09 May 2022

SR: So Much More....

Space Observing System

Schumann Resonance charts from Space Observing System are becoming fairly ubiquitous now ~ appearing even outside Spiritual communities ~ and with them, the numerous interpretations of what they represent.

HeartMath has done a pretty nice write-up about this (here), and I like that they point out the connection between Human Consciousness and our Planet....after all, Humanity is intrinsically linked to her mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Despite all the "scientific" explanations as to what constitutes and causes the SR, I still maintain my several-years-long view that we know very little about these frequencies, and how they are represented in the charts. I still believe that the instruments measure what they were invented and calibrated to do, and the resultant process is documented as the graphs that we see. This doesn't mean that that's all there is to it. 

I'll use this analogy: A ruler is used to measure distance, and it will measure a straight edge very well. There's nothing to stop us from using the same ruler to measure a convoluted curved edge ~ we can still do that and get a result, but it won't reflect the actual situation. We're using the ruler that's meant to measure straight lines to measure curves, and we won't get accurate results.

Most "interpreters" of these charts tie them to the intensity of energies that are swathing our Planet, some use them to measure the state of Humanity's Consciousness, while some others believe that they have nothing to do with the energies coming in, and the SR is instead reflecting activities on/in/around our Planet. I believe all three are right. Why? Because all three affect our Planet, and one way I look at the SR is that it registers the "reaction" of our Planet (some even say it's like her heart-beat).

I've written before in The Earth Plan that I do not believe that the base rate of the SR must remain at 7.83 Hz for the simple reason that our Planet is ascending and all her frequencies will change correspondingly. I've also stressed that just because something exists in its current form does not necessarily mean that it's the optimal or natural expression, given that our reality is a fallen one that has been forcibly distorted. Case in point is the Bi-Wave architecture ~ they are manipulated distortions of the Divine Blueprint that is now thankfully being re-written and corrected as our Planet continues on her Ascension Path. I look at the SR the same way ~ the SR base-rate cannot remain at 7.83 Hz.

So for me, the SR is still very much a mystery that has yet to be adequately solved. And as far as I'm concerned, what "Science" insists on telling us is sometimes very far from the truth.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💛

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