03 December 2023


Tiny Buddha

Pause-phases allow us to reconnect back to our own Divinity, to really breathe, to re-centre and re-align. They are not a luxury or an after-thought ~ they are essential and necessary, and most certainly an integral part of our Ascension process.

Namarie! 💛

02 December 2023

Solar Activity: 1-2 December 2023


We just got a massive Plasma dump (above) with Solar Winds clocking at max 2014 km/sec (!!!)....that's 7,250,400/hr.



This is what's sparking all the frenetic activity:


And we're right in the midst of geomagnetic storms:

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

With more expected....this report from SpaceWeather:

A HOLE IN THE SUN'S ATMOSPHERE: A huge hole has opened in the sun's atmosphere, and it is directly facing Earth. Solar wind flowing from the hole will reach our planet on Dec. 4th or 5th. Its arrival should spark G1-class geomagnetic storms. Aurora alerts: SMS Text

01 December 2023



I copied the concept from a meme I saw some time ago 😄

30 November 2023

Planetary & Individual Corona ~ E'Asha Ashayana

Over the past decade or so, there have been a few Wayshowers/Ascension Guides who have reported that our Planet is destined to become a Star at some point along her Ascension path. This was something with which I readily resonated, as there was so much truth in that piece of information. 

What I had been trying to learn since then were the usual how-what-why of the transformation. We were told this, but very little else. The information was presented in a way as if becoming a Star is the accolade accorded to Earth Mum when she completes her Ascension.

In a way, this is partially true. However, E'Asha Ashayana presents in the following videos the actual how-what-why of this "transformation", which is actually the reclaiming of Earth Mum's Divine Blueprint status of being a Star, which is what all living Planets are as well.

And remember, we are the micro to the macro.....so we get to "turn on" our own "corona" as well.

29 November 2023

The Inorganic 7.83 HZ SR ~ E'Asha Ashayana

Another snippet from E'Asha Ashayana about the SR 7.83 Hz. This could be from about 20 years ago, I'm guessing.

Interestingly, some years ago I used to follow this particular Wayshower who taught that 13 Hz is the "trigger-point" for "mass awakening" to unfold. Thankfully I lost interest after a while because I no longer felt aligned with what he was teaching, which is just as well because in this video, E'Asha mentions that 13 Hz SR is metatronic.

28 November 2023

They Need to Eat, Too 😄

Many thanks to the original creator of this meme, who remains unknown to me at the moment. 

Like many others, I sometimes wish that crucial resources were freely available to anyone interested enough to access them, without cost. I'm referring to the ones that are fairly reasonably priced but which can still be a lot for some. (I'm excluding those who charge exorbitantly like USD1000 upwards for a couple of hours of "teaching"....). 

When we have sufficiently shifted into operating in a Divine Authentic Organic reality, money will gradually cease to matter (literally), or we can manifest what we need, or we would be more Breatharian-like. Meanwhile, Wayshowers still need to eat....

Namaste! 💙

Solar Activity ~ 27 November 2023

The Sun Today: Solar Facts and Space Weather

From The Sun Today: Solar Facts and Space Weather:
🌞 Sun activity for November 27, 2023: Solar blast heading our way?
🔝 📰 Today’s top news: It is a low sun activity day, but nobody told our star that. It released a huge rope of plasma and magnetic field, a filament, off into space, possibly heading our way. We await further analysis for confirmation of an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME).
🤩 🥳 😎 If this CME is heading toward Earth, this could mean disturbances in Earth’s magnetic field, geomagnetic storms, and more aurora. Stay tuned!
🧐 MORE at EarthSky: bit.ly/sunactivity


The Sun Today posted a spectacular footage of our Sun's energetic billowing (please watch via link given). One of those CMEs clocked a max of 1953 km/sec (7,030,800 km/hr).


27 November 2023

Translation of Some Codes

Rosetta Stone by Smashicons~Flaticon

There are many times when I do an energy tune-in or see something in the fields that I don't write about. This is becoming very often now ~ almost daily I sense or see things I don't understand. The situation amplified around November 2022, when I was seeing energy codes, geometries and patterns I did not know how to decipher. As mentioned before, it was as if the energies coming in were entirely new yet so very ancient, and I did not have the capacity to speak that "language".

I acknowledge that it can be annoying for people to read my updates which then conclude by saying I don't know what it means. I've been asked several times before for answers ~ if I don't have any then I don't have any. I won't make up a story about something I don't know, and if I feel I can venture a guess, then I will make it very clear that it's a guess or my opinion only.

However, as I went through the most recent update from E'Asha Ashayana in the past few weeks, I believe I have received some significant solutions to some of the energy codes and patterns that I was unable to translate. It is for me a huge personal revelation for what I have been seeing/sensing, and although I would have gratefully welcomed more details, I am truly thankful for what I've come across so far. I feel like I've been gifted with a precious Cosmic mini-Rosetta Stone to help me learn this new "language", and from just a few translations I am able to greatly enhance my appreciation of what I see/sense and what's happening in the Planetary and Cosmic fields.

This is another reason why I do my best to access and learn E'Asha's teachings/updates ~ although I am new to her work and have only gone through a small percentage of her vast body of data, her information has provided me with an expanded understanding of many concepts that I had learnt about over the years. Her teachings have provided clarity and depth to what would otherwise be vague pronouncements or notions (example Bifurcation of Timelines). She has also yanked off much more of the veil of deception imposed by the fallen ones, helped with connecting many dots, and painted a Bigger Picture....this last point being very relevant to me.

With that due credit given, here are "translations" to some of the things I've written about:



I'll start with this one, since it confounded me the most. 

That was in March 2023 (here) when I was thoroughly perplexed and clueless with what I was seeing/sensing, and I said pleeeeeeease tell me what they mean 😆

And that's what I got ~ just one word...."SOUND". I wasn't thrilled with this breadcrumb, needless to say 😄 but in such situations, I've learnt to trust Divine Right Order and Timing so I'm good at moving on after whining for a while.

Earlier this month, when I posted a part-summary of E'Asha's recent update, this was what she said:


This was in September 2022 (here):

These vortices are quite a sight to behold ~ dynamic and so....challenging to adequately describe. I've been seeing them a lot:

I've been using the term "Source-y" to describe the general feel of these energies simply because it feels like they originate from Source-Fields itself....hence, "Source-y". This coincided with the time when I felt I did not understand the new "language" back in November 2022.

So the translation based on what I can comprehend from E'Asha's teachings/update is this ~ doorways and passageways all the way back to Source-Fields will open/are opening to allow actual Source-Fields energies to enable a super-accelerated Ascension Process that is Fail-Safe. Again, I would like to believe that that is the interpretation of what I've been seeing.


This was the actual title of a post in March 2023 (here):

E'Asha reported in her recent update that the Guardian Alliance has gone through many "upsteps" and is now at GA-38 Al-Hum-Bra Councils as at May 2023 (here):

She explained that all previous councils are still involved, but as "operations" get more and more complex and intricate, involving higher and higher levels of Creation, Councils are also correspondingly up-stepped.

This is the explanation for what I was writing about in "Divine Takeover". My preferred belief, of course 😊


(From here and here)

Yep....Spheres. What can I say, I just report what I see 😄

However, in the following screenshot taken from an excerpt I came across from E'Asha's teachings, I see the term "H.A.P.P.Y Bubbles" (High Amplitude Particle Pulsation YhU-Rhi-dhan Spherical Standing Scalar-Waves Doorway):

I haven't a clue what this means but I would like to think that it's something spherical, as indicated in both the name and the description given. I gladly welcome anyone who knows to please inform me, thank you!

These are some of the "translations" that I can offer for now, thanks to E'Asha Ashayana's data, which is at the moment like a Rosetta Stone for me. 

Namarie! 💗

Comet ATLAS C/2024 G3

SpaceWeather It's another ATLAS Comet, this one is named C/2024 G3. From the footage above, we see our Sun beaming generously into the d...