10 May 2024

This Month of May....

Just ten days into this manic monumental month of May and we've already been blasted with 11 X-class flares, along with several high M-class ones.

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun


We had an X3.9-flare a few hours ago. SR is also busy-busy-busy:

Space Observing System



Multiple CMEs spewed out of our Sun ~ SpaceWeather has some details about the potential of them forming a cannibal CME (here). Whoa.... this footage includes Jupiter (left) and Venus (right)!

And look at the extremely high readings for both plasma density and radial velocity expected on 11 May!


I'm also highlighting a photo I took of our Sun this morning (first image of this post). Again, I apologise for the dismal attempt to capture what I saw, but I hope that the essence of the frequencies are somehow being conveyed in some way.

When I looked out of the window this morning at our Sun, I was knocked back energetically straightaway! There was this "multiplication effect" that I saw, I can't explain it properly but that would be the best way to describe it. I want to say more to clarify, but I feel that I can't at the moment, so I'll leave it at that. As for the photo, I digitally removed the building on the bottom right to respect the privacy of the residents.

Namarie! πŸ’œ

09 May 2024

Every Single Choice ~ Caroline Myss

Caroline Myss

“Every single choice we make is either going to enhance the spirit or drain it. Every day, we’re either giving ourselves power or taking it away.”

Caroline Myss

08 May 2024



Since 3 May when I posted about the X1.6-class flare, we've had 5 more X-class flares! All these came from Sunspot AR3664 (image above) and SpaceWeather expects more to emerge (here for more details).

This is the X4.5-class flare on 6 May:


....producing a radio blackout in the following areas, with many countries being affected again as they were on 3 May :



05 May 2024

"BEHIND The Moon!" ~ MrMBB333


Two sighting videos from MrMBB333 ~ the first one was such a hoot while the other one featured fascinating footage of a couple of objects.

Here's the link to the first video. While I do understand MrMBB333's excitement over the fact that the craft was seen flying behind the moon (which implies a sizeable craft), his repeated ".....behind the moon" was hilarious. I'm wondering what he would say if he ever gets a video of those colossal crafts chilling out near our Sun. This particular sighting is at the 4:30-minute mark.

The next video shows footage of two sightings that occurred on the day of the Total Solar Eclipse, 8 April 2024 (3:30-min & 6:30-min). Very strange, both. 

What's the sphere-like thing below the 3:30-min object?

MrMBB333 said that the later sighting (6:30-min) looked saucer-like ~ no argument there but when I slowed down the video, I see that the meteorite (or whatever) seems to fly through the object? Or is it the resolution/pixelation? Glitchy hologram? (shades of 911?).

Namarie! πŸ’™

04 May 2024

Solar Activity & Cosmic Payload


It's been a week of high-octane Solar activity all-round. And a Cosmic payload that had some serious stuff for this part of Space! This is related to what I described in my earlier post (here) about the locked-on grid. Details are still fuzzy and I don't have any further understanding or clarity about this yet, apart from what I had already written. But I'm pretty sure many felt this recent Cosmic payload ~ I'm assuming most of the following charts I'm posting here have some correlation to this.

On 3 May 02:22 UTC, we had a Solar Flare charting at X1-6 (main image above and image below):

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

.....producing a radio blackout in the following areas:


A few days prior to this, we had an M9.5-class flare (30 April 23:45 UTC)....

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

....followed by this giganormous CME on 1 May, which clocked a max speed of 7,257,600 km/hr:


....and we had a geomagnetic storm:

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

The magnetosphere is currently showing the highest density reading:

Space Weather Prediction Centre


SR is showing a lot of activity as well in the past week, with the latest readings looking like this:

Space Observing System

 Namarie! 🩡

01 May 2024

The Twilight Zone Month That Was

Space Weather

Whoa....here we are in May! What a month April was ~ "strange" is such an muted and understated word to describe the past weeks. I came across a meme some time back that said, and I paraphrase...."I remember when Twilight Zone was a TV series, not the daily news that we have now". Cue creepy music?

I'm not a fan of that TV series and have only watched a few episodes but I get what the meme means. Here are some of the really bizarre/unusual events that have transpired:

Four Horses & Four Horsemen

Biblical, no less. Seriously though, how weird is this, regardless of whether one is aware of religious distortions. The four horses threw their riders and bolted. There are so many messages that we can read into this incident ~ I'm just glad that all involved are recovering, including Quaker, who sustained serious injury.

Another One Spooked

As if to underscore the unfortunate event involving the Cavalry horses, another one was spooked on the same day but in a different location in London. The rider was also thrown but thankfully, neither horse nor human was injured. Here's the video.

Interestingly, all the horses in this parade are black.

Very Rare Super-Sympathetic Quadruple Solar Flare

This happened on 23 April early hours UTC, which means about a day prior to the horses being spooked in London. This is just a statement, I do not claim any correlation. Space Weather has a good write-up on this Solar phenomen, which you can read here.

Big Ben Chimes 11 Times, Shows 9am

On the same day of the Cavalry horses incidents, Big Ben chimed 11 times while showing 9am. The Telegraph had a report that mentions this, but I was unable to read it unless I signed in, which I won't. So I'll just post the following screenshot instead. For those who wish to read the article, here's the link.

Hmmmm.....9....11.... This was noticed by several people online, offering theories galore. 

Busy day for weirdness in London indeed.

BΓΈrsen Fire

The Local

This happened on 16 April in Copenhagen. Note the reference to Notre Dame, which suffered the same fiery fate in 2019. Also note the toppling of the "iconic" central spire of this financial centre. I'd like to think that it's symbolic of the demise of the control system's financial pillar. Additionally, note what it says on the billboard advertisement in the image above ~ Fear Nothing.


Moulin Rouge


This fire occurred on 25 April. The blades were not the only things that fell off the structure....so did the letters MOU. My first thought was "Memorandum of Understanding" so I did some checking to see if it could be an abbreviation of something else but nothing came up.

This article has more details about the incident.


Red Heifer

Ugh, more religious symbolisms and references. How much more obvious can it get that the control system is doing their damnedest to stoke religious fires. Holy wars have always been very successful mediums of mindless destruction and division throughout the ages. I couldn't find any latest news about this agenda, or whether it has already been executed ~ the plan was to carry this out during Passover, so between 22 ~ 30 April. 

Antarctica Anomaly

This has been a developing story from In2ThinAir since the earlier part of April, and he's put up some videos that elaborate what he's found. Here's where you can view them:

We also had the Total Solar Eclipse on 8 April passing by numerous towns with biblical connotations. Let's also not forget Nasa's tribute to their "god" by calling their rockets Apep. Then there's the mockingly-named Devil's Comet being visible for much of the month. We were certainly in Twilight Zone territory during the month of April.

Some of the events I listed gave me a sense of the occult. I would like to think that they signified the deconstruction of the control system and its inevitable demise, especially the two fires and the four horses throwing their respective riders.

Let's never waiver from being and shining our Divine Light!

Namarie! πŸ’š

26 April 2024


This is an energy tune-in I did on Wednesday morning (24 April 2024) but wasn't able to report until today.

For some weeks now, I have generally been in my own Light Bubble, interspersed periodically with having to be in the midst of very crowded public spaces. Both worlds are wildly differing from the other ~ it can be viewed as being symbolic of the increasing polarisation of the external as the Timelines continue their separation. The disconnect from the external continues to increase ~ there are times I actually assess if I'm able to live as a total hermit versus the semi-hermit that I am now. I'm getting a loud NO πŸ˜†

What a month April has been! And March, too! Heck, all of 2024 so far!!! I hope you are doing just fine ~ Divine Light & Divine Love to all πŸ’— 

I have been so very reluctant to do a proper energy tune-in for weeks now, because I know full well that that would be like placing myself in a whirlpool. Or a finger in a blender. I just wasn't feeling the courage πŸ˜… However.....sigh, tune in I did on Wednesday, the nudge was so strong I didn't want it to become a knock on the head.

So yep, the energies are wild, weird and wonderful! I didn't even bother trying to focus on them because it was like a thousand energy movies playing at the same time. But THANK YOU Divine Team for mercifully showing me the general message that was overlaid over all the swirling Cosmic Plasma mix of Divine Creation energies. (This is the true "crucible" of creation, not some primordial swamp bog!)

First, I was shown a structure to which I mentally said "scaffolding". This is because it looked like the scaffolding I used to see some time back, as first reported in my previous blog. (See here for details.) Similar but at the same time with a very different "feel" and "vibe". I was corrected ~ "grid", not scaffolding. This Cosmic sector is being "gridded". Tightly. Securely.

Next was a visual of very fast moving....things. I honestly do not know what they are ~ it was hard to see because of the speed at which they were moving. I get that they are geometric in appearance ~ they were flashing from left to right across my mental screen.

Finally, I got one very helpful word.... SWOOSH! πŸ˜‚ 

At first glance, what I saw seems to be paradoxical. We have a locked-on (not "locked-in") grid and this simultaneously notion of very fast swooshing....things. Before I could even go huh? the explanation was that yes, it's like we have a grid being locked-on tight and secure, because we're going to go SWOOSH!

The locked-on grid is not only us getting all these energies and codes being thoroughly infused into this part of the Cosmos, but it is also symbolically belting us in because the journey (and New Creation) is going to be sped up even more. As I was getting this explanation, I also saw another visual ~ that of giganormous ancient bolts being exploded apart.

No, not another paradox. There's a correlation to the grid ~ we are being blasted free from being shackled into the inorganic existence that had held this creation in place for eons of Time. The New Creation grid then holds us in place as we continue on unabated along our Ascension.

At this point, I also get another visual, one with which we are all too familiar ~ the frog in hot water analogy but in a positive sense. Everything is getting faster and more intense. What we felt was fast and intense energies 5 years ago is nothing compared to the intensity and speed today. The dial is being constantly amped up a notch or two and we are getting acclimated at each level up. Sometimes it's amped up several notches and we get a massive shift ~ we just synch along (as per E'Asha ~ "EarthCync").

So, the already indescribably wild ride will just continue to get more wild πŸ˜„ but this we already know and I probably have said some version of this statement one thousand times by now. I think this shift we're entering into will be dialled up several notches and will be very Cosmic in nature. 

Namarie! πŸ’Ÿ

It's An X-9.1!

SpaceWeather We had an X-9.1 flare yesterday, the strongest yet of this current Solar Cycle and the biggest flare since 2017! I wanted to po...