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You Are Another Me |
Or, Divine Will..... 😁
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Solar Observer |
It was only on the 29th that I found out an X-class flare had erupted just hours earlier ~ its preceding build-up effect must have been the compounding factor for the intensified mental/emotional turmoil. I had also received some feedback about the situation ~ some were feeling riled up for no apparent reason, some had to deal with angry and/or unreasonable people in their circle, and some were so exhausted they couldn't do anything much.
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Solar Observer |
This X-class flare was followed by an M-class flare the next day....
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Solar Observer |
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SpaceWeatherLive |
....and Solar Winds are here....
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Space Weather |
It feels much better for now....and I'm definitely grateful for this breather. In my earlier post, I had mentioned hand-holding and Lightwork to help with stability ~ I'm actually thinking that we are also the lightning rods to help transduce and disperse these massive energy spikes.
A nagging feeling that I've been having is that all this building up of intensity and pressure is necessary for the final breakpoint of the Bifurcation. How that would look like is a question that hasn't yet been adequately answered at this point in time. What I will say about that for now is....let's just get it over and done with!
And with that, Namarie! 😊💙
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Veda Austin |
Please visit Veda's site here to read more about her work.
What I wanted to feature is the article Veda wrote, expressing her thoughts about Water and its healing ability:
CMEs, Solar Flares, Geomagnetic storms and more..... add all this and their impact to an already potent mix of Cosmic energies brewing in the Planetary pressure cooker, and we get a Humanity stewing in a potion that is simultaneously purging and activating the masses. All at an accelerated pace, as is the function of a pressure cooker.
I realised a couple of weeks ago that in this current "phase", both the Mental and Emotional bodies are being worked on at the Collective level. And we know what this means, and how volatile the outcome can be in situations where there is much to clear and cleanse. The analogy would be water flowing across a path ~ how smoothly it can flow would depend on how free the path is from blockages or obstacles. The general situation with the Collective's Mental and Emotional bodies is....challenging. It's like having a mirror shoved to the front of your face and being forced to look at it so that one can be aware of what's really true and what's not.
This gets personal. This phase isn't about how the control system has deceived us, it's about how we have deceived ourselves. It's the next evolutionary step for personal growth.... to be aware of, acknowledge and accept what's not true in our lives. This is about recognising what belief systems we have bred that misdirect us, how we have distorted our perceptions by adopting thought-patterns that do not serve us, the escapism mechanisms we inculcate to avoid inner healing, the habitual blaming to deflect personal responsibility over our own thoughts-words-deeds.
I think this phase will go on for quite a long period of time. From what I can tell so far, it's been really rough for Sensitives with all the flotsam and jetsam that's being spewed by the Collective Consciousness as it does its best to navigate this phase. Compound it with all that our Sun's going through! Cave-time for Sensitives is an absolute necessity as this would not only be an opportunity for self-preservation but also for Lightwork to energetically help stabilise the situation. I also feel that there is a need to energetically hand-hold the Collective through this phase, but precautions must be taken to avoid getting entangled.
There are so many mini- and not-so-mini Shifts constantly occurring, I can no longer keep track of them. It is what it is, and that's just fine 😇
Namarie! 💙
The clip above comes from The Sun Today ~ those CMEs are much bigger than our Sun itself!
Then there was this geomagnetic storm outburst....
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SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Forecasters completely missed this one. On March 23-24, auroras spread into the United States as far south as Colorado and New Mexico during a severe (category G4) geomagnetic storm--the most intense in nearly 6 years. The cause of the storm is still unclear; it may have been the ripple effect of a near-miss CME on March 23rd.
*from SpaceWeather
Whether it's Earth-facing, near-miss or at the opposite end, we will still be affected in some way. I'm certain Sensitives feel the high activity whenever it occurs, no matter which location its origin is on our Sun.
It's been quite a volatile week in more ways than one, with effects being painfully visible in the external world. Alone-time is no longer a solution, it's a pre-requisite.
To read Mary's writing, please visit her site ~ the following is an excerpt:
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Thanks to Solar Observer, I can generally keep track of some Solar activity without having to go all over the place for information. There has been so much attention on our Sun this year because of all that's occurring, including some really wild moments.
I'll post some highlights here from Solar Observer but please go through the site itself for more resources and information.
X2.1-Class Solar Flare on 3 March 2023
Huge prominence eruption behind the southeast limb 15 March 2023
Prominence eruption on Sun´s north pole 18 March
Huge filament eruption on the southwest limb 19 March 2023
60,000-mile-high Plasma waterfall.
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Rise Reconnection |
Create future memories now, and you can direct the path of your evolution from your present moment in time.
Your moment of power is always in the present, when you realise that your present focus of attention can alter and direct events in both past and future, and within the present.
Laboratory of Solar Astronomy, SRI RAS A quick update about that reverse-spike/heartbeat Solar activity ~ it lasted just 48 hours (27 & ...