20 February 2023

Secret Intelligence of Water ~ Veda Austin

Veda Austin

It's just been a couple of months since someone introduced me to Veda Austin's incredible work with Water. She's expanded upon Dr Masaru Emoto's legacy and opened up an entire chapter on Water Magic.

Recently, Veda featured photos that depicted the stages of what this element went through when exposed to five-gee for 15 minutes. While I expected the crystalline structure to degenerate into something gross after exposure, I definitely was hugely surprised to see the signs of recovery and rejuvenation ~ this is indeed most encouraging! That just adds yet another notch to the immensely amazing properties of Water, which is still largely unknown and mysterious even in Spiritual communities.

I will copy her entire article below as Veda has mentioned that her posts have been taken down before ~  here's the link to her fb page.

If you scroll through her account, you'll see photos of Water being influenced by its environment. This fact was clearly demonstrated by Dr Emoto in his work. However, Veda and her students are able to demonstrate how Water mirrors through pictorial crystallisations, objects around it. An example ~ this is what resulted when water from a bird-bath was frozen using Veda's technique. The last to use the bath was a blackbird.

Veda Austin

And here, the person was just thinking about the snail when she was freezing the water:
Veda Austin
Hopefully this won’t get taken down like it did a year or so ago with no explanation. 
Top left, is the crystallography of spring water. Top right is the same spring water after being directly exposed to a five g tower for 15mins. 
For the following photos, using the same water sample, I let the ice melt and re freeze over the course of a couple of days…in order of left to right. 
You can see that the photo middle right, has begun to make a change in pattern, which seems to be the catalyst for the spring waters natural patterns to return.
I think it’s important to see that water doesn’t ‘die’, when it is exposed in this way…but rather we are seeing a response. That first response is like a shock, and there is a thickening and darkening of the ice. It’s like a protective wall. 
What’s so encouraging is that the water has the ability to structurally recover, and remember it’s original blueprint patterns. 

Namarie! ๐Ÿ’™

19 February 2023

Solar Activity & (What's Not Going On) SR

Solar Observer

We've had two X-class flares within a week, and yep we're feeling it alright, based on feedback from others as well as my own experience. 

Look at the expected spread of this Earth-facing CME from the recent flare! 

Areas affected by the resultant radio blackout:
Solar Observer


Now we take a look at what's going on with the SR. Or more precisely, what's NOT going on. As mentioned before, I've never seen such prolonged periods of near-nil-activity since I first started tracking the SR in 2016. Given that our Planet is well on track in her Ascension process and is inexorably accreting frequency ~ no matter what ~ I have great doubt as to what's being shown in the charts. There's also been quite a number of blackouts (or no readings, be it due to equipment malfunction or otherwise) in the past few months. On most days, it's a sea of blue:

Space Observing System

I'm inclined to suspect that there's something odd about this. While our Planet and Humanity are being laser-bombed with all the Divine Light they can throw at us, I can't imagine there being no effect on the SR for such long periods of time.  Bearing in mind that 7.8 Hz is a distorted diminished pulse that the system planned for us to believe is "normal and natural" and therefore we cannot survive for long out of this range, assumptions beg to be acknowledged.

If these readings are indeed true, then my already-limited comprehension of the SR and its related factors are almost zilch. If the readings are somehow not really reflecting what's happening, then....why? I can only guess that since awareness of the rising frequency of the SR over the years has been exponentially increasing, it could be an attempt to tell us "nothing to see, nothing to get excited over, the SR people are just a bunch of conspiracy theorists!"

Or.....if the readings are accurate, could it be that they are reflecting the situation in the fallen Metatronic Spiral reality? After all, we are at the merge-split point of both Krystal and Metatronic Spirals. Ya, I know....strange at best and silly at worst ๐Ÿ˜„ Well, it shows that at least my imagination is working, even if I feel like this right now:

Namarie! ๐Ÿ’™

Year of the.....?

Sometimes we need a good meme to maintain our equilibrium in a system that's fast falling apart....

With thanks to the source, currently unable to determine.

17 February 2023

Shift to Infinite Creation ~ Sandra Walter ~ 9 February 2023

Sandra Walter gives some insight into what's unfolding as well as what to expect in the coming weeks, as well as great guidance on how to best surf these increasing frequencies.

As with all group meditations, I would ask that should you decide to participate, please do it with full awareness and protection preparation....go with your own Higher Guidance.

An excerpt from Sandra's article, which you can access in full here:

"Blessings Beloveds ~

A massive shift is anticipated before end of March. The constant jumps in frequency and light are dismantling the old structures. This amplifies our themes of revelation, death, inversion collapse, and the new way of beingness.

The new light frequencies literally change the parameters for creation, opening us to Infinite expansion – in the midst of shaking apart dense structures within and without.

Flowing with the energy Shift before Equinox

Our preparations and actions before mid-March affect how we will experience the dramatic changes this year.

Last year’s widespread direct reconnection to the I AM Presence created a collective container for a new experience. Remember when Gaia said embodiment would change everything? Here we glow dear hearts, unified in the Infinite Kryst frequency, walking into a new realm.

The shifts in February-March change our perception; we see more, feel more, and the old realms drop out of our realities. This makes the Now – when timelines are dropping rapidly – very powerful, fertile soil for the New beingness."

Please continue here.


Sky Shenanigans

Who knew then, that exactly 40 years later, this global chart-topper would  depict what's been happening....

The story morphed from balloons into UFOs which then morphed into potential (fake/hologram) alien invasion scenarios. And if Wernher von Braun's information is authentic, then this is the dark's final card to play. 

Having said that, it's interesting to note the sudden change in rhetoric as officials downplay the events. Whether this is related to the dwindling numbers of order-givers as per Kim Goguen's update and the general decline of the system, remains to be seen.

Nena's song in German (released 1983)

Nena's song in English (released 1984)


07 February 2023

SR @12:00 AM GMT, 6 February 2023

Space Observing System

That unusual reading occurred at around the same time as the devastating earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria (1:00 AM GMT). It's also the time of the Full Moon, which the dark loves to use for their agendas. Based on the latest update from Kim Goguen, this earthquake was triggered by mechanics of the dark.

(The image above shows my local time, GMT+8 ~ when you access the website, you will see your own local time.)

Two days prior to the earthquake, the anxiety in the collective field starting to build ~ the sense of dread was strong. It was uncomfortable and unsettling, but I had assumed that I was feeling into what the collective was going through. That something like this was brewing never crossed my mind.

As I write this, a quick check tells me the death toll has now surpassed 5000 and is expected to rise even more. 

Sending much Divine Light and Divine Love over to all impacted by this tragedy. Lightwork time, Beautiful Souls!

02 February 2023

Comet ZTF C/2022 E3

Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) as photographed by Miguel Claro in Portugal. (Image credit: Miguel Claro)

This gorgeous green Comet carries with it so many messages (and codes?)....  If I were a Comet Whisperer, I'm sure I would be busy transcribing its ancient records and learning so much from them. Said to be last in this vicinity 50,000 years ago, I can only imagine the places and spaces it has been and seen in all that time.

The first month of 2023 is barely over, and we've already been presented with such an eventful watch heaven-wards. Our Sun (and near-Sun activities), Comets, strange skies, the ever-increasing weather anomalies and aerial activity from supposedly "unidentified" objects that defy "official" laws of gravity and physics. And let's not even talk about all the crazy that's unfolding on the world-stage.... ๐Ÿ™„ Well, at least we were cautioned about it way before we got here, but its severity (and insanity) is still shocking to the sense that's supposed to be common.

Moving along.... 

Here's something from Space.com about Comet C/2022. There are more articles in this website about this comet, access them through the search box provided.

Spaceweather.com also carried some information, replete with a photo of C/2022 in full splendour.

"There is a strong curved dust tail, a long blue ion tail, and a vivid green coma,"says photographer Michael Jaeger of WeiรŸenkirchen in der Wachau, Austria. "It's a beautiful comet." ~Spaceweather.com


~ via Empaths, Old Souls & Introverts

It be like that most times now.... ๐Ÿ˜

Comet ATLAS C/2024 G3

SpaceWeather It's another ATLAS Comet, this one is named C/2024 G3. From the footage above, we see our Sun beaming generously into the d...