03 April 2022

Solely Sol Stuff

Suspicious Observers

It won't be wrong for me to say that our beautiful Sun has taken centre-stage lately. I've been wanting to post some graphs from my good old source Tesis (which includes historical data) but the site has been down for days, so I'll have to resort to other sources.

First, let's listen to some "static" from our Sun. This is an excerpt from Spaceweather.com:

The gentle roar of static you just heard emerged from the loudspeaker of a shortwave radio receiver in New Mexico. Amateur astronomer Thomas Ashcraft recorded it. "The sun was well positioned in my radio antennas for the X1.3 solar flare," says Ashcraft. "The left channel of the audio file is 22.2 MHz, the right channel is 21.1 MHz."

Recent geomagnetic storms:

Look at the size of that filament! Suspicious 0bservers has said that it's the size of Neptune ~ for the record, 57 Earths would fit into Neptune:

The Solar Observer

You can view a clip of one of the CME's spread  here at The Solar Observer or here for those without fb.


For some spectacular visuals of what our Sun has been spewing out, please watch Suspicious observer's video here. (Notice that the prediction model of the Heliosphere is called "Enlil Spiral" πŸ™„ Which reminds of the the Vatican's telescope called "Lucifer" πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ They sure love to flaunt their "gods".... in plain sight.)

And finally, an item of interest that's not exactly about our Sun, but related to our Sun. For this, we turn to In2ThinAir's video. If you wish, you can skip to the 7:17-minute mark (link provided in video description) for the "....what just flew by the Sun" part. Here's a screenshot, the left object being the magnified version of the right-side magnified version:

My only question, as usual, is....whose is this? The fallen, or the Light?

Namaste and Bright Blessings! πŸ’—

31 March 2022

Bubbles and Flares


It's not something that anyone would like to admit, so I'll just come right out and say that the thought of sitting down to write is something that I've found very challenging in the past weeks. Words fail me, and by the time I actually finish writing a whole sentence, my thoughts are already somewhere else. This, for someone who for years has thought nothing of writing tomes, can be very disconcerting. Just two days ago, I was texting someone and wanted to use the word "distorted" but I simply could not recall it, no matter how hard I tried. All I knew then was that it started with "d". It was hours later before that word came to me πŸ™„

More of that later. At any rate, today is a good day to write, because then I can include the X-class flare that erupted (strongest this year so far) and actually brought down shortwave radio transmission on the American continents.


Here's a clip of the CME spewing out of our Sun:


I can only imagine the type and intensity of energy payload that is being delivered to us πŸ˜… Add that to the already potent mix of energies we are currently crawling vibing through....

Yes, let's get back to that.

On the 29th, I saw new geometries of Energy Codes that took me surprise. Bubbles....that's what they looked like. Masses and masses of bubbles. Try as I might to tune into something else but no, they were persistent and showed up every time. I asked for a word or some clue, but did not get anything....until much later as I went about my day. "Bubbles of Purification".
For some reason, this makes me think of that massive and intricate 900-foot Crop Circle that appreared in Milk Hill, Wiltshire in 2001. 

In February, I had mentioned the Cosmic Purification (here) that we're going through, so I'd like to think that the Bubbles of Purification represent the more physical manifestation of that process.

The energies are insanely intense and will only get stronger as the days go by. There's no going back, there's no dialling back. These energies may knock us off our feet and turn us into wobbly jello without proper coordination of limbs and with a brain seemingly made of cotton wool, but the underlying current always feels good (if we tap into it) and somehow we just know we are evolving in some way, no matter how insignificant the progress. One baby step ahead is still in the right direction.
However, the pushbacks ~ and they have been numerous ~ are downright icky and that's what made these past weeks feel like we're treading water constantly. These desperate attempts seem to get more ridiculous but that does not stop them in any way. All the more, with nothing to lose, they are going all out. So we go all out, too 😎

In an earlier post (Lead-Up to March Equinox....) I wrote about a new phase that I felt was birthing post-March Equinox. The pushbacks were wild in the days before that, and shortly after as well. In spite of all that they are throwing at Humanity, there is a growing sense of benevolence as the foundation of the New Energies continue to strengthen and solidify. On the collective front, Humanity is starting to grow in awareness ~ it is getting harder to fool the people ~ and its united voice is starting to respond with a loud NO to the control system. May this represent the turning point of Collective Consciousness that will soon see the rapid dismissal and demise of dark agendas, no matter how hard they continue to deceive us.

Finally, back to the topic of communication. As we know, language in its current form is cumbersome and sluggish in delivery compared with more original versions of language that were used before everything was dumbed down. I think we are beginning to tap into that existence where "symbol packs" carried loads of information as compared to word-for-word communication. This would be Light Language as opposed to the circular blobs used by the Heptapods in "Arrival" (I don't know why I'm bringing this up ~ especially since I don't resonate with the movie ~ but there you go....).

This will do for now, more in a few days' time.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! πŸ’š

16 March 2022

Let There Be Light!

The Solar Observer
led me to two videos from Suspicious 0bservers that piqued my interest. Readers from The Earth Plan would know that I had followed the latter for a while before I stopped due to the doomsday slant. However, this does not diminish the fact that Ben Davidson comes up with reports that provide us with a broader outlook at the world around us and beyond.

The first video "Shocking Discovery, Pole Shift Hitting Ionosphere" is here:


The part to which I'm referring is around 2:30 minutes:

How's that for proof that our Cosmos is literally lighting up with ever-increasing dosages of Divine frequencies/Plasma from Home?

The other video (here) also talks about more Light being generated in the Cosmos. At the 03:03-minute mark, there's this:

I don't want to make a big deal out of this, because it could be nothing more than just a graphic glitch, but I do want to just highlight it.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! πŸ’™

14 March 2022

The Lead-Up to March Equinox....and About 22.02.2022....

Buddha Doodles

It's taken me such a long while to get to this. Each time I plan to start on it, something or other pops up unexpectedly and a few more days pass before I again plan to write. It's been most peculiar.

Perhaps I had to wait until this recent CME burst....


And the Solar Flare chart is currently recording the "reverse-spike" pattern that we've seen now and again in the past, with this recent phase starting on 26 February:


At any rate, it's been an unsettling month thus far. Well, the entire period from 2020 has been like a living nightmare, and 2022 started off really strange, and now in March....energy-wise, it's been ______ (fill in the blank, because it's indescribable, it's hard to pin down, it's been everything from weird, surreal, "new", ancient, in limbo, expectant etc). March has been very bizarre.

I'll rewind and go back to 22 February 2022. Of course, that was also the very hyped-up palindrome date of 22.02.2022 (depending on which date format you adopt) or even the alternative format of 02.22.2022. I won't touch on the significance or symbolic resonance of that day (simply because I don't have adequate knowledge to give an opinion) but as days go, this one started off really well ~ energies were intense and high frequency, there was a general forward push Planetary-wise. Towards the end of the day in my local timezone (it would be still early in the day for later timezones), things started to feel really off. The energies became very dense and "sticky", and it wasn't long before I felt an enormous push-back from the dark. The next couple of days were not nice at all.

As we approached the end of February, the energies felt increasingly better. "Better" in the sense of how it's not so "choking" or "sticky" anymore, but still a lot of interferences.

Just before I felt the first wave of push-back, I had sensed a distinct "break" of some sort. Seriously, the most accurate way of describing it would be, "I felt a great disturbance in the Force".

It went dark after that for quite a while before making a recovery. There's still a very strong resistance to all the Cosmic energies coming in, but much better than the period following 22 February.

This block of time that we are currently in right now makes me think that it's a sort of lead-up to the next phase. Not "the next shift in energies", but "the next phase". How I see this Ascension process is like this: we're going through energetic and Timeline shifts all the time, and they are becoming more regular with shorter intervals in-between. Then there's the "phase", where one phase has many shifts. So to me, a phase is quite a major thing ~ it's like a new chapter or a new landscape/backdrop. Something quite different. I'm guessing that our experiences of the outer reality (and inner!) will be largely new terrain through which we will navigate.

The milestone of this lead-up looks like it's going to be the March Equinox.

For the time being, we are going through a wonky wobbly period, much like the confusion and chaos and clanking that sometimes occur whenever a backdrop is changed on stage and props are being shuffled around. This is evident from all that's conspiring on the world stage and what Humanity is going through as a collective.

Things make perfect sense, things make no sense. We are energetically here, there, everywhere, nowhere. Old issues are resurfacing for deeper layers of releasing. New issues are manifesting and calling for our attention so we can see it clearly and realise that they are actually different "versions" of old issues that desperately require clearing. Body feels like it's falling apart, and yet at the same time it feels like it's changing from inside out....being re-made from within.

It's certainly a very busy, frenetic period and most definitely rather hard on sensitives, empaths, hermits. We need to continue strengthening our own Bubble of Life and persevere with our inner work, and yet at the same time do what we can to solidify Higher Consciousness in the outer realms and keep on calling forth New Energies to be imbued in the Morphogenetic fields.

Shine the Light, spread the Light, BE the Light.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! πŸ’“

27 February 2022

"More Love, Not Less"

Bahman Farzad

"More love, not less." Wise words indeed from Matt Kahn.

This post is a response to some of the things I've come across in Lightworker circles in the past couple of days, relating to the current conflict that erupted on the 24th of this month. This recent event has further increased the gaping chasm in our communities but it's not something that I'm writing about now, as I've addressed this topic adequately in the past. I'm just focussing on the response or reaction to the conflict.

The response from very many denote praise and applause for what is transpiring, and this is what I'm directly addressing here. Generally, the notion is that we should not do anything and just allow things to escalate. We should not impede its progress but let it reach the maximum peak so that Light Forces can step in, so this operation is justified and legitimate. Many disasters happen around the world all the time, this one is no different. Collateral damage is normalised as it is a sacrifice for the greater good. And anyway, no one really dies because our Souls are immortal.

I wish to clarify, highlight and stress that this post has nothing to do with who is the good guy and who is bad, who is with the Light and who is working for the dark, whether this is a White Hats/Positive Military operation or not, etc. This isn't even about wanting a certain outcome.

This is just about being a Human Being and therefore expressing the quality of being humane. It is simply about sending Love, Blessings, Light, Prayer or benevolence to a volatile situation where lives are at stake. Every citizen and every soldier involved is someone's daughter or son, wife or husband, sister or brother, mother or father. Even if we are adamant "not to go against free will" or "alter the outcome", we can still send Love or Blessings. And the barest minimum we can do is to radiate that Love and Light that we've worked so hard to grow and nurture within.

A change in circumstance can bring about a rapid shift in perspective. Those responses expressed may not be the same if they or their loved ones are directly involved in or affected by the situation.

We all need more Love, not less, not none. Even "enemies". Especially them.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! And much Love to ALL OF HUMANITY.

Barbara Pozzi

21 February 2022

The Sun Has Erupted Non-Stop All Month, And There Are More Giant Flares Coming ~ Michelle Starr ~ 18 February 2022

I just saw this, and it's the perfect follow-up to the previous post about our Sun's CMEs. This report also mentions the neutralisation of the Starlink satellites, although not quite worded that way....

From Science Alert:

The Sun Has Erupted Non-Stop All Month, And There Are More Giant Flares Coming

18 FEBRUARY 2022

The past few weeks or so have been a very busy time for the Sun. Our star has undergone a series of giant eruptions that have sent plasma hurtling through space.

Perhaps the most dramatic was a powerful coronal mass ejection and solar flare that erupted from the far side of the Sun on February 15 just before midnight. Based on the size, it's possible that the eruption was in the most powerful category of which our Sun is capable: an X-class flare.

Because the flare and CME were directed away from Earth, we're unlikely to see any of the effects associated with a geomagnetic storm, which occurs when material from the eruption slams into Earth's atmosphere.

These include interruptions to communications, power grid fluctuations, and auroras. But the escalating activity suggests that we may anticipate such storms in the imminent future.

"This is only the second farside active region of this size since September 2017," astronomer Junwei Zhao of Stanford University's helioseismology group told SpaceWeather.

"If this region remains huge as it rotates to the Earth-facing side of the Sun, it could give us some exciting flares."


20 February 2022

Cosmic Purification

Space Weather Live: 18 February 2022

Here's where you can watch a short clip of that Solar jet of Cosmic energies, clocking in at a maximum velocity of 1953 km/sec on 18 February 2022:


And this is a spectacular video of another massive CME on 15 February 2022, courtesy of kosmonautanet. A screenshot:

For the month of February as at 20 February 2022, we've had almost 100 Solar Flares. Throughout the whole month of January 2022, there were about 85 Solar Flares. (Please refer to Tesis for details.)

There's a whole lot of Cosmic Purification by Fire going on this year, and so it should be, with deep Gratitude.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! πŸ”₯πŸ’™

Comet ATLAS C/2024 G3

SpaceWeather It's another ATLAS Comet, this one is named C/2024 G3. From the footage above, we see our Sun beaming generously into the d...