23 April 2023

"Celebrity" ~ Mary Allison ~ 21 April 2023

Movies Stack Exchange

Kudos to Mary Allison for continuing to shatter society's belief systems in a straightforward yet insightful manner that unaware folk can easily comprehend without overwhelm. And I got to learn the origin of the word "celebrity" 😊 which then explains even more why they are called "celebrities".

Based on various resources over the years (from both Light and Dark sources, purportedly), we know that ALL societal structures come under the dark global system, for the simple reason that they were all created for control. The "entertainment" industry is no exception ~ in fact, it is one of the most controlled sectors, serving to entrain and distort minds through varying degrees of hypnosis and sublimal programming, as well as different forms of behavioural patterning and social conditioning. Toddlers are practically being volunteered as soon as they are able to focus their eyes, thanks to children's channels. And we know how deep, dark and deplorable the underbelly of this huge "entertainment" beast is. And yes, full of s@t@nic symbolism and rituals which are also now openly displayed in public during performances.

The "entertainment" sector is considered the main prong for "educating" the masses (hence, celebrities promoting the poisons). If I remember correctly (it's been some years), this sector is led by a "parent" (mother) that is actually called Femme Fatale, which would explain the hypersexualisation programming. It is also interesting to note that this term draws parallels with "FA-Ta-LE", who are a species of powerful female demons from the fallen White Dragons.

An excerpt of Mary's article follows, here for the full read.

The word, celebrity, traces back to the late fourteenth century definition, "a solemn right or ceremony."
The names of celebrities act as energetic magnifications of energy personified, miniature ceremonies cast into the collective field. Names carry power, they are emblems of an entire existence. Millions of people chanting or writing a name creates an energetic ripple effect of this person's energy. This ripple creates a web of consciousness amongst humanity. The names humanity speaks are often the chains humanity forms....

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