Lunar Eclipse.... perfect for launching desperate dark shenanigans. Hopefully all futile and in total vain, ultimately.

Namarie! 💚

05 May 2023

Our Natural Solar System ~ E'Asha Ashayana

via https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/583491815

This diagram took me a long time to locate online, so due credit to the website owner who posted it (note that this diagram belongs to E'Asha Ashayana and not the website owner).

I was researching the orbits of Nibiru (3000+ year orbit) and Chiron, and remember seeing a graph not too long ago that showed our true Solar System. I did find one but it was a small part of a much larger diagram, so the resolution wasn't great. I was glad to finally find this one above.

If we remember that all but one of the "publicly known" Planets in our Solar System have been knocked off their natural axial alignment, that means there's much to do in remedying their tilts over the course of this Ascension cycle.

I do not know if Nibiru and Chiron also have impacted axial tilts, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if they did, bearing in mind how much damage has been inflicted upon this Solar System over the ages.

And if I remember correctly, our long-suffering Planet not only has a 23.5-degree tilt, but it's also turned 180-degrees (pole-shift), making it a total of 203.5-degrees off-kilter. No words.....😔

12 Planets, 12-base strands DNA, 12 manifested dimensions, 12-node Tree of Life, 12 Planetary Stargates, original 12-digit Human Template, 12 Rays....time to brush up on my 12-times table.

Namarie! 💛

03 May 2023

Solar Burst @1 May 2023

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

That was quite a burst of fiery energy! Recorded on 1 May 2023.

Earth-facing or not, sensitives are surely feeling it. 

Comet ATLAS C/2024 G3

SpaceWeather It's another ATLAS Comet, this one is named C/2024 G3. From the footage above, we see our Sun beaming generously into the d...