24 August 2023

Solar Activity ~ Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol ~ 23 August 2023

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol has uploaded a video showing this gigantic Solar burst which occurred on 23 August 2023, please view it it here.

As if that wasn't eye-popping enough, note the (massive) object nonchalantly flying into our Sun. There seems to be quite a number of very large crafts around the vicinity of our Sun in recent weeks. I can only imagine the level of activity right now as it feels like a thousand projects are being carried out simultaneously to help this sector of the Cosmos through Ascension.

Gregorio also posted this image the day before:

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

It was taken down, so he re-posted it.....and it got taken down again.

I can't tell from what perspective this image was taken, but I'm inclined to think the crafts must be massive. To whom do they belong ~ Guardians or Fallen? 

Namarie! 💛


23 August 2023

Divine Decree: Highest Trajectories ~ Sandra Walter ~ 22 August 2023

Sandra Walter

There's so much going on energetically at the physical level and therefore in our biological bodies ~ having to heal much and work through many changes, they need all the love and care we can provide.

The mental body, unsurprisingly, can be on overdrive and distracted, trying its best to make sense of all that is happening. Meditations are usually the remedy, and so are affirmations that will re-focus wayward thoughts and entrain mental patterning. 

(Having said all that, please do bear in mind every body accesses and processes these Ascension energies differently.)

I find myself gravitating towards Sandra Walter's decrees. She has already posted so many over the past years ~ I find them to be powerful spiritual tools.

Namarie! 💜

21 August 2023

Believe.... The Queventilliur Guardian Race

via You Are Another Me


Known as Yeti (Asia), Sasquatch (Americas), Chuchuna (Siberia), even the not-so-polite Bigfoot or Abominable Snowman. These Beings are more formally known as Queventelliur in Voyagers I by E'Asha Ashayana:

and they are one of our Guardian Races.

There are several contactees of these Guardian Beings, who are said to be very sensitive to the well-being of our Planet and her Kingdoms, and in recent years have given teachings to help us through this Ascension Cycle. One such contactee is Sunbow, who received messages from his Sasquatch guide Kamooh, some of which are published on their site:

Scenic Sasquatch

I remember reading news accounts of these Guardian Beings being aggressively hunted by the military of various countries whenever a sighting is reported. As far as I know, none have been captured 😎😉 Being multi-dimensional, they can easily shift into the next dimension and vibrate out of ours.

This is just my opinion ~ I believe that there will be more sightings as well as more contacts being made with those who have Soul Contracts or Soul Connections with the Queventilliur. Having said that, I also believe that more of our Guardian Races will also make their presence more visible in the near future, since we are already in our Ascension Cycle, and especially since we are fast approaching the time of physical Bifurcation.

A Cosmic Family Reunion....that's something Magical to work towards!

Namarie! 💛

19 August 2023

Keeping Our Word ~ Hafiz


"Every time a man upon the path does not keep his word
Some angels grumble and have to remove a few of the bets
they had placed upon his heart to win"    

* via Rumi Hugs

I think of this as keeping our word to our own Divine Self....

Light Beings have faith in us....and that's the least we can do for ourselves.

Surrendering Limitations & Embracing Divine Awareness ~ Sandra Walter ~ 14 August 2023

Sandra Walter


10 August 2023

Breakthrough On the Subtle Level? ~ Christina von Dreien ~ 8 July 2023

Christina von Dreien perceives the loss of power in the control system and that the unLight is no longer present in the Subtle Realms. This is excellent news!

"Certain groups on Earth no longer have the same energetic power as before. Some plans have now been accelerated..."

This sounds like the Divine Takeover I wrote about earlier on, and from what I hear, E'Asha Ashayana confirms the continuing positive developments in a rare update recently. I will get to her update in the coming days and post what I can, given copyright issues.

Please listen in to Christina's update here.

Not On My Organic Timeline!

via Tatiana Romanova

08 August 2023

Our Sun, The Cosmos & Our Bodies: Frequency Power Points ~ 8 August 2023


Happy day, Beautiful Souls! How are you feeling today? I hope you are all well.

I wasn't going to pay much attention to today (details later) 8 August 2023 and actually had plans. What did they say about "Man plans, God laughs"??? So I thought I'd make myself sit down (can't walk around much, anyway) and write about this, with the intention that it can be beneficial in some way.


Solar Activity

Let's first look at the Solar Activity in recent days ~ we've had 2 X-class flares and numerous M- and C-class ones. That's just on Earth....our Sun has been busy spewing stuff generously around the rest of the Solar System as well, making sure all Planets are continuously being activated. We are now also getting tons of Source-y stuff and much of it comes not only via our Sun, but also from core connections to Higher Creations.


Then we also had geomagnetic storms a few days ago:


 Look at that wild Solar Wind burst coming up, non-Earth facing:


From SpaceWeather.com, we have the Solar clip at the top of this post....phew. It's not Earth-facing, but Sensitives will feel it all the same. Also this report:


Cycle & Sub-Cycle Anniversaries and Frequency Power Points

Today 8 August would be the Frequency Power Points of a few key monumental events that imprinted Earth & her Humanity firmly on to the Fail-Safe Ascension Timeline, and these include:

*Krystal-River-Fail-Safe-Host triggered on 8 August 2011
*Peak-Period of Planetary Grid Activations which run from 8-12 August annually
*Great Planetary Triumph & Universal Triumphs of Triumphs achieved Full and Permanent Activation on 8 August 2016, and will continue in annual cycles
*Nomi-Yah Wave Cycle commenced 8-12 December 2015, marking the annual time period of 8-12 August as 2/3 Peak-Point-Power-Period.

So this period of time would either represent Lull-Point or Peak-Point, both of which are Frequency Power-Points:

Arhayas Productions

Please read the full document here for details.

I had vaguely remembered this time period, didn't think much about it and actually made plans for today. However, when I got up this morning, I knew I couldn't make it and actually wondered how I would get through the day. I resigned myself to seriously re-read this document to remind myself of all the cycles and sub-cycles with their corresponding Frequency Power-Points.

From the document, we can see that this period is undeniably off the charts, energy-wise. Source-y frequencies working directly on our physical bodies. 

....And Our Bodies

I'm so glad I'm getting to the end of this post ~ I will admit it hurts to even think (so that's an excuse for any errors I've made in the post 😄). 

Heavy head, feeling more disconnected from usual from the external, blurred vision, extreme "fatigue" but not the usual sort of fatigue....more like having no desire to do anything that's not relevant. I've heard from some who are going through the same-ish but I've also heard from a couple who say they feel nothing. As I repeatedly stress, every individual is unique and so is the the manner in which their physical body processes energies.

And with that, Namarie! I truly am unable to carry on 😆💙

Comet ATLAS C/2024 G3

SpaceWeather It's another ATLAS Comet, this one is named C/2024 G3. From the footage above, we see our Sun beaming generously into the d...