20 February 2023

Secret Intelligence of Water ~ Veda Austin

Veda Austin

It's just been a couple of months since someone introduced me to Veda Austin's incredible work with Water. She's expanded upon Dr Masaru Emoto's legacy and opened up an entire chapter on Water Magic.

Recently, Veda featured photos that depicted the stages of what this element went through when exposed to five-gee for 15 minutes. While I expected the crystalline structure to degenerate into something gross after exposure, I definitely was hugely surprised to see the signs of recovery and rejuvenation ~ this is indeed most encouraging! That just adds yet another notch to the immensely amazing properties of Water, which is still largely unknown and mysterious even in Spiritual communities.

I will copy her entire article below as Veda has mentioned that her posts have been taken down before ~  here's the link to her fb page.

If you scroll through her account, you'll see photos of Water being influenced by its environment. This fact was clearly demonstrated by Dr Emoto in his work. However, Veda and her students are able to demonstrate how Water mirrors through pictorial crystallisations, objects around it. An example ~ this is what resulted when water from a bird-bath was frozen using Veda's technique. The last to use the bath was a blackbird.

Veda Austin

And here, the person was just thinking about the snail when she was freezing the water:
Veda Austin
Hopefully this won’t get taken down like it did a year or so ago with no explanation. 
Top left, is the crystallography of spring water. Top right is the same spring water after being directly exposed to a five g tower for 15mins. 
For the following photos, using the same water sample, I let the ice melt and re freeze over the course of a couple of days…in order of left to right. 
You can see that the photo middle right, has begun to make a change in pattern, which seems to be the catalyst for the spring waters natural patterns to return.
I think it’s important to see that water doesn’t ‘die’, when it is exposed in this way…but rather we are seeing a response. That first response is like a shock, and there is a thickening and darkening of the ice. It’s like a protective wall. 
What’s so encouraging is that the water has the ability to structurally recover, and remember it’s original blueprint patterns. 

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