23 June 2023

....Aaaand We're Back to SR....


We're back to the SR episode πŸ˜… There's been some....let's say, confusion, over why I brought up "equipment malfunction/failure" because there is the insistence that it's not. 

Well, first of all, I will qualify as often as possible that what I express in my blog are my opinions only, or even my own truths only. There is no forcing them on anyone as THE truth.

Second: I'm fully aware that several major public guides/wayshowers have dismissed equipment malfunction/failure as the cause of those readings. I don't necessarily have to agree but I'm happy to stand corrected, and I'll leave it at that.

Third: Over the years, I have written all that I wish to write about how I perceive the SR readings, and there is nothing new at the moment to add to them. All my opinions remain unchanged, and will remain thus until I encounter an experience to adjust my perspectives.

So, in summary, these are my main points of perception:

  • I believe that the commonly-accepted base SR of 7.83 hz is not supposed to be permanent ~ Earth Mum is ascending and that base frequency will rise and we better keep up with her
  • SR isn't the only indicator of frequency ~ it's just the only one that the public is aware of
  • Equipment malfunction/failure happens, and it seems to be happening a lot this year (I'm assuming the blackouts we see are mostly due to that)
  • SR is like a "reaction" ~ so whatever impacts our Planet's EM fields will register, and this could be Cosmic energies coming in or some malevolent frequency attack (which I have described as a "yay" or "yelp" response). It's not necessarily one or the other.
  • I do not believe that the "official" definition of SR as given by "science" is accurate.
  • The equipment itself may not be able to properly register the new-new-new-NEW multi-dimensional energies coming in. This is the analogy I had used, posted here:

That about wraps it up πŸ˜„

Namarie! πŸ’™

21 June 2023

Energy Tune-In: 21 June 2023

This update has been intentionally kept on hold for two days ~ I wanted to wait until the SR kerfuffle eased a bit for the simple reason that I do not wish for this to be connected with the unusual reading. As far as I'm concerned, this is an independent update. It may or may not be correlated to the SR reading, but I make no claim that it does.

If you remember, I have reported a couple of times that I'm seeing codes, symbols and geometries that I am unable to interpret because it speaks an entire new lingo that I have yet to adequately comprehend. This goes back to November 2022, when I wrote about the "Source-y" codes that left me clueless. Then I wrote this update which I titled "Divine Takeover" because that was the only title I had in mind and I felt I had to use it. I believe this tune-in is related to the post.

After months (since November 2022) of still not properly comprehending the "Source-y" codes, I do believe they took pity on me and just showed me a mini-movie πŸ˜‚ for which I am so extremely and eternally grateful (heaps thanks, TeamπŸ’™πŸ™πŸ½) and it is what I will describe here. As always, I will do my best to accurately depict what I saw, no matter how senseless it may seem to anyone reading it.


The Mini Movie

This visual that I received had no codes, no symbols, no geometries. It was as if someone had pressed "play" and a movie commenced on my mental screen, in full colour and in 3D.

Spheres were streaming out of somewhere not very far away. I haven't seen these types of spheres before. They just kept on coming, in great numbers, in various pastel hues but mostly white. This went on for a while ~ I don't know for how long, I tend to lose all notion of Time during such experiences ~ as if setting the stage. Then came the vortices....I've seen them before, but this time they felt different in the sense that they were very far-off into the distance. There were several of them, and they were all spewing out streams of energies. All this while the spheres kept coming forth.

The scene then changed gradually ~ now I'm seeing what I would describe as the "common" representation of Space, similar to the image below but with lots of those spheres:

There was a whole load of churning, expanding/contracting and movement going on ~ I didn't know what I was seeing, but it was absolutely beautiful. Again, this went on for a while and I was mesmerised by all that was happening in that scene. I still had no idea what it was, until right towards the end....when I got "birth of a Galaxy". 


New Galaxy

I was speechless. Well, thought-less to be more precise. I didn't know what to think.

When I finally recovered, the onslaught of questions came flooding in ~ birth of WHAT Galaxy, WHERE? Is this where we (meaning, all Planetary systems that can ascend) will go to once we have recovered our Divine Template? Is this Galaxy being birthed now, or in the future? Why is it being birthed? Will it be impacting us in this Now? If so, how?

Well, no answers came, just questions that trailed off into the Ethers....

And this is where I'll float off, too ~ that is all I can report for now, I have described everything that I can recall. As always, I will update whenever I have new information.

Namarie! πŸ’™

SR & Solar Activity

Space Observing System

Okaaaay..... SR chart back online😁 aaaand showing the "usual" sort of reading.

Phew. What a drama-filled 3-4 days it's been! The internet was literally on fire with that interesting reading we had before the recent long blackout. I admit I did not read or listen in detail to what people were saying so that I can focus on my own thoughts, but the general impression I get are the following:

*It's a glitch
*It's a new wave of energies coming in
*It's AI.

Well, I'll say equipment malfunction caused by some super-duper-uber energy tsunami. These Cosmic streams/dumps aren't getting any weaker, they'll only get stronger and stronger and stronger ~ we are going through massive rehabilitation in the midst of an accelerated Ascension Cycle. Healing and fixing millions of years of genetic and template distortions don't happen overnight, and requires ALL the help the Cosmos can throw at us.

(To those who keep saying or telling me we're Sovereign and don't need help from anyone or anything....please do re-consider your perspective.)

So this colossal Cosmic wave came in, knocked out the equipment (we had a brief blackout prior to that geometric reading), fritzed the circuits or something, and when it came back online, we got that designer reading. So they had to take the equipment offline, fix it and put it back online. OR....the wave that came in was so out-of-this-galaxy (literally) that it resulted in the designer reading. OR....a combination of both ~ mammoth wave came in, fritzed the equipment and registered that reading. Who really knows.....only the folks at Space Observing System can tell us what really happened.

Next, let's look at some images and graphs of what our Beautiful Sun is up to....what a week it is!


That X1.1-flare came from this burst:


....and zapped this region:


Other parts of our Solar System being plasma'd, excerpt from SpaceWeather:

CME TO STRIKE VENUS AND MARS: A CME launched into space by today's X-flare (described below) may not strike Earth, however, it will hit Venus and Mars, according to a NASA model. The strike on Venus (June 22nd) will probably erode a small amount of the planet's upper atmosphere, while the strike on Mars (June 25th) could spark auroras visible to MAVEN and other satellites.

Interesting that this is strongly hitting the archetypal Feminine-Masculine Planets Venus and Mars around the same time. We are certainly under major (re)construction.

Plasma pressure is high (click link for video):

Space Weather Prediction Center

....and so is density:

Space Weather Prediction Center

If anything, it is my hope that the SR episode has triggered a massive wave of awareness itself ~ that more and more people are becoming increasingly aware of what's happening around us energetically, that the "unseen" is more real than what we see in the visible realm and that it affects us directly, and that we are so much more than the physical.

Namarie! πŸ’›

20 June 2023

Still On SR....

Space Observing System 

There's a blackout again....it's been several hours now.

It would be interesting to see what happens when it's back online.

19 June 2023

Schumann Resonance @18/19 June 2023

Quality Factor ~ Space Observing System

This is a continuation of the previous post. I thought I should also post the other readings from the Space Observing System site.

Frequencies ~ Space Observing System

Amplitudes ~ Space Observing System

What On/In/Above/Around Earth Is Happening?

Space Observing System

What's this all about?!

Based on the chart, this occurred right after that short period of blackout. I've been seeing a lot more than usual blackouts in the past months ~ as mentioned repeatedly, these blackouts could be nothing more dramatic than equipment malfunction, or even power outage. So this unusual pattern could be equipment malfunction as well, seeing as it's registering this after a short blackout.

Or it could be something entirely different, I have no idea. In all the years since 2016 since I started checking the SR readings, I have never seen such a complete change in pattern.

Let's follow the development closely....

16 June 2023

Solar Activity

If your sleep cycle was non-existent in the past 24 hours, these geomagnetic storms (image below) could be the cause. But then again, with everything happening in the Planetary, Solar and Cosmic fields these days, anything could be the reason for disrupted circadian rhythms. Or pretty much any other rhythm. 

Actually, make that everything else....


Look at that burst of Solar fire in the main image above. This occurred on 6 June ~ I wanted to post it then but was just unable to do so. Here's the clip (trimmed from original video):

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

This wasn't Earth-facing but as I've said before, it doesn't really matter ~ our entire Solar System is being saturated with Plasma Power. There was more on 11 June (video link):

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

This one is recent:


It's like we're being lovingly but urgently smothered in Cosmic Plasma by enthusiastically affectionate Cosmic Parents. Come to think of it, we are....

Namarie! πŸ’—

12 June 2023

It Be Like That Now....

Namarie Everyone! It's been a while....there were several times when I wanted to write about so many things but just couldn't quite get to it. As indicated in my last post more than a fortnight ago, my Mind-Body-Spirit went on strike. To drive home the point, my Divinity kept me distractedly busy with numerous things that required my attention. As an underscore and highlight, my PC decided to throw several tantrums of her own ~ charger stopped functioning, screen went black for extended periods of time, battery no longer holds its charge, prolonged screen freezes, and from frantic messages that the scan software keeps flashing at me, the PC fan is faulty πŸ˜„ A visit to the PC doc is definitely on the cards, but for now let me finally get to writing something.  

The Plasma Power I wrote about in the same last post....  

This isn't just from our Sun spewing sparks, but from Suns beyond the Suns beyond our Sun.... This is just one of the many mind-transcending events of mind-bending scale that's simultaneously unfolding ~ all part of the Divine Takeover I referred to a few months ago.

These energies, the Plasma.... not only affecting our very cells but also electronics, as in my case. I also believe they are very effectively draining batteries, including our own biological batteries. Hence, the increased need for electrolytes, but I say this with caution attached because each one must decide what's best for oneself. I personally find Himalayan salt solution very beneficial during such times when the body is undergoing change at cellular levels, as well as alleviating headaches within minutes. 

Then there are the periods of ravenous hunger followed by periods of not wanting solids. Sleeplessness and extreme fatigue requiring sleep at odd hours. Brain fog moments, crystal clarity moments. Increasing detachment from the whirling cyclone of the external world and yet being regularly pulled in to help with frequency. And of course, our old friends the perennial heat flashes and constant high-pitched epic scores playing in the ears. 

The often-preached phrase "Phoenix rising from the ashes" has certainly crossed my mind countless times in the past weeks because it's more evident than ever that this is what's unfolding in the Collective. Death in its many expressions ~ death of the inauthentic, death of illusions, death of deception (including self-deception), death of what's untrue, and the on-going dismantling of structures and societal systems (including belief systems) that were never meant to be. Simultaneously, we also have the relentless remedial processes unfolding in all its various forms through the Cosmic energies and events that are resetting and re-writing Creation anew, providing much-needed relief and enabling new/deeper connections with our Divinity.

This is akin to the Collective recuperating from surgery but still required to run the half-marathon next day while having to undergo intensive detox regime, all the while being serenaded by an ensemble of angels playing harps and crystal bowls and cheering us on.

(OK OK....my analogies require work, I know πŸ˜„)

In other words, like what I've said before, it's like a free-for-all taking place that's both chaotic and serene at the same time. When we're deep in the throes of an accelerated Ascension cycle coupled with an on-going dismantling-descension phase, it's bound to get like that.

We really need to be the Zen amidst the madness of the simultaneous unravelling and rebuilding ~ we can do this in our own unique way, as long as we remember to be that centre. It's going to be quite a long stretch, and each "oasis" that's available makes a tremendous difference both in terms of frequency as well as physical presence.

This is a good place to stop ~ once again, Namarie! πŸ’Ÿ

PS. "Heat surges" is a more accurate description than "heat flashes".

Solar Activity & SR

Laboratory of Solar Astronomy, SRI RAS A quick update about that reverse-spike/heartbeat Solar activity ~ it lasted just 48 hours (27 & ...