Showing posts with label bifurcation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bifurcation. Show all posts

27 May 2024

27 May 2024....END-SNAP! 🥳

It's 27 May 2024! Whoa....we've made it to this significant point in our Ascension Cycle! 🥳🤩 So much has unfolded in the past 12 months and yet we've arrived at this point in Time in what feels like a blink of an eye. It's like we got distracted from the present moment to look away for a while, and when we resumed our focus, an entire year of the Chevron Burst Wave is done!

The above image as well as the one below are from E'Asha Ashayana's KDDL3 online workshop (details here), and which I included in a previous post (End-Snap & End-Pop):

The Trumpet Pulse TJ-7 wave (last of its kind) is now transmuted thanks to Chevron Burst CB-7. The final Chevron Burst Wave CB-8 initiates and will undertake the final task of vaporising our Planet's inorganic Metatronic Seed Atom, due to complete on 27 May 2025 "End-Pop".

So here's to 27 May 2025 and END-POP!!!

Namarie! 💗

PS....These energies!!! Phew.

07 November 2023

Timewave Spirals Update ~ Ian Parks ~ 7 November 2023

Ian Parks has just released an update on the above topic. I haven't yet watched but will post here first for those interested.

Here's the link.

05 November 2023

Bifurcation: End-Snap & End-Pop

Here are more details on the Bifurcation of Timelines, which is set to commence on 8-9 November 2023. These two charts are taken from E'Asha Ashayana's currently on-going workshop KDDL-3 Session 8B (

The chart above shows the summary for activities that are expected to take place in the next few days and thereafter:

8-9 November 2023
TJ-7 Fire-Storm End-Snap
C-7 Wave Peaks and Entrains TJ-7 Wave

Trumpet-Jehovian-7 (last of 7 waves) will be snapped out of the artificial templates; this starts the separation of Organic/Inorganic templates, by way of Chevron Burst-7 Wave entrainment of the final TJ-7 Wave.


22-27 May 2024
C-8 Starts
C-7 End-Lull & Transmutes TJ-7

Transmutation of TJ-7 by CB-7 is complete. Meanwhile, Chevron-Burst-8 initiates.

22-27 May 2025
C-8 End-Pop

C-8 Wave End-Lull & Transmutes Earth's inorganic TJ-Met-Net Seed-Atom.

From what I understand, this operation means that the last inorganic structure that has kept our Planet hostage, bound and gagged for billions of finally and at long long long last GONE!!! 🥳🥳🥳

Namarie! 🩵🩵🩵

31 October 2023

Bifurcation ~ E'Asha Ashayana (Excerpts)

Three very short excerpts from E'Asha Ashayana talking about Bifurcation ~ I would guess that they are from workshops given about 20 years ago. I came across them randomly in the past year so I'm unable to provide more specifics.

In the first video below, E'Asha explains about the Timeline split based on the Heroic Probability of Divine Creation, where Krystic (organic) creation and Metatronic (inorganic) matrices would separate and Creation itself would return to its Divine Blueprint.


The next two video clips are brief mentions of the Bifurcation ~ again, I would guess that they are from about 20 years ago.


There's also another video excerpt where E'Asha explains the Bifurcation in terms of the Planetary core seed itself separating. I thought I had that clip in my files but I'm unable to find it, so I can only mention this with a disclaimer that it is what I remember but cannot confirm it is what she actually said.

As always, please follow your own guidance with regard to this information. I have mentioned before that this is a touchy topic in which many believe and just as many disbelieve.

Namarie! 💚

26 October 2023

Movement, Multi-Dimensionality & Momentum

How are you Beautiful Souls? It's my hope and prayer that you, me, we are all doing OK and holding up just fine during this fast, fierce and frenzied transition phase we are in 🙏💛

So much is happening....where do I start? As mentioned in my previous post, it's feeling busy-busy-busy out there. I can only imagine the amount of Cosmic assistance we are receiving from all the various Guardian Groups and their Cosmic Troops.



A few days before I saw all those interesting stuff happening in the Sky (previous post), I did a quick tune-in because I felt that something was up ~ and omigoddess what an unexpected experience that was! 

There was so much movement going on. For a brief moment, I actually felt very dizzy from all that hyper-motion and I had to exit the field because it was so strong. I have no further details about what's happening apart from the sense that it's related to both the Planetary fields as well as our own. Again, micro to macro.

I have mentioned before that the Energy Codes are now very dynamic, coming in all sorts of frequencies and make-up, getting very "tangible" and presenting in 3D form. Well, this time it's the actual Planetary and Individual fields that are being focussed on, with what seems like a lot of transforming, tweaking, tuning.

Apart from that, it also feels like physical movement. Like lots of to-ing and fro-ing. I can only guess that this has to do with the next point I will mention, which is....



This one can get pretty annoying in this physical realm. It's been on-going for many for a long time now, but it's getting to be almost the norm now. Traversing multiple realms constantly ~ the effects on this physical realm and physical body aren't funny at all. 

It's frequently quite a challenge to be present because of all the "trips" being taken. I've lost count of the number of times just in the past couple of weeks where I can't recall simple words in the middle of saying something (someone was so concerned she suggested memory-boosting herbs). Forgetting what I was doing or thinking just a moment before. Fleeting moments of not knowing how to perform frequent and mundane tasks usually done on auto-pilot ~ one example: I couldn't remember the positions on the keyboard, and this coming from someone who can type fairly fast without looking at the keyboard. And perhaps the most patience-testing one ~ minor accidents like dropping things, spilling stuff. (Although for this last one, I feel it's also to do with the energy currents running in and around our fields.)

Yes, it's important to be in the Now Moment ~ but the Now Moment has gone Multi-Dimensional and includes other realms at the same time!

Momentum & Time

This one has been building up steadily for some time now, with 2023 being especially intense. I call it the pressure-cooker experience ~ extreme pressure and acceleration. 

However, this has recently been even more pronounced recently (I'm running out superlatives to describe the ever-increasing frequency and rate of the Ascension Cycle we're in). The feeling of mounting momentum has become very palpable so much so that I could swear Time has sped up yet again. It's like another 1/5 of Time has been shaved off! Just a few days after I realised this, someone mentioned the experience of having Time speeding up again. I haven't heard anyone else mention this, but it's how I'm experiencing it.

I am reminded once again (for the umpteenth time) about all the Cycles of Time & Creation converging and getting shorter and shorter until we reach Zero Point. I'm just wondering how much faster can we go?....


That B-Word....

I often repeat that what I write are my own interpretations and opinions only, and claim nothing to be Truth. I will categorically state this again, because this can be a troubling topic....

Bifurcation of Timelines.

It's a topic that's been flying around for so many years now, with many believing it's a thing, and just as many insisting there's no such thing. Some say it's already happened, others declare it will happen in a flash. 

In August 2022, I wrote about a dream (AutoCorrect) and referenced this video from Ian Parks ~ TimeWave Spirals. This was the first resource I had come across that actually placed a specific date on when physical Bifurcation would take place.... 8 - 9 November 2023 ("Snap-point"). It was also the first resource I knew of that had some decent details about the Bifurcation process itself (many talk about it but provide little to no details of how such a complex and massive thing can occur) so I'm really grateful for the information, although I wanted more! In the video (produced 2021), Ian based some of his information upon the teachings of E'Asha Ashayana, and it was this video that eventually led me to gradually study E'Asha's materials. (This video was first featured in my previous blog The Earth Plan.)

That's a bit of stage-setting for where I'm going. So, all this movement and momentum....could it be related to the upcoming Bifurcation?

It's said that November will be the very start of the Bifurcation on a physical level (as opposed to Etheric or other), and for sure it's not going to happen overnight. Will we see something obvious manifest in the outer reality then? I doubt it. If anything, it will be some time before we see actual but subtle signs of a split. 

Having said that, we are already seeing a lot of insanity unfolding on the world stage. The control structures do not appear to be as "powerful" as they were, and there is a growing sense that their grip on Humanity is weakening.

Whatever the case may be, I do feel that the next couple of weeks will prove interesting, to put it mildly. 

Take care of yourself, do what it takes to stay in your frequency zone (keep it high!) and Shine Your Light!

Namarie! 💗

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...