26 January 2022

Radio Metatron

** Update: Part 2 of this post is here.

About twenty years ago, I joined a couple of friends who intended to connect with a loved one who had just passed over. They wanted to know the circumstances surrounding the tragic accident that resulted in immediate death, and hopefully would receive some closure over the unexpected departure.

Information did come through and sufficient clarity was received. 

I had also intended to connect with a loved one, my Grandmother, with whom I had a strong bond. I was curious if she had any messages for me and since I hadn't done any such contacts before, I felt it was ideal to attempt it in the company of psychics who were very familiar with carrying out such connections.

So, following their guidance, I settled into my zone and the next thing I knew, words were coming out of my mouth. I knew I was speaking actual sentences in English, and I knew I was "reporting" things, but I could not make out what I was saying. My eyes were shut tight, but there was no discomfort or forced feeling. It was as if I was in a different room, and all I could hear was my voice through the wall. It was a weird experience, and I surprisingly took it in good stead. I figured since I didn't know what I was saying, I would just relax and wait for the next thing to happen. And so I waited.

After a short while, I felt my body getting hotter. The heat was increasing, and I began to fidget as I was getting uncomfortable. In mere seconds, I was feeling so hot that I consciously broke off the connection and opened my eyes.

My friends were looking at me, and one of them said that she started taking shorthand when they realised I was bringing forth information about the Ascension process, which at that time wasn't common knowledge at all. Information pertaining to the Ascension process was hard to find, and the internet was still in its infancy. I had apparently brought through quite a lot of details regarding the changes Humanity was going through, and what general changes would be taking place on a Planetary basis. (Basically what's commonly known today about the Ascension process.)

They asked me who it was that I had connected with, and without the slightest hesitation I replied, "Archangel Metatron".

That was my one and only channelling experience. After that, I lost all curiosity and interest in connecting with anyone ~ dead or alive, human or Celestial, Earthling or Galactic. I could have built upon my experience and start my own "enterprise" but I truly had no desire to do so.

All the time I was "in the room", I felt neutral. There was no love-and-fluff feeling, no warm fuzziness, no happy high, no exciting exuberance. There was neither force nor fear, no pressure, no anxiety. I felt calm throughout. 

If I were to use an analogy to describe the experience, I would say that I had tuned into a radio station and was receiving its broadcast.

I've only related this experience to two others over the nearly twenty years since it happened. It's not something I feel the need to mention because honestly, I don't think much of it at all. I'm finally writing about it because there's a Part 2 to this post, which I will get to at a later date. This was motivated by many instances of friction and arguments that I've personally witnessed in several Spiritual groups in recent months, pretty much representative of the implosion process that's been taking place since a few years ago.

So I'm sharing my Radio Metatron experience as a sort of backdrop stage-setting. It's a great example since Metatron is one of the main players in the what's-true-and-what's-not narrative that's been playing out very loudly in Lightworker communities. (Also a very pivotal figure in the Fallen Angelics teachings!)

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💝

** Update: Part 2 of this post is here.


Asteroid 7482 1994 PC1

Science Focus

This is just a quick documentation of something I saw some days ago. Although I do not have additional information, I'm recording it here for future referencing.

I actually saw this vision more than a week ago, but have been unable to post about it until now as I have been rather preoccupied with family matters.

It was quite a surprise because one of the last things I would expect to see is a comet streaking across my inner vision horizon. Of course I went to check the news to see if a comet was coming around our Solar System neighbourhood, and found this from Science Focus:

The 1km-wide asteroid (7482) 1994 PC1 will make its closest approach to Earth at 9:51pm UTC this evening (18 January).

But don’t worry if the film Don’t Look Up has got you all twitchy about the possibility of a catastrophic collision with our planet: 1994 PC1 will safely pass at a distance of 1,982,172km (1,231,664 miles). That’s about five times the distance from Earth to the Moon.

So, not a comet but an asteroid. 

Here's more about the asteroid:


Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💚

16 January 2022


Waves cause turbulence. And leave trails in their wake.

I see 2022 as a year that will have lots of these waves, and will leave no Soul unchurned.

Even as I write this, I am feeling very keenly the strong energy waves washing over me and yes, I'm feeling churned. Our Planet and our Sun are churning, too:

Space Observing System



And a tsunami was triggered when a Tonga underwater volcano erupted:

The past few days have been rough, but it feels like someone has turned down the dial for a bit today. Just a bit, and just for a while.

The energies are pouring pouring pouring in, and if I were to describe any random physical symptom, it would apply to many people. We've been getting so many different frequencies and codes at the same time for quite a while now, and I do believe this will be the norm. I won't be at all surprised if even more types of energies are being added as we progress along.

With the turbulence comes the pressing pulse (and push) to disconnect even more from the external. The more we are in our own stillness ~ the proverbial eye of the storm ~ the better we will manage the energetic impacts. And it is (at the moment) only within that we know what's real, what's authentic. Consciously connecting with our own Divinity as often as possible is key.

Truths that have been suppressed for ages will build to such a repressed force that the dark dam will inevitably burst. Many will be grappling with reality, but many will also be gripping the illusion. We will all be affected by the apocalyptic (unveiling) nature of this year, even those who have been Truthseekers for most of their lives. Truth has many degrees ~ as the ones who have done their inner work continue to accrete frequency and rise higher, they will accordingly be exposed to higher Truths.

As Light increases inexorably, the dark also continues pushing. But with each individual becoming aware of the matrix, the dark's field of influence gets smaller. Light will continue growing unabated.

As mentioned earlier, every wave leaves its trail. We will be looking at lots of washed up broken bits of dark debris and dismantled deceptions. A messy morass of chaos and confusion as Humanity flounders, trying to find firm footing on a foundation of belief systems that is breaking. Humanity must quickly learn that safety and stability will come only if it steps off the old and onto the new that's already beginning to take form.

Caution: Make sure we step onto the true Planetary Ascension Timeline instead of any false timelines masquerading as authentic ones. This attempt by the dark will be the final card that they can play.

I've mentioned previously that the energies have become very "physical" ~ the etheric activities post-2012 are beginning to manifest, and it feels like this will be in rapid succession. Planetary transformations will become more physical. Adding to the turbulence. I also keep hearing "up-close-and-personal".

I believe that this is a year where we will need to be more of a Lightworker than before with respect to being the Higher Consciousness that is required for Humanity. This is even more crucial now because the fallout from the dark agenda over the past two years has adversely impacted the Lightworker collective, dragging many into states of lower frequencies. However, I feel that this year will see us collectively reclaiming those lost frequencies and bouncing back even stronger. It's going to be when we learn what being a Lightworker (or whatever else term we use) truly is, instead of all the traps that were set out to lead us astray. There will be lots of energy work for us to move through and we need to ensure that our own Bubble of Light shines bright, always in all ways.

It also feels like a very defining period, inching closer to being more definitive as the Light quotient grows.  Plenty of course-correction for many of us, even for those who believe that they are already "there".

When in doubt, just align and flow with our beautiful Planet.

Namaste and Divine Blessings! 💙

13 January 2022

No Soul Left Unchurned

Text: 2020 2021 2022 No soul left unchurned

In June 2020, I created this image below and posted it in The Earth Plan. Or so I thought.

I just spent more than an hour hunting for that image in my previous blog, but couldn't find it. Admittedly, it's difficult to search for things in my previous blog (and probably this one, too) because I simply did not bother with adequately labelling the posts, and most of the times when I'm posting someone else's resource, I only include about 20% of the content and lead readers back to the original source, for the simple reason that those resources do not belong me and I believe that readers should rightly visit the original sites of the owners.

After abandoning the search, I turned to my phone, hoping that it would be in there somewhere ~ phew....thankfully it was. 

So....I didn't post that after all. I could have sworn I did, I was so sure I posted it. But perhaps I didn't because, well, Souls are still being churned, and will definitely continue to do so this year and very likely into 2023 but let's leave 2023 out for the moment.

As you can see from the main image above, I've added in 2021 and 2022. I was unable to determine which font I used in 2020, so I decided to use an entirely different font.

I believe that this year, the churning will not only continue, but will get very strong. This is why I was thinking of the 2020 image, and I thought of pulling it out of The Earth Plan to add 2021 and 2022. I still can't believe I didn't post it there.

I'll leave this for now and continue in a few days. 

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💓

03 January 2022

Shielded By....?

This video came out on 28 December 2021 and should be going viral by now. It's easily one of the best Space activity footage I've seen, and it speaks volumes.

Here's the link to the video at In2ThinAir.

It's obvious that we're seeing some sort of force shield being generated. My main question is, who is doing this?

Was the shield placed there by the dark to prevent Comet Leonard from delivering its energy payload to our Planet and Humanity?

Or was it the work of the Light to step-down the intense energies from Comet Leonard, because Humanity isn't yet able to receive the full dose of the payload?

Interestingly, as I was discussing this video with someone, I found myself saying that this could have been a last minute operation when they realised that the energy payload from Comet Leonard would be too much for Humanity. So something had to be done to lessen the impact, seeing that Humanity is collectively still very much in the fear energy, and therefore the vibrational frequency is lower than expected.

My opinion only.

And oh, the mention of "Don't Look Up" by In2ThinAir prompted me to find out what that was about. Hmmm....a movie about a comet, aired 24 December 2021. Very intriguing timing indeed. The plot sounds like the current situation regarding the "health" agenda, too. What will it take to get the world to wake up....

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💗


The intention was to post this on 31st December. It was a case of Spirit and Mind willing but Body wasn't 😄

On the 31st, I posted this in the evening:

I had spent most of the day with lots of people so I needed a long recharge after posting. Remembering that there was a new season of Dr Who out, I decided to see what it was like and watched the first episode.

This title flashed after the opening sequence:

Yesterday (2nd January) I saw another keyhole thing. And it looked EXACTLY like the one I had seen in my earlier update (here):

I had cleared my cache and needed to login, so that was the patience-testing verification process Google offered. I had never seen that icon before then.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💛

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my attention....it's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...