24 May 2022


2022 has so far generated a lot of excitement where Solar activity is concerned ~ I've stopped counting how many Solar Flares have been recorded this year alone. And those are just what the instruments pick up....many more do not come Earth's way. Our Sun has been determinedly spewing CMEs constantly to all its Planets.

One of the things that has piqued my curiosity is the radio blackout when strong X-Flares hit the planetary surface. I had meant to write about this earlier this month but *phew*....what a month it's been. 

Let's start with 28 March 2022, when the African continent was blasted and caused a radio blackout:
On 30 March 2022 both American continents were hit (I had posted briefly about this previously):
The Solar Observer
Then, on 20 April the Asia-Pacific regions were impacted:
The Solar Observer

The energies blasted these regions on 30 April 2022:

The Solar Observer

And one more time for good measure, on 3 May 2022:
The Solar Observer

In the space of just 5 weeks, almost all countries have been "Solarised" (also referring to energies from Cosmic Suns via our Sun). What does this mean? I have no idea 😆 I get a picture of a Hulda Clark zapper and it's like we've been Solar-zapped with a Cosmic version of it.

While still missing my Russian-based Tesis website, I've resorted to alternatives for Solar activity, and one of them is Space Weather Live, where they show information and charts on various things, such as Solar Flares. And of course, The Solar Observer, which publishes great posts pertaining to our glorious Sun.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💝

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