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Nanea Hoffman - Sweatpants & Coffee |
One of my favourite affirmations is "I love Life and Life loves me".
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Nanea Hoffman - Sweatpants & Coffee |
One of my favourite affirmations is "I love Life and Life loves me".
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Temple Purohit |
I knew very little true history at that time about the blue-skinned deities enshrined in sacred Hindu texts such as the Ramayana and Mahabharata, but I was emphatic enough to say that yes I believe they actually had blue skin, that it wasn't just a symbolic depiction as "scholars" would have us believe, that it wasn't some mythological representation of history. And....yep I also told her that I believe they were actually ETs (which I underscored by showing her the "flying chariots" ~ Vimanas ~ in the paintings). Kudos to my friend for taking it all in without losing her appetite since we've known each other for over two decades and she's accepted the fact that I tend to come out with some weird stuff now and then 😄
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The Archaeologist |
It did bother me for a long time because I just could not seem to find more information about these obviously Guardian-type ETs who had fought against "demons" at what must have been a most perilous time for Humanity. Given that there would be distortions/alterations in even the most unblemished or protected of scriptures, I also wondered about the Reptilians' prominence in the texts.
Some attribute the origin of these deities to Sirius-B, based on their blue-skin and very little else. I was happy to agree with this assumption but wanted a whole lot more. It would take several years before I would come across adequate information about this ET race, thanks to E'Asha Ashayana.
A few months ago, I came across a video where E'Asha was talking about the various ET races that helped to guide Humanity in our evolution, one of them being the blue-skinned Maharaji from Sirius-B. I distinctly remember her saying that these were the same Beings that came to our Planet to battle the Fallen ones as the Angelic Race was in an extremely dire situation. The Maharaji were one of the Guardian Races, and they were also the closest to Earth at that time, hence their swift arrival and subsequent defeat of the Fallen ones. E'Asha also confirmed that these were the same blue-skinned Beings worshipped as deities in Hindu scriptures. I was very excited and grateful for that piece of information but unfortunately, I do not have that video so I'm not able to extract that bit out.
What I can do is to post the following, which are excerpts from the book Voyager II Secrets of Amenti by E'Asha Ashayana (then Ashayana Deane, published 2001). They are basically segments about the Maharaji, denoted by page number.
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pg.250 |
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pg.266 |
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pg.271 |
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pg.312 |
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pg.318 |
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pg.321 |
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pg.329 |
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pg.339 |
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pg.341 |
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pg.371 |
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pg.379 |
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pg.382 |
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pg.392 |
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pg.427 |
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pg.512 |
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pg.557 |
From the texts, we can see that the Maharaji were indeed Guardians and they have been very involved with the long and convoluted history of the Angelic Human Race, intervening whenever they had to and helping us with our evolution. We also see that the Guardians' attempts to negotiate treaties with the Fallen Angelics (FA) were largely unsuccessful ~ the FAs generally appear to be unable to honour them.
The last two pages I posted (pg.512 & 557) indicated a 2012 grand plan for our Planet's and Humanity's Ascension as well as a physical contact with specific races (that would be the ones who look most similar to Earth Humans, to minimise....well, shock to the majority who have been deceived and programmed to not believe in ETs). Obviously, this was not the case as the FAs gained more control following the aftermath of September 2001 and our Planet was almost lost to the Phantom Matrix. This triggered the events that launched the Fail-Safe Ascension, our Planet's Nomi-Code and the Grand Salvage Mission for the fallen sectors.
And Accelerated Ascension! The Ascension Passages are all open, and the Inorganic Timeline has been severed.
So, even though we did not get to experience the 2012 Universal Day of Renewal and we had to go through several years of teetering on the edge, with things getting so bad that instigated the highest Divine Intervention possible....we are now in Fail-Safe mode, receiving Cosmic energies from the Highest Heavens, and taking the express route Home 😇
Namarie! 🩵
I note that Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol is now posting quite a lot of these types of sightings near our Sun. Which is actually quite a logical process, actually ~ when you spend a lot of time viewing our Sun's activity, it's only a matter of time before you realise there are other types of activity around it (fb has deleted some of his posts). Especially in this historical cycle of massive transition, where Cosmic operations are probably unfolding non-stop, getting nearer and nearer to us as the dark is being systematically cleansed.
Back to Myunhauzen74, here's the link to his video. As with his usual (and earlier) sightings, these objects are massive.
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The Sun Today |
More Solar stuff! The Sun Today has put together a short video clip of highlights, please view it here. A total of 21 M-class flares followed the X-class on 23 March, making a total of 39 flares over just two days! For details, please follow this link.
We've also been having plenty of geomagnetic activity, with a severe G4 storm presenting not too long ago:
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Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun |
And here's the CME burst that's creating all these frenetic events:
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SpaceWeatherLive |
I'll keep this post brief with minimum charts and images so I can move on to a couple of other things. I had planned (haaa!!!!) a number of posts for this month but as you can see, my plans are non-events, unlike our Sun 😄 But I'll do my best in the remaining days of March 2024.
Namarie! 💛
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Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun |
And yes, the X1.1 flare....
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Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun |
....courtesy of two Sun-spots! This X-class flare went on for 5 hours, phew. Please read more at SpaceWeather.com.
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SpaceWeather.com |
As if this wasn't happening enough, we have Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks doing its thing, details at SpaceWeather.com as well. And because it looks like it has "horns", it's also called....Devil's Comet ~ it will still be around during the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse.
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SpaceWeather.com |
Speaking of which, MrMBB333 highlights a very interesting occurrence in his video (here, around 17-minutes in) ~ several towns with biblical names that are in the path of totality! And yes, why are the National Guards being deployed?!
Devil's Comet, a Total Solar Eclipse passing several biblical-themed town names (so many Ninevehs 😲) ~ given that much of our "religious" texts are distorted by the dark, and that they like to use celestial events to perform their dark rituals, they must be brewing up some dastardly plan. Which will fail spectacularly.
I was curious to compare this year's path against that of 2017 (also across USA), and this is what I came across:
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Science Nasa |
The sense I keep getting is that this year's Total Solar Eclipse is like the "closing-up" or "wrapping-up" of the "business" started by 2017's Total Solar Eclipse, much like book-ends. Seven years of agitating and loosening the inorganic threads that made up the inauthentic fabric of reality so that it will start unravelling and make way for the New Divine Tapestry. It's also interesting to note that during the 7 years between the Eclipse Book-ends, the 7 Trumpet-Jehovian Pulses were being cleared by its corresponding 7 Chevron-Burst Waves, with TJ-7 being completely cleared by May 2024.
I'll finish this post with the following SR charts for the past few days:
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Space Observing System |
Namarie! 💙
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Rebecca Tolk |
This is actually the second part to the 2024 theme, the first of which is here. I do apologise for the delay ~ I'm well aware that it's already mid-March and I'm writing about the theme for 2024....honestly, I do not dictate the timing 😄 although I will admit that when I was writing the first part, I knew it wasn't complete.
It was just two days ago when I saw the visuals for this second part. Mercifully, I did not have to guess or offer my opinion for the interpretation because this time, I got the details at the same time 😆 so let's get to it.
There were diamond-shaped codes, packed close together, similar to the image above. There was no "background", just diamond-shaped codes in beautiful brilliant diamond hues. This signifies that the New Creation is becoming more solid as it starts its manifestation process in the physical realm. How this will look like, I have no idea ~ I didn't get answers for that part of the equation! I have a feeling that the physical landscape of our Planet will start to change.
What I also understand with clarity is that this also pertains to us as individuals ~ our co-creator abilities (as was meant to be in our Divine Blueprint) are getting stronger as we regain what we lost over the eons of Time due to DNA changes, distortions and manipulations.
As we continue assimilating and encoding the Ascension frequencies that are practically bombarding our Planet and as our Planet herself is rising in vibration, the lag-time between birth of creation thought and actual manifestation will diminish. Every thought-word-deed becomes that much more pertinent ~ we will have to regard each of them as precious commodities and be mindful of what we think-say-do. Appropriate affirmations will be a great tool.
The next thing I saw were two massive oval-shaped doors that looked like they were made from multi-hued crystal. The sense from this visual is again, very ancient, breathtakingly beautiful, very other-worldly with a rarefied feel. They glided open gently, gracefully....but I couldn't see what was behind the doors.
I was thinking to myself that the doors looked very real, 3D, tangible. That thought quickly vanished when I got "Multi-dimensional". So, not 3D but multi-dimensional ~ that distinction was important.
Well, to put it simply, we need to go multi-dimensional. We need to acknowledge ourselves as Multi-dimensional Beings....again, back to our Divine Blueprint and how it was meant to be. Being multi-dimensional in our daily life, living our moments multi-dimensionally as much as practically possible. I admit this isn't always possible when we are thick in the midst of a 3D experience in a 3D setting with people who think we've lost it when we mention the word "multi-dimensionality", but there you are.
One example I got was the quote by Einstein about problems ~ we can't adequately solve them if we operate from the same consciousness in which they were created.
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The Way of Meditation |
So we view, live, experience our daily lives from a multi-dimensional perspective, resolving challenging situations from that vantage point. I'll come back to this in a little while.
The other part to this is that we strengthen and deepen our connection with our own god-Self, the original first Self from which we individuated, the Self in the Source-Field. The Self that we are ascending back to as this part of Creation goes Home. The Self which essence we are embodying more of as we continue our evolution.
Coming back to living and experiencing Life from a multi-dimensional perspective: what I can offer as an example is this ~ if I'm confronted with a challenging situation, instead of a knee-jerk reaction, I can take a pause (breathe and "be centered"), ask my god-Self for a solution in Divine Right Order ("respond"), and take the appropriate steps necessary ("action"), aided by visualising or affirming the the final outcome. I'm sure you all have your own ways of being multi-dimensional, I'm just offering an example to stress the point that the best solutions can usually be the ones we may not even think of, or think were impossible, or be so extraordinary that they don't even look like solutions in the first place.
I'm glad I didn't have to guess, because I would have no idea what to say since I didn't get to see what was beyond the doors. What this means is that we don't have to go seeking what we need to make the multi-dimensional connection ~ what we need we will receive, or we already have within us.
This reminds me of Rumi's "What we seek, is seeking us." However....I have also realised that this popular translation may not be entirely accurate. It seems that the actual translation from ancient Farsi is, "You are what you are seeking", which I feel has a more profound and expanded meaning than the popular mis-translation.
In the visual, the doors opened outwards, not inwards. In "real life", if we open a door from the outside, it almost always opens inwards for logical reasons (safety/security and easier for rescuers to break open in case of need). If we were to open these doors in my vision (assuming we are the right size to tackle them), we would push without a second thought. However, for these ones, we would need to pull. So sometimes, the solution or required action may be completely different to what we think it is.
Additionally, these doors open outwards because there is no need for the logical reasons that require our "real life" doors to open inwards. These are doors to "Home", after all, and our arrival is anticipated.
I'm actually thinking there could be another part to this 2024-theme, but I'll consider this complete. If I should get another part, then I'll just write it as a separate post. After all, one-quarter of 2024 is already almost past!
Namarie! 🩵
PS. It is interesting that I posted something from Lee Harris about Multi-dimensionality about a fortnight ago.
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The Sun Today |
Then there's this M7.4-flare:
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The Sun Today |
.....and another massive prominence at the back, gif'd:
Again, please head to The Sun Today for the complete video.
Both these eruptions are spreading Cosmic Plasma to other parts of our Solar System and are not Earth-facing, but that in no way means we don't sense it in some degree.
This was the M7.4-flare, and we're still getting that heart-beat rhythm happening:
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Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun |
And the busy-busy-busy SR:
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Space Observing System |
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Space Observing System |
March already! Energies are still coming in fast and furious, with each rapid cycle
quickly becoming the norm just before the next one presents with even
more intensity, as has been the case in the past few years. We asked for
accelerated Ascension.....and we got it! 😅
Add to that the volatile fall-out from the Bifurcation and we have an energetic mix that is equivalent to the sea in a severe storm. It can feel like we're being constantly tossed around like ingredients in a hot wok, sometimes not knowing if we're coming or going. This makes me think of the SR chart above, which still looks like everything is happening all at once, seemingly reflecting what's occurring at the Collective front. Staying centered within and holding a higher perspective will help us through.
The push-pull of the Bifurcation can feel like we're vacillating between dense-and-heavy and light-and-airy, sometimes both extremes at once! And then there's the wonky-wooziness from the geomagnetic storms from couple of days ago....plus that reverse-spike/heartbeat thing still going on.
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Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun |
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Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun |
We should constantly pat ourselves on the back if we're still somewhat functioning 😄
In late May, we can look forward to the full entrainment of the inorganic TJ-Wave. I'm wondering what the coming weeks leading up to that would be like. Will the energies build to a crescendo? Or will we start to feel an easing-off of the dense-and-heavy? I must say that when we are in the light-and-airy period, it feels really really really fabulous! What's coming in right now is already very much stepped-down stuff....imagine what it would be like as Earth Mum ascends higher and higher and the Cosmic energies are less "diluted"....Heaven on Earth.
Some of us could also be going through situations where we have to make sharp 90-degree turns, but without truly being sure if it should be left or right. We make the turn anyway, realising that trusting and turning to our Higher/Inner Guidance is becoming more relevant to our daily lives. Similarly, "planning" can at times be an exercise in futility ~ I've lost count of how many times things had to be shuffled around because plans did not work out. "Change" is certainly the only constant.
Namarie! 💚
myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my attention....it's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...