31 March 2022

Bubbles and Flares


It's not something that anyone would like to admit, so I'll just come right out and say that the thought of sitting down to write is something that I've found very challenging in the past weeks. Words fail me, and by the time I actually finish writing a whole sentence, my thoughts are already somewhere else. This, for someone who for years has thought nothing of writing tomes, can be very disconcerting. Just two days ago, I was texting someone and wanted to use the word "distorted" but I simply could not recall it, no matter how hard I tried. All I knew then was that it started with "d". It was hours later before that word came to me 🙄

More of that later. At any rate, today is a good day to write, because then I can include the X-class flare that erupted (strongest this year so far) and actually brought down shortwave radio transmission on the American continents.


Here's a clip of the CME spewing out of our Sun:


I can only imagine the type and intensity of energy payload that is being delivered to us 😅 Add that to the already potent mix of energies we are currently crawling vibing through....

Yes, let's get back to that.

On the 29th, I saw new geometries of Energy Codes that took me surprise. Bubbles....that's what they looked like. Masses and masses of bubbles. Try as I might to tune into something else but no, they were persistent and showed up every time. I asked for a word or some clue, but did not get anything....until much later as I went about my day. "Bubbles of Purification".
For some reason, this makes me think of that massive and intricate 900-foot Crop Circle that appreared in Milk Hill, Wiltshire in 2001. 

In February, I had mentioned the Cosmic Purification (here) that we're going through, so I'd like to think that the Bubbles of Purification represent the more physical manifestation of that process.

The energies are insanely intense and will only get stronger as the days go by. There's no going back, there's no dialling back. These energies may knock us off our feet and turn us into wobbly jello without proper coordination of limbs and with a brain seemingly made of cotton wool, but the underlying current always feels good (if we tap into it) and somehow we just know we are evolving in some way, no matter how insignificant the progress. One baby step ahead is still in the right direction.
However, the pushbacks ~ and they have been numerous ~ are downright icky and that's what made these past weeks feel like we're treading water constantly. These desperate attempts seem to get more ridiculous but that does not stop them in any way. All the more, with nothing to lose, they are going all out. So we go all out, too 😎

In an earlier post (Lead-Up to March Equinox....) I wrote about a new phase that I felt was birthing post-March Equinox. The pushbacks were wild in the days before that, and shortly after as well. In spite of all that they are throwing at Humanity, there is a growing sense of benevolence as the foundation of the New Energies continue to strengthen and solidify. On the collective front, Humanity is starting to grow in awareness ~ it is getting harder to fool the people ~ and its united voice is starting to respond with a loud NO to the control system. May this represent the turning point of Collective Consciousness that will soon see the rapid dismissal and demise of dark agendas, no matter how hard they continue to deceive us.

Finally, back to the topic of communication. As we know, language in its current form is cumbersome and sluggish in delivery compared with more original versions of language that were used before everything was dumbed down. I think we are beginning to tap into that existence where "symbol packs" carried loads of information as compared to word-for-word communication. This would be Light Language as opposed to the circular blobs used by the Heptapods in "Arrival" (I don't know why I'm bringing this up ~ especially since I don't resonate with the movie ~ but there you go....).

This will do for now, more in a few days' time.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💚

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

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