Showing posts with label nomi-code. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nomi-code. Show all posts

08 August 2023

Our Sun, The Cosmos & Our Bodies: Frequency Power Points ~ 8 August 2023

Happy day, Beautiful Souls! How are you feeling today? I hope you are all well.

I wasn't going to pay much attention to today (details later) 8 August 2023 and actually had plans. What did they say about "Man plans, God laughs"??? So I thought I'd make myself sit down (can't walk around much, anyway) and write about this, with the intention that it can be beneficial in some way.


Solar Activity

Let's first look at the Solar Activity in recent days ~ we've had 2 X-class flares and numerous M- and C-class ones. That's just on Earth....our Sun has been busy spewing stuff generously around the rest of the Solar System as well, making sure all Planets are continuously being activated. We are now also getting tons of Source-y stuff and much of it comes not only via our Sun, but also from core connections to Higher Creations.


Then we also had geomagnetic storms a few days ago:


 Look at that wild Solar Wind burst coming up, non-Earth facing:


From, we have the Solar clip at the top of this post....phew. It's not Earth-facing, but Sensitives will feel it all the same. Also this report:

Cycle & Sub-Cycle Anniversaries and Frequency Power Points

Today 8 August would be the Frequency Power Points of a few key monumental events that imprinted Earth & her Humanity firmly on to the Fail-Safe Ascension Timeline, and these include:

*Krystal-River-Fail-Safe-Host triggered on 8 August 2011
*Peak-Period of Planetary Grid Activations which run from 8-12 August annually
*Great Planetary Triumph & Universal Triumphs of Triumphs achieved Full and Permanent Activation on 8 August 2016, and will continue in annual cycles
*Nomi-Yah Wave Cycle commenced 8-12 December 2015, marking the annual time period of 8-12 August as 2/3 Peak-Point-Power-Period.

So this period of time would either represent Lull-Point or Peak-Point, both of which are Frequency Power-Points:

Arhayas Productions

Please read the full document here for details.

I had vaguely remembered this time period, didn't think much about it and actually made plans for today. However, when I got up this morning, I knew I couldn't make it and actually wondered how I would get through the day. I resigned myself to seriously re-read this document to remind myself of all the cycles and sub-cycles with their corresponding Frequency Power-Points.

From the document, we can see that this period is undeniably off the charts, energy-wise. Source-y frequencies working directly on our physical bodies. 

....And Our Bodies

I'm so glad I'm getting to the end of this post ~ I will admit it hurts to even think (so that's an excuse for any errors I've made in the post 😄). 

Heavy head, feeling more disconnected from usual from the external, blurred vision, extreme "fatigue" but not the usual sort of fatigue....more like having no desire to do anything that's not relevant. I've heard from some who are going through the same-ish but I've also heard from a couple who say they feel nothing. As I repeatedly stress, every individual is unique and so is the the manner in which their physical body processes energies.

And with that, Namarie! I truly am unable to carry on 😆💙

22 February 2023

Earth Mum: Noble Nomi-Code Planet & Cosmic Heroine

"Atomic Emancipation occurs through process of Atomic Elumenation
Atomic Reclamation occurs through process of Atomic Effim-rhalization"
This is following an earlier post about Earth Mum's Deux Ex Machina heroic feat of accomplishment (here) ~ I'm pulling out some portions of the Guardian Dispensations updates on E'Asha Ashayana's site to further highlight, acknowledge and celebrate this remarkable event that is enabling the entire fallen sectors of this system to ascend....I don't think I'll ever get over it! It will also serve as a reference point that I can look up in a hurry when the need arises.
These screenshots were taken from:


(Gone-Fall status is when the system has already become a Black Hole that has a finite existence as it no longer is able to sustain itself ~ it therefore has to vampire off living entities, just like what's been happening here for eons. Phantom-Fall is not yet Gone-Fall, although it also has a fallen status with reversed coding. The dark agenda was to pull Earth and the entire system here into the Black Hole as "food" to prolong the existence of the Black Hole.)

Arek Popovich

We're now fully immersed in the Fail-safe Ascension process, and we're returning Home. The First Dawn of the Age of E-Lum'en-ation! 💗

30 January 2023

"I've Got This!"

War and Peas ~ via You Are Another Me

In October 2022, I posted a link to E'Asha Ashayana's website which contained information about significant and pertinent Planetary changes that were occurring at that time of 2016 (again, I clarify that I do not generally participate in activations and techniques). I finally completed wading through reading all the information and have since then wanted to check some things for correlation.

Note: Specifically, these articles:

In essence, the reports describe the major development and crucial turning point in the liberation of our Planet and her Humanity in December 2015. 

(Here, I would like to state that I am fairly new to E'Asha's body of work that goes back more than two decades ~ I am basically a rookie, especially since her materials are practically versed in an entirely new lexicon as far as I am concerned. So for those who are familiar with her teachings, please excuse my own vocabulary in writing about her work.)

I'll pull out some excerpts from those updates:

As is quite commonly known in Spiritual circles, our Planet was "birthed" in Density 1 (Dimensions 1,2,3) as a direct outcome of the wars in Tara (Density 2, Dimensions 4,5,6). Earth Mum is essentially a part of Tara, just as Tara is the Density 2 entity of Gaia in Density 3, who in turn is expressed from Aramatena in Density 4. As a result of her Taran aspect, Earth Mum carries the Gone-Fall code which the dark activated in December 2015, intending for that event to finally and totally pull her into the Phantom System. What was not known then is that this same kill-switch itself triggered the Deus Ex Machina ~ Earth Mum's unexpected and secret auto-immune response, setting off an entire series of remedial procedures that will extricate and liberate herself (and the Solar System!) from the ages-old energy-binding vise of the dark.

This is a rare and remarkable feat of rescue and recovery, the magnitude and implications of which cannot be understated as its ramifications would affect most of the fallen parts of this Universe. This is why I've been saying for a long time that Earth Mum has her own Plan (hence, "The Earth Plan"), and that where she goes, we follow. When I named my old blog "The Earth Plan", I did not at that time have the depth of understanding what exactly that entailed. The extent of what I knew then was that post-2012, Earth Mum "fell into the Cosmic Wings" of the Light ~ the image I had was that she was resting in the protective Wings of the Cosmos, and would spend some time there during her initial stage of her own Salvation.

Back to E'Asha's reports ~ there is a ton of details that she goes through, and I really recommend reading them for those who wish to know more. At the very least, the reports give us an idea of the scope and enormity of what we are going through as a Planetary system, and what lies ahead. 

The reports left me in utter awe and reverence of the Divine workings of what was and is transpiring. The elegance and beauty of the intricacies are truly incomparable and beyond imagination. After I recovered somewhat from the sheer brilliance of this aspect of the Divine Plan, my own humble thoughts strayed to an experience I had some years back that involved Earth Mum ~ I wondered if it was related to what I had just read about her being a Nomi-Code Noble Planet, and if it would correlate to the time period of 2015.

So, I went back to The Earth Plan to search for what I had written and found it...."Ready To Go", written in 2015!

Please note that I have in recent years reverted to calling our Planet "Earth Mum" instead of "Gaia", to honour her current expression. 

And finally, to complete this connection, I thankfully remembered an article written by Lisa Transcendence Brown in 2020. In that article, Lisa referred to something in 2015, which I've highlighted:

Gaia is clearing heavy duty akashes that were held in her dense gridding systems as she changes density, ones that previously "bound the entire planet" to a certain place. She is clearing on a cellular/atomic/molecular level as well and SHE is "righting" everything through a massive re-harmonizing, reconfiguration, re-balancing of electromagnetics and unification processes and asking each here to unite, work together as Light, honor, respect, love and do the same. (At first she will "ask" and then she will demand/require, as refusing to listen/honor/respect is 3D and she will override and align herself, forgo much of what you see occurring. She "took over" in 2015 and said "I've got this", which allowed many of us to shift our focus to other things....).

Here's the link to Lisa's article:

Earth Mum....our Nomi-Code Noble Planet. She's such a Special Lady 💗

Namarie! 💙

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...