So beautifully said by Mary Allison. This is fits perfectly in continuing the Timeline topic that I've been writing about. Mary provides her unique perspective as she talks about the acceleration of Time and its connection to Timelines and Bifurcation. This wisdom is so pertinent to this stage we are in right now, and I believe this will apply even more strongly as we whizz our way towards the eventual physical Bifurcation.
05 August 2023
Timeline Split and Time Acceleration ~ Mary Allison ~ 1 August 2023
So beautifully said by Mary Allison. This is fits perfectly in continuing the Timeline topic that I've been writing about. Mary provides her unique perspective as she talks about the acceleration of Time and its connection to Timelines and Bifurcation. This wisdom is so pertinent to this stage we are in right now, and I believe this will apply even more strongly as we whizz our way towards the eventual physical Bifurcation.
04 August 2023
Wheels In Motion
Regina Valluzzi |
This is like a continuation of the previous energy tune-ins (here and here), with the topic still very much on extremely accelerated Timelines.
With so much on-going Cosmic work being applied to the main Ascension Timeline, it's a given that our own individual Timelines are also being worked on. We're still doing the woozy-wobbly traversing sub-Timelines thing, but it's beginning to diminish a teensy bit and our bodies are also acclimatising. I feel that this is just a temporary phase for us to catch our breath before we're presented with the next batch of Timeline-adjustments/fine-tuning.
The Big Wheels are turning and churning merrily along, our little individual wheels are also in motion and keeping in alignment. What's meant to stay in our own individual Timeline will stay, and what's meant to leave will leave. Trying to hold on to what doesn't belong on our Timeline is pretty much futile and self-torture because then the ripping away of what needs to go becomes more explosive and perhaps even more painful.
The situation may not be permanent ~ what goes away may return further down the line if what needs to be healed gets healed, or if certain conditions change to enable a re-printing of that situation on to our Timeline again.
When wheels are in motion, we can't be attached to anything. It's like trying to participate or engage in a conversation with someone walking on the road while you are in a moving vehicle. This is how I see what's presenting for many ~ there's a strong sense of detachment to the external world. Granted, this isn't a new thing because many have been doing that for several years now ~ but we've come to this stage where even if we try to engage, most of the time it's like there's "nothing" there. This is especially so in circumstances which are not "real" or relevant to our path; this also applies to events and situations that carry frequencies that will be transmuted in some manner along the way. Frequencies and energies that do not belong to the main Ascension Timeline will begin to feel less and less "real".
With so much unfolding, we have to be like water, as Bruce Lee says. What used to work for us before may no longer do so now. What we thought we couldn't live without we may now find we have no further need. Our list of favourite things may now look completely different. This is all part of the process of the refining and redefinition that I wrote about before ~ the process of becoming more and more of our True Essence continues unabated, unfettered and undeterred.
Each day, let's greet and welcome our "new" self as we grow more into our True Self.
Namarie! 💗
29 July 2023
28 July 2023
Whoa Wait What?!
Story behind this image....
The gorgeous clouds were sliding past the sky nonchalantly, from left to right. The scene held an element of mesmerising beauty as I watched this serenity play out across the sky screen. Then a lone cloud appeared from the right and jauntily made its way towards the left, passing the other clouds moving in the opposite direction. It seemed to call out, "Hey, look at me!"
So I replied mentally, "OK....I'll take a photo of our Sun if you stop in front of it."
(Just minutes prior to this, I had felt nudged to take a picture of our Sun but I was reluctant to come out of my energy zone and physically move to fetch my phone. Hence my deal with Lone Cloud.)
Well....a few seconds later Lone Cloud stopped and parked right in front of our Sun 😅 I took some pictures, not knowing what it was I was supposed to see. Lone Cloud had basically dissipated when I was done with the camera.
Scrolling through the photos, I was surprised to see a sort of Sun Halo around the top part of our Sun. I looked up at our Sun, nothing. But there it was, in all the photos I had taken, as well as unusual formations around our Sun, not visible or apparent to the naked eye.
So....this past week....what ze heck is happening?! It's like we received a massive infusion of Takeyons (not Tachyons) into our already warp-speed express-lane accelerated (main) Timeline. The days come and go like a whirlwind in a hurry. In just a few days, it will already be August!
There are also lots of deja vu moments. Lots. And the Mandela Effect thing....Seriously, I could have sworn I read about Sinead O'Connor's passing a few years ago. It really feels like there's a lot of work being done to our main Timeline to orchestrate an accelerated Ascension and bringing entire badly injured systems Home ~ making the impossible possible.
It's basically quite disorienting, all this Time-related operations taking place. I believe this will continue for a long time, and we just have to manage these on-going shifts as best as we can.
22 July 2023
Prioritise Self-Care
A quick note to acknowledge what many, including me, are feeling ~ general fatigue seems to be the main thing, accompanied by an entire range of emotions from irritability to being moodless.
It's a woozy wobbly phase, as if we are traversing sub-timelines every now and then. Every physical body processes these energies differently, and for me it's big-time clumsiness. Very inconvenient and patience-testing.
Sleep seems to also be a thing for many where sleep cycles roll out the window. This is a good time to highly prioritise what needs to be done ~ self-care is paramount, whatever isn't important can wait.
It appears that diet is also at the forefront and again, changes vary from individual to individual.
Take good care of yourselves, everyone....Namarie! 💟
19 July 2023
16 July 2023
Blame It On The Rain
Luke Coutinho |
With thanks to Dianne Warren for the title ~ and to Milli Vanilli for being the "front"....
This is like the second part to Spotlight on Darkness as this psycho-tactic gained traction about twenty years ago and rapidly elevated itself to a major catch-all blame in both spiritual and psychotherapy camps. It is another huge mental-emotional warfare control agenda designed to cripple spiritual growth and perpetually feed both medical and psychotherapy industries.
And just like the earlier post, this was also something that I had wanted to highlight, spotlight and call out for quite some time. Synchronicity sent me relevant quotations in the past couple of weeks that echo my thoughts on this, so thank you to Synchronicity as well.
Blame vs Self-Accountability
Blaming something or someone else is so easy and such a convenient way of letting ourselves slip away from self-accountability. Is it so wrong to blame someone or something else, if that's really what happened? Of course not! There is a huge difference between assigning blame for who/what caused the situation, and assigning blame for allowing the situation to continue unaddressed.
To take an extreme example: An individual can blame the drunk driver for killing his entire family and leaving him confined to a wheelchair. However, to continue to blame the driver and allow the tragedy to slowly destroy him by not trying to live his life again....that is also in itself tragic. If he refuses to do anything to help himself heal and instead chooses to spend his life-energy on blaming the driver, then each day that passes is a day squandered and gone forever.
He has effectively given away total control of his life to this driver by holding on to the blame instead of working to improve his situation. In essence, it's like allowing the accident to successfully wreck the individual's life for good if the individual continues to focus on the blame instead of doing what he can to make his life better.
Each moment, he has the fresh opportunity to take back control of his own life, heal and move forward. Or he can continue to choose to be powerless by blaming the driver and doing nothing to help his situation. I know middle-aged people who still blame their now-deceased parents and childhood for their current setbacks, refusing to help themselves make adjustments to improve; it is both self-defeating and self-sabotaging.
Blame is so deceptively simple while healing and being self-accountable is hard work, this much is true....for the short-term. Ultimately, the former can eventually destroy the individual while the latter leads to life-changing improvement.
Getting Off The Boat
Caroline Myss |
There is no denying that therapy has a place in healing from trauma by providing a "safe" place for cathartic dialogue and liberation/transformation of trapped energy (emotions). Oftentimes a pair of neutral listening ears and a supportive attitude can provide the precise prescription to help propel the individual forward, or at least take that important first step in the right direction. However, if the process is enabling individuals to continuously blame others for their situation, foster life-long dependency or arrests forward movement, then there's certainly something very wrong.
Therapy must have a limit ~ the boat must take us across the river, and once we reach the other side, we must get off.
I've said earlier that talking about the trauma can provide huge healing, but when individuals are repeatedly re-hashing their stories, it goes against proper healing. Reliving trauma by thinking or talking about it over and over and over again is not much different than actually being in it ~ it's all energy and that's how our psyche sees and interprets an actual experience.
Here's how friend described this dark side of therapy ~ "It's like a wound that's healing, and then every time the patient digs up the trauma during therapy, the wound is opened up again." And to that I add ~ open wounds are more susceptible to fresh suggestibility and vulnerability to adversity.
Let It Go
Nikita Gill via Tiny Buddha |
LET IT GO. This has become something like a mantra in this blog because I've said it so often. But it truly is the one of the most basic and simplest thing to do when we wish to really heal from a situation. Bearing in mind that our psyche perceives through interpreting energy ~ whether it's a real experience or a mental thought/spoken words, it's seen as the same thing.
One of the things I usually suggest for healing is this ~ blame all you want, scream the loudest and longest you can, rant and rave, sob, judge the heck out of the person. ...but set a timer. Give yourself 10 minutes, an hour, 24 hours, a week. And then LET.IT.GO.Letting go relieves us of unwanted baggage that drags us down further into the pit. Letting go means releasing our vise-like grip on someone else's chains so we can move forward. Letting go means breaking out of the self-imprisonment so we have the freedom to shape our life, freedom to discover who we really are, freedom to express a higher reality.
If there's one thing I need to add to "Let it go", it would be "....and don't pick it up again."
Suffering Is Optional
Empaths, Old Souls & Introverts |
Culture, tradition, religion, nationalism and society ~ they are all designed to be instrumental in making us believe there's honour and integrity in suffering. Martydom is held in very high regard instead of seeing it for what it truly is ~ a sacrificial program.
Suffering is optional, it is entirely up to the individual if they wish to take it on or choose better instead. Suffering gets us no where except into unnecessary misery and unwarranted martyrdom.
Moving On & Growing Into The Light
Due to the long and winding past Humanity has had, we have been up against countless blocks and barriers that stood in our way of spiritual growth. We have been like putty in the hands of the control system for far too long, and this is the time when we are receiving so much support to stand up and say NO!!! IT ENDS HERE AND IT ENDS NOW! This is the gift of Ascension we've been bestowed and this is something each one of us must extend our hands out to receive. This is the time we focus on our personal journey and not be swayed by all that's being done to prevent our Ascension.
The past pain and history do not define our Now, they do not define our True Self.
We reclaim our self-accountability, we reclaim our self-empowerment, we reclaim our self-love.
We grow our own Divine Light within and stand strong in our Sovereignty.We place the control of our lives back into our own hands where it belongs.
Namarie! 💗
Comet ATLAS C/2024 G3
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- First things first ~ apologies for the confusion when I wrote "January" instead of "February" in the Solar ...
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