29 July 2022

Soul Surrender into Stillness


This transition is weird wonky wonderful raw rough radical bewildering beleaguring beautiful.... in fact, just throw in any word and you won't be wrong.

We have differing streams of transformational energies that do different things to our various bodies (physical, mental, emotional, etheric etc), at the same time we are contending with disruptive ones courtesy of the dark. And simultaneously having to be present enough to attend to our own spiritual practices and "duties" to assist in whatever manner we can. I can only imagine what it must be like for those who have to work at a "regular" job and/or have a young family ~ thank you for doing what you do under such challenging circumstances πŸ™ I know for sure it would be near impossible for me to be in that situation.

It's a time when the contrast between the breathtaking beauty of Light juxtaposed against the distorted demented Dark paints such a stark surreality that I sometimes wonder how much longer both can exist together before some Law of Creation is severely breached. I can easily see why some sources had cautioned years ago that this phase would see the manifestation of madness.

As the dark is desperately churning everything out all at once in chaotic fashion, we're feeling even more removed from the distorted and inauthentic construct. We feel even more keenly the sharp shards and jaggedness of an inverted creation that's masqueraded as the real thing for far too long. Those that still choose to close their awareness are not spared acute discomfort ~ they are feeling that they are losing grip of "reality", one that they had believed in all their lives to script most aspects of their made-up identity.

I feel very strongly that being aligned with our Divinity or nurturing some form of Source connection (in other words, plugging into higher frequencies) is the only antidote to this. I know I'm preaching to the choirπŸ˜„so do please bear with my thought expressions in text.

Dream-like states seem to be increasing in duration as days go by. Coupled with shrinking hours as we whizz through the Corridor of Time and our days can get very interesting indeed. I sometimes wake up with some confusion as I try to figure out where I am, or whether I'm still dreaming. At times, I find myself drifting in and out of sleep during the day, but sometimes I can't even be sure if I actually fell asleep or thought I did. 

We're all too familiar with the fatigued feeling we've had to cope with over the years as our bodies process the incredibly (and increasingly) high frequency energies coming in. However, there seems to be a new "type" of fatigue that I'm getting, and it's very pronounced. Simply put, my Soul is weary.

I have no idea how many incarnations on Earth I've had, and I truly have no wish to find out. (I'm told that thousands of reincarnations is a "normal" count in this quarantined matrix.) But I DO know that my Soul is tired and has no desire to be entrapped a second longer than necessary. It longs for freedom, for true organic expressions of Life, for enriching experiences that encourage growth in positive benevolent ways. It strongly desires the sense of Home.

There's a feeling that at Soul-level, a preparation is on-going for an impending "next stage", whatever and whenever that may be. It's already entered a state where it has surrendered into Stillness. It's as if Divinity/Higher Selves (I'm using very general terms here) are busy fine-tuning things for this new stage, and it's necessary for all processing to stop while this major update is underway. (Please fix all bugs, malware, trojan horses etc and pretty please could I have all the bells and whistles, thank you 😁) Seriously though, by "update" I mean perhaps some changes in Soul script.

So at this stage it's the I-don't-know-anything and it-doesn't-matter Zen-like outlook that takes dominance over other types of responses. And as Divine Dichotomy would have it, it also means being in tandem with the overall Purification process that's been unfolding for some months now. This could look like various things to different people, and again it's very much dependent on how we work with these energies. For me, I would say it involves calling upon the energies to cleanse and purify me on the individual level, and the Planet in general (my practices are very basic πŸ˜†).

I apologise if what I've written isn't very coherent, but I really hope that you get what I'm trying say. Most times the notion is crystal clear in my mind, but when I try to conceptualise it in text, it gets rambly πŸ˜…

Namaste and Bright Blessings! πŸ’™

PS. I read an article several years back that the word "hallelujah" carried dark connotations related to yhwh and/or jehovah (fallen angelics), and was typically introduced as something "divine" by the dark for nefarious intentions. I would be horrified if "Namaste" is in that category....

Early Warning Given

While researching something else, I came across the following excerpt taken from Voyagers II by E'Asha Ashayana, and thought I would post it.

This book was published in 2001.

Note: UIR = United Intruder Races

28 July 2022

Gathering Momentum....?


Based on the mainstream reports that I see being highlighted in some groups, the only conclusion I can draw is that the insanity level "out there" has gone through the roof. We were cautioned years and years ago by some sources that it would get really rough as we head towards the end of this final phase of torture but I will admit it's still too surreal for me sometimes.

In an attempt to appease my left hemisphere, I will deduce that perhaps it has to come to a stage where the dark has to get to its darkest prior to bifurcation. (See note at bottom of post.) Maybe there's a momentum that needs to be accrued in order for the fallen timeline to pull away from the Ascension timeline? 

Well, we know the drill. We keep going....Onward, Upward, Godward.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! πŸ’œ


This is assuming that Bifurcation will take place, bearing in mind that many also believe that no such thing will occur, that we are on ONE timeline only. However, from what I have gathered, Bifurcation is a "natural" process, being part of the solution to remedy the fallen matrices (by allowing them to completely fall) in this gargantuan Cosmic Rewrite.

22 July 2022

What SR REALLY Is (Not?)

Space Observing System

Not too long ago, I came across a video clip of E'Asha Ashayana talking about the Schumann Resonance. It was obviously taken from a workshop she was conducting, but I do not know which and when. 

I have long believed that we know very little about the real nature of the SR, and more than that, even less about what is actually being measured and how. In my opinion, the "scientific" definition of SR is, at best, an incomplete picture. However, it is generally and widely believed by most people who are acquainted with SR in some degree that it measures "energy", specifically the high frequency new energies coming in.

Having said that, I have recently come across some contention over this line of thinking. There seems to be an alternative belief that when the "whites" show in the SR graph, it denotes some malevolent activity, like some sort of energy attack.

I believe that both views could be correct.

As mentioned before in previous writings (via The Earth Plan), I feel that the instruments used to produce the SR chart can only measure certain aspects of our Planet's energy fields. An analogy would be using a straight ruler to measure a complex curved line. We can only get an estimate at best.

Additionally, the ruler would not be able to tell us more about the curved line ~ what colour is it, how thick is the line, what was used to draw it, who drew it, etc. 

In the case of the SR (assuming that it does indeed measure electromagnetic resonances between the surface of our Planet and the ionosphere), it registers energy "excitement". But we can't tell what type of "excitement". For example, is it a yay or a yelp? It could be either, and that's why I said both views could be correct.

Coming back to this video excerpt ~ it is clear from what E'Asha is saying that the 7.83Hz frequency is a result of Earth Mum's distorted merkaba spin. This was NOT Earth Mum's "natural" frequency, as science is insisting ~ it dropped to this level after an attack by the dark.

Here's the excerpt:

Namaste & Bright Blessings! πŸ’›

12 July 2022

I Am THIS....


There was a brief discussion some months back in a group I'm in about an often-used phrase. Someone had asked if there was any difference between the commonly-known "I Am That I Am" and the relatively-unknown "I Am This I Am". 

Many agreed that the latter made more sense, and wondered if it was yet another dark attempt to twist and distort a spiritual practice to our detriment?

Namaste and Bright Blessings! πŸ’›

11 July 2022

Goodbye, "Guidelines"

Shortly after this incident, both mainstream and alternative media were rife with speculations and claims as to who the perpetrators/saviours (depending which media was reporting) could have been. As expected, mainstream went with vandalism while alternative credited a variety of sources ranging from White Hats to God. A few mentioned DEW, which likely means military.

I was hoping to get a different angle to the story and happily got my wish granted a few days later, courtesy of Ian Parks.

In this much-appreciated video, Ian provides a higher perspective (literally!) analysis to the incident, and its significance to an upcoming final cycle of a series of dark attempts to pull us into the Phantom system.

The stones were strategically situated at the intersection of a leyline and axiatonal line, specifically above Saratosa, which is the Grual point of our Planet, as well as Stargate 2 (if I remember correctly, Grual point means this Stargate has the ability to control the other 11). They are made of granite blocks, which store energies. The energies running through the leylines can therefore be used to amplify the words on the stones.

The stones are also on the same leyline as Jehovian Seal (JS)-7, which is meant to be activated when Trumpet Pulse (TP)-7 is set to commence on 8-9 November 2022. Currently, TP-6 is running (activated November 2021), and so is Chevron Burst (CB)-6 (activated May 2022), which is meant to collapse TP-6.

Ian believes that the stones were placed to take full advantage of when TP-7 commences and activates JS-7, and then run the dark energies down to the Grual point at Sarasota.

Arc of Covenant Stargate-7 at Phoenix is also situated on this same leyline. Ian casually mentions that this Arc of Covenant Gate system will become very important "very very soon" but will say no more.

For Ian's full analysis, please access his video here.

(Observant pundits have pointed out that the time-stamp on the recording showed 4:03:33 when the stones were hit.) 

(There are a total of 7 Trumpet Pulses that release each November, with the final one in 2022. Correspondingly, a total of 7 Chevron Bursts are released in May each year, with the final one scheduled for May 2023. Each CB is released 6 months after its corresponding TP is released ~ its role is to entrain and transmute the TP.)

(Assuming the stones were taken down by the militiary using DEW, that just raises more questions.)

06 July 2022

Let's Flip This!

It's been a really tough week or thereabouts. Very.NOT.NICE.

I would like to believe that today is a turning point, it's feeling much better. They were really amping things up to make use of 4 July ~ it's no surprise that mass shootings erupted around this time. It's also the day of Aphelion for this year (Space.com)

Aphelion 2022: Earth will be farthest from the sun on the Fourth of July
By Daisy Dobrijevic published 3 days ago

At aphelion, Earth will be 94.51 million miles (152.1 million kilometers) away from the sun.

(I'm aware of reports about c-⍷rn but I will leave that out of the equation for the time being.)

We do what we do in our own way to assist in whatever is unfolding in the external, or whatever is preparing to manifest from the internal, remembering at all times we are the creator beings we were always meant to be.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! πŸ’–

02 July 2022

Unplug & Wait One Divine Moment....


In April 2022, I wrote about Earth Mum's New Phase, an excerpt of which is the following:

There's a new "Covenant" that is being put in place, and this will govern our New Reality. This means that all incongruences will have to be "corrected" as they will become totally incompatible with the New Reality. Forward progression may not be possible if incongruences are present. This is Earth Mum's Covenant, and no being will have any right to amend it in any way, shape or form. We are guests, or at best, Stewards of her New Reality.

I believe it's rather undeniable that Earth Mum's frequencies are higher than they have ever been in recent history, and they will only continue to increase as she heads Homeward. Having said that, I have in the past weeks been aware that sometimes, when I tune in, Earth Mum is "not there" ~ it's like she's gone offline.

Additionally (and perhaps paradoxically), when I see if I'm able to get any information about the various energy torrents that are saturating our Space, I feel overwhelmed by the tsunami swirls of codes.

I was already confused (and very concerned!) that Earth Mum felt offline to me, so my being overwhelmed by the energy codes just exacerbated my situation. Thankfully, I did get the assurance that Earth Mum is just fine, it was just me not comprehending the situation, the point of which I hoped I would arrive at sooner rather than later.

Finally, after a period of time of me trying not to think about it, I understand the scenario somewhat enough to offer some sort of interpretation. It's not much to go on, but I'll do my best.

As referenced at the beginning of this post, Earth Mum has a new "Covenant". This new Covenant enabled much more momentum and progress than ever before. In the past couple of months, so much has unfolded (and exploded!) not only in the external world, but also Planet-wise. Developments are taking place at accelerated pace, Cosmic-instigated changes are occurring, and as I mentioned in a previous post (at that time not realising the connection to what I'm writing about now).... we've gone Cosmic and beyond Quantum.

The analogy I can offer is this ~ with so much high-end processing at hyperspace speed going on, as well as intense clearing, updating and transformation, a lot of junk waste is being produced. The cache build-up is massive. Earth Mum needs to clear her cache, go offline for a bit, then come back online with the next upgrade. Like an unplug-and-count-to-12 sort of thing πŸ˜„ How long will it take? One Divine Moment.

So, that's where she's at right now, as per my interpretation.

Prepare for when she comes back online....the upgrade will be _____ (no words to describe). And each upgrade thereafter will be even more ____ than the previous one.

(I need to work on my vocabulary....)

Namaste and Bright Blessings! πŸ’

Comet ATLAS C/2024 G3

SpaceWeather It's another ATLAS Comet, this one is named C/2024 G3. From the footage above, we see our Sun beaming generously into the d...