Showing posts with label 2022 march equinox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2022 march equinox. Show all posts

14 March 2022

The Lead-Up to March Equinox....and About 22.02.2022....

Buddha Doodles

It's taken me such a long while to get to this. Each time I plan to start on it, something or other pops up unexpectedly and a few more days pass before I again plan to write. It's been most peculiar.

Perhaps I had to wait until this recent CME burst....


And the Solar Flare chart is currently recording the "reverse-spike" pattern that we've seen now and again in the past, with this recent phase starting on 26 February:


At any rate, it's been an unsettling month thus far. Well, the entire period from 2020 has been like a living nightmare, and 2022 started off really strange, and now in, it's been ______ (fill in the blank, because it's indescribable, it's hard to pin down, it's been everything from weird, surreal, "new", ancient, in limbo, expectant etc). March has been very bizarre.

I'll rewind and go back to 22 February 2022. Of course, that was also the very hyped-up palindrome date of 22.02.2022 (depending on which date format you adopt) or even the alternative format of 02.22.2022. I won't touch on the significance or symbolic resonance of that day (simply because I don't have adequate knowledge to give an opinion) but as days go, this one started off really well ~ energies were intense and high frequency, there was a general forward push Planetary-wise. Towards the end of the day in my local timezone (it would be still early in the day for later timezones), things started to feel really off. The energies became very dense and "sticky", and it wasn't long before I felt an enormous push-back from the dark. The next couple of days were not nice at all.

As we approached the end of February, the energies felt increasingly better. "Better" in the sense of how it's not so "choking" or "sticky" anymore, but still a lot of interferences.

Just before I felt the first wave of push-back, I had sensed a distinct "break" of some sort. Seriously, the most accurate way of describing it would be, "I felt a great disturbance in the Force".

It went dark after that for quite a while before making a recovery. There's still a very strong resistance to all the Cosmic energies coming in, but much better than the period following 22 February.

This block of time that we are currently in right now makes me think that it's a sort of lead-up to the next phase. Not "the next shift in energies", but "the next phase". How I see this Ascension process is like this: we're going through energetic and Timeline shifts all the time, and they are becoming more regular with shorter intervals in-between. Then there's the "phase", where one phase has many shifts. So to me, a phase is quite a major thing ~ it's like a new chapter or a new landscape/backdrop. Something quite different. I'm guessing that our experiences of the outer reality (and inner!) will be largely new terrain through which we will navigate.

The milestone of this lead-up looks like it's going to be the March Equinox.

For the time being, we are going through a wonky wobbly period, much like the confusion and chaos and clanking that sometimes occur whenever a backdrop is changed on stage and props are being shuffled around. This is evident from all that's conspiring on the world stage and what Humanity is going through as a collective.

Things make perfect sense, things make no sense. We are energetically here, there, everywhere, nowhere. Old issues are resurfacing for deeper layers of releasing. New issues are manifesting and calling for our attention so we can see it clearly and realise that they are actually different "versions" of old issues that desperately require clearing. Body feels like it's falling apart, and yet at the same time it feels like it's changing from inside out....being re-made from within.

It's certainly a very busy, frenetic period and most definitely rather hard on sensitives, empaths, hermits. We need to continue strengthening our own Bubble of Life and persevere with our inner work, and yet at the same time do what we can to solidify Higher Consciousness in the outer realms and keep on calling forth New Energies to be imbued in the Morphogenetic fields.

Shine the Light, spread the Light, BE the Light.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💓

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