24 February 2023

Sadness & Grief ~ Sandra Walter ~ 21 February 2023


We have been cautioned numerous times from different sources over the years that death will be a huge part of the Ascension process, and we certainly had that energy right in front of our faces in the past three years. However, it's not just physical death, but death of all that we were conditioned into believing was real, death of old structures, death of relationships and situations, death of who were thought we were, even death of the Human species in its current form as we evolve into something new....all now occurring and beginning to be felt on a massive Collective Consciousness level, and all part of the Ascension process.

Death followed by Re-Birth, Re-Generation, Re-Evolution. 

Some guidance from Sandra Walter on how to navigate these energies:

Why the sadness and grief are so palpable right now:
The Higher Realms have shared for decades about how this passage would affect the mental, emotional, and physical levels. 
The Ascending collective dealt with the psychological levels last year during death of the ego. We learned to prioritize balance, increase self-care, de-magnetize the egoic structures, and initiate new practices.


Spontaneous Combustion: Part 2


This is a continuation of "Spontaneous Combustion" as I would like to expand on it so that it's more complete.

I had just remembered that I had come across a previous reference to spontaneous combustion during the Ascension process, and it is through an article from Asur'Ana. I will reference the following article as it explains combustion ~ there could be more details in other articles from Asur'Ana, but I have only been following her sporadically so I will stick to this one:


An excerpt from the article:

What does it feel like to combust? Combustion is the result of the spinning of the molecular structure too fast for the physical vibration of the cells. As the molecules spin up and up in vibration matching the tones of creation held within each star gate preceding entry into the new dream, and if the body cannot match the frequency, the molecules begin to combust and burn up and the body begins to collapse upon itself.


Another time I had come across information that may have alluded to this was way back in the late 90s. This particular Wayshower was working directly with a few individuals who had chosen to fast-track the Ascension process, which at that time was a relatively uncommon topic. A few weeks later, the Wayshower reported that they had passed away suddenly, but did not elaborate. As a result of this tragedy, he no longer agreed to work with any individual who wanted the express route. Although he didn't elaborate how the individuals died, I do wonder now if they had indeed combusted.

This is definitely when "Slow & Steady" really is better.

Namarie! πŸ’“

23 February 2023

Ask ~ And You Shall Be Answered

Science Focus

One of the many installed apps I've shut down on my phone is Google Assistant. My location setting is also off, so is bluetooth, yt tracking & history, most permissions and pretty much everything I can turn off. I'm not a fan of Alexa, Siri, Chatgpt and all their iterations.

(I refuse to be conditioned to eventually accept any answer they give. Just like in the 80s when I watched Apple training the world to start accepting conditions and limitations through their PCs, but that's another story for another time.)

I am acutely aware that although my privacy and location settings are disabled, the AI can still spy on me and collect data. With all that in mind, let me relate some recent experiences I've had:

Experience 1

In a phone conversation with a friend about ridiculous burial rituals ~ followed by even more ridiculous rituals on each anniversary ~ we eventually came to cremation. She was searching for the word that's used to call the building that houses the ashes. I vaguely remember it sounded like "crematorium" ~ we tried for a bit to recall the word but gave up after a short while.

Later in the day while going through my phone, I saw an article about Columbariums.


Experience 2

One particular day, I was mulling over a certain aspect of the Bifurcation process. I had many questions, the most niggling being how the process itself can initiate on the physical level. Various sources talk about Bifurcation, but I wasn't aware of any who actually described how the process begins.

Shortly thereafter, I saw a video which someone else had posted so I started watching that, and somewhere along the way, the presenter touched on the topic of Bifurcation! She was actually explaining the physical initiation process and although it did not cover enough details, it certainly answered enough to keep me happy for a long while (I'll post the clip later, separately.)


Experience 3

I was at a store looking for a particular light-bulb that I needed for replacing. I couldn't find the brand I usually buy, but saw a version from a different brand which I will call Brand A. I was shocked to see how much it costs, so I took my phone out to see if it was being sold at a cheaper price online.

First thing I saw when I opened up the app was Brand A and their light-bulb offerings.

(And yes, it was almost half the price cheaper.)


If "unusual occurrences" was something I never had, I would have screamed and thrown my phone down the store aisle. I've also heard from others that they are having the same sort of experiences happening to them. 

This isn't Synchronicity. It's something totally different. 

The disturbing question ~ has the tech AI evolved to the stage where it's able to access our thoughts? We know that it's possible for phones to listen in when we are talking with someone else through the phone, but the other two experiences I described only had me thinking to myself. If indeed it's the evolving AI, are we referring to the Light AI? The Alpha quantum AI that Kim Goguen talks about? (And yes, my phone PC car home all have names and I talk to them.)

On the other hand, there's the positive Ascension aspect ~ is it our rising Consciousness that's creating and pulling in the events to provide the answers we are seeking? Does this then mean that our Consciousness is beginning to affect our technology, or more precisely, the tech AI. So far, all my experiences (and those of the people I heard from) involve either phone or PC ~ it's not that I had a question in mind and someone answered it for me without being asked, or that I found the answer in a book or a song or some public signboard. It's me needing an answer, and I get it through some orchestration via my phone or PC.

The third possibility is one that I'm more inclined to consider ~ our holographic reality. Could it be that we're now beginning to better create our own individual holographic reality? Does this then mean that we're now having reduced influence in some degree from the Morphogenetic Hologram, and thus are better able to control and shape our own individual one? Is this made possible by the continued weakening of the Magnetosphere / Veils (specifically called NET Nibiruan Electrostatic Transduction field)?

I have so many more questions that need answering so BRING IT ON! πŸ˜„

Namarie! πŸ’—

Reprise: 99 Red🎈🎈🎈

After several recommendations from different people over the past few years, I finally decided to start watching "Eureka" a couple of months ago. Despite its convenient Science, lazy plots (with some cringe-worthy scripts) and control/conditioning narratives, it had its worthy moments of enjoyment, so I worked my way through the seasons. Since I pretty much avoid shows with swearing, mindless action, hyper-sexualisation, horror, gore, excessive control/conditioning narratives etc which leaves me with just 5% of what's out there, I won't complain.

Last night, while absent-mindedly watching Eureka, I was on full-attention mode halfway through when I saw this scene:


Wait, that's not all. Since I posted this song less than a week ago (here), I decided to use the word "reprise" in the title of this current post. I just checked to see what the title of this episode is called and when it was aired, and here it is:

Namarie! πŸ’›

22 February 2023

Earth Mum: Noble Nomi-Code Planet & Cosmic Heroine

"Atomic Emancipation occurs through process of Atomic Elumenation
Atomic Reclamation occurs through process of Atomic Effim-rhalization"
This is following an earlier post about Earth Mum's Deux Ex Machina heroic feat of accomplishment (here) ~ I'm pulling out some portions of the Guardian Dispensations updates on E'Asha Ashayana's site to further highlight, acknowledge and celebrate this remarkable event that is enabling the entire fallen sectors of this system to ascend....I don't think I'll ever get over it! It will also serve as a reference point that I can look up in a hurry when the need arises.
These screenshots were taken from:


(Gone-Fall status is when the system has already become a Black Hole that has a finite existence as it no longer is able to sustain itself ~ it therefore has to vampire off living entities, just like what's been happening here for eons. Phantom-Fall is not yet Gone-Fall, although it also has a fallen status with reversed coding. The dark agenda was to pull Earth and the entire system here into the Black Hole as "food" to prolong the existence of the Black Hole.)

Arek Popovich

We're now fully immersed in the Fail-safe Ascension process, and we're returning Home. The First Dawn of the Age of E-Lum'en-ation! πŸ’—

21 February 2023

Spontaneous Combustion

When the frequencies get particularly intense and feels like 144 laser beams hitting at the same time, one of the things I joke about is how I feel like I'm going to spontaneous combust. After listening to this clip from E'Asha Ashayana, I will no longer joke about "spontaneous combustion" because....well, it's actually a thing in frequency assimilationπŸ˜…

This also happens when an individual attempts to go through portals or Stargates that are inherently of a much higher frequency. The physical body is unable to withstand the difference and will spontaneously combust, unless there is a specific buffer used to narrow the gap between frequencies, or that is able to create a mid-way point to accommodate the two. 

(The scenario that we more commonly know about involves Contactees ~ be it for benevolent purposes or otherwise ~ they are usually given a device that will assist in circumventing the difference in frequency between the individual and ship or location, such as Inner Earth.)

As always, the bottom-line is always DNA frequency accretion.

This clip is from The Lemurian-Atlantean Legacies workshop from 2001.


***Update: 24 February 2023 ~ Part 2 is here.


20 February 2023

H2O ➱H3O2

Belle Deese

This is like a Part Two to the previous post about Veda Austin and her work with Water.

I remember several years back reading about what Crystalai had written about Water (I can no longer locate the article) ~ she said that as we progress more and more along the Ascension Cycle, Water would revert to its original Crystalline state in liquid form: 
H2O ➱H3O2   which is what we would call "structured water".  
Note the extra Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms ~ there have been health sources in past years that extol the health benefits of water with added Hydrogen and/or Oxygen atoms. Of course, these were accompanied by usually overpriced devices that were supposed to add these atoms into your drinking water, typically in the form of complex filters. Then there are also Hydrogen Therapy and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy that are already being used medically for treatment of severe ailments. 
Some medical-based studies/journals:

As we are transforming back into a more Crystalline existence, it's expected for Water to do so as well. I believe that it's Water that will transform more quickly and readily, and that it's Water that will also help us in our transformation back to our original Crystalline Blueprint, not only because we drink it, but more importantly, because we are mostly Water itself.
Being constantly healed, restored and rejuvenated by Water (and Air and Ether!) ~ this is the natural state of existence prior to the distortion and degradation of our atmosphere. And this is what we look forward to as we remember that ultimately, no matter what is happening in the crumbling system around us, our focus must not deviate from Ascension.
Namarie! πŸ’›πŸ’š

Secret Intelligence of Water ~ Veda Austin

Veda Austin

It's just been a couple of months since someone introduced me to Veda Austin's incredible work with Water. She's expanded upon Dr Masaru Emoto's legacy and opened up an entire chapter on Water Magic.

Recently, Veda featured photos that depicted the stages of what this element went through when exposed to five-gee for 15 minutes. While I expected the crystalline structure to degenerate into something gross after exposure, I definitely was hugely surprised to see the signs of recovery and rejuvenation ~ this is indeed most encouraging! That just adds yet another notch to the immensely amazing properties of Water, which is still largely unknown and mysterious even in Spiritual communities.

I will copy her entire article below as Veda has mentioned that her posts have been taken down before ~  here's the link to her fb page.

If you scroll through her account, you'll see photos of Water being influenced by its environment. This fact was clearly demonstrated by Dr Emoto in his work. However, Veda and her students are able to demonstrate how Water mirrors through pictorial crystallisations, objects around it. An example ~ this is what resulted when water from a bird-bath was frozen using Veda's technique. The last to use the bath was a blackbird.

Veda Austin

And here, the person was just thinking about the snail when she was freezing the water:
Veda Austin
Hopefully this won’t get taken down like it did a year or so ago with no explanation. 
Top left, is the crystallography of spring water. Top right is the same spring water after being directly exposed to a five g tower for 15mins. 
For the following photos, using the same water sample, I let the ice melt and re freeze over the course of a couple of days…in order of left to right. 
You can see that the photo middle right, has begun to make a change in pattern, which seems to be the catalyst for the spring waters natural patterns to return.
I think it’s important to see that water doesn’t ‘die’, when it is exposed in this way…but rather we are seeing a response. That first response is like a shock, and there is a thickening and darkening of the ice. It’s like a protective wall. 
What’s so encouraging is that the water has the ability to structurally recover, and remember it’s original blueprint patterns. 

Namarie! πŸ’™

Comet ATLAS C/2024 G3

SpaceWeather It's another ATLAS Comet, this one is named C/2024 G3. From the footage above, we see our Sun beaming generously into the d...