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https://wallpaperaccess.com/pastel-bokeh |
When we are connected with our Divinity
Free Will aligns with Divine Will
2022 has so far generated a lot of excitement where Solar activity is concerned ~ I've stopped counting how many Solar Flares have been recorded this year alone. And those are just what the instruments pick up....many more do not come Earth's way. Our Sun has been determinedly spewing CMEs constantly to all its Planets.
One of the things that has piqued my curiosity is the radio blackout when strong X-Flares hit the planetary surface. I had meant to write about this earlier this month but *phew*....what a month it's been.
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Spaceweather.com |
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The Solar Observer |
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The Solar Observer |
The energies blasted these regions on 30 April 2022:
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The Solar Observer |
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The Solar Observer |
In the space of just 5 weeks, almost all countries have been "Solarised" (also referring to energies from Cosmic Suns via our Sun). What does this mean? I have no idea 😆 I get a picture of a Hulda Clark zapper and it's like we've been Solar-zapped with a Cosmic version of it.
While still missing my Russian-based Tesis website, I've resorted to alternatives for Solar activity, and one of them is Space Weather Live, where they show information and charts on various things, such as Solar Flares. And of course, The Solar Observer, which publishes great posts pertaining to our glorious Sun.
Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💝
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Unsplash |
So..... There's been so much chatter about an engineered food shortage that it's now become very loud, to the extent that mainstream media has started screaming about it.
Well, we know what to do. We flex our creator being muscles and visualise Abundance, Abundance, Abundance. Each time we see any article or video or other resource adding fuel to the engineering of a global food shortage, we bless it, send it Divine Light and Divine Love, and visualise Abundance.
We create an intention for Abundance in our High Heart, and send it out into the World.
Does that mean we don't do anything to prepare for a potential disruption?
I cannot answer for anyone else, but as far as I'm concerned, I will take the necessary precautions and have some supplies on standby because the dark is so desperate right now they don't even care if they appear insane in the public eye, so they will be hell-bent on engineering something. On the practical side, supply chains and distribution channels have been affected by what's being perpetuated in Russia/Ukraine, as well as the total madness that's on-going in Shanghai. And which other governments are exhibiting to some degree or other.
So we do what we are here to do, and we bring in the energies of Abundance as often as we can, every day. (Are our meditations getting longer or is it just my imagination?.....)
Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💚
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The Source |
I thought I would describe my personal experience on Friday 6 May 2022 because I feel that there are others going through some version of what happened. Although I've not been able to ask around, I did hear from someone who described his experience on that same day, and it was similar to what I went through.
Even before Friday, I was already feeling very unsettled. When Friday dawned, I really struggled to stay present. One way I can describe it is it was as if I was energetically plucked from this existence ~ I felt that I was going through the day as a hologram and my Consciousness was observing everything through it. No matter how much I tried to ground myself, everything felt ethereal. I got that it was something to do with Timelines, but that's all I know for sure. What I can gather when I tuned in is that there's been a major Timeline thing and I was experiencing its "adjustment". I'd like to think that it's something to do with the Bifurcation, but this will only be me guessing. Wishing.....?
I also feel that there's been some sort of "bolting on" pertaining to the Timeline, like it's been "secured". A visual of a railway track being bolted on comes to mind.
Earlier in the week, there was highly unusual thunder activity for three consecutive afternoons. I have never heard thunder like that before ~ it sounded like some serious business was taking place in the Ethers. Very loud, continuous, almost sounding like a chorus. I can't help but feel that all this is related to what unfolded on Friday.
Finally, it's like someone is calling out "All change!" at the end of the track.
Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💙
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Space Observing System |
Schumann Resonance charts from Space Observing System are becoming fairly ubiquitous now ~ appearing even outside Spiritual communities ~ and with them, the numerous interpretations of what they represent.
HeartMath has done a pretty nice write-up about this (here), and I like that they point out the connection between Human Consciousness and our Planet....after all, Humanity is intrinsically linked to her mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Despite all the "scientific" explanations as to what constitutes and causes the SR, I still maintain my several-years-long view that we know very little about these frequencies, and how they are represented in the charts. I still believe that the instruments measure what they were invented and calibrated to do, and the resultant process is documented as the graphs that we see. This doesn't mean that that's all there is to it.
I'll use this analogy: A ruler is used to measure distance, and it will measure a straight edge very well. There's nothing to stop us from using the same ruler to measure a convoluted curved edge ~ we can still do that and get a result, but it won't reflect the actual situation. We're using the ruler that's meant to measure straight lines to measure curves, and we won't get accurate results.
Most "interpreters" of these charts tie them to the intensity of energies that are swathing our Planet, some use them to measure the state of Humanity's Consciousness, while some others believe that they have nothing to do with the energies coming in, and the SR is instead reflecting activities on/in/around our Planet. I believe all three are right. Why? Because all three affect our Planet, and one way I look at the SR is that it registers the "reaction" of our Planet (some even say it's like her heart-beat).
I've written before in The Earth Plan that I do not believe that the base rate of the SR must remain at 7.83 Hz for the simple reason that our Planet is ascending and all her frequencies will change correspondingly. I've also stressed that just because something exists in its current form does not necessarily mean that it's the optimal or natural expression, given that our reality is a fallen one that has been forcibly distorted. Case in point is the Bi-Wave architecture ~ they are manipulated distortions of the Divine Blueprint that is now thankfully being re-written and corrected as our Planet continues on her Ascension Path. I look at the SR the same way ~ the SR base-rate cannot remain at 7.83 Hz.
So for me, the SR is still very much a mystery that has yet to be adequately solved. And as far as I'm concerned, what "Science" insists on telling us is sometimes very far from the truth.
Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💛
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lovepik |
Anyway, today I was shown something that helped me understand better energetically what was unfolding, so here I am. (I note the currently complete absence of any obstacles that had prevented me from posting previously....I geddit my Divinity, I geddit.)
This is related to the "New Phase" I wrote about, as well as the "Bubbles of Purification" (here). I have heard from (and observed) a number of people who seem to be going through some turbulence on a deeper level and yet paradoxically finding "redemption" from within. I'm inclined to say energetically speaking, this has been the signature trait of the initial stage of this New Phase as it continues to take hold. It certainly was quite a ride for me ~ I could feel so much anxiety and angst (personally and collectively) and yet at the same time able to tap into the undercurrent of Joy that's bubbling underneath, if we are still enough for long enough.
The visual that I got just today (hence the reason for this post) describes and explains this stage.
I saw myself walking along a corridor that was outside a huge building. The perimeter of the building was to my left, and a railing ran on my right. The width of the corridor was quite narrow but I was able to move along without too much difficulty. The feeling that I had to keep going forward was strong, so that's what I did....I just kept on walking.
As the narrow corridor was just next to the building, I realised that I had to watch out for windows that were open or else I would walk into the glass frames. Since there were railings on the right, I had to duck to avoid the windows.
The sense that I got was that I would eventually reach a point where I can exit this corridor, but it was still some distance away ~ not too far, but still not visible yet. Meanwhile, I keep walking and avoid the open windows.
My interpretation of this is that we are already outside the building, which represents the old structure, the old system, the old reality. We're in the New Phase, but it's just the initial stage and we need to navigate through this first before we can be free of the railings that's restricting us to this narrow corridor. We still have obstacles of which we need to be aware ~ this is most definitely influences from the old structure (the windows belong to the house) that continue to try and hinder us. I also feel that our continuing inner work is crucial ~ this helps us "see" the windows in order to avoid them.
We'll keep going, we'll keep walking. With Third Eye wide open.
Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💝
myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my attention....it's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...