12 June 2023

It Be Like That Now....

Namarie Everyone! It's been a while....there were several times when I wanted to write about so many things but just couldn't quite get to it. As indicated in my last post more than a fortnight ago, my Mind-Body-Spirit went on strike. To drive home the point, my Divinity kept me distractedly busy with numerous things that required my attention. As an underscore and highlight, my PC decided to throw several tantrums of her own ~ charger stopped functioning, screen went black for extended periods of time, battery no longer holds its charge, prolonged screen freezes, and from frantic messages that the scan software keeps flashing at me, the PC fan is faulty 😄 A visit to the PC doc is definitely on the cards, but for now let me finally get to writing something.  

The Plasma Power I wrote about in the same last post....  

This isn't just from our Sun spewing sparks, but from Suns beyond the Suns beyond our Sun.... This is just one of the many mind-transcending events of mind-bending scale that's simultaneously unfolding ~ all part of the Divine Takeover I referred to a few months ago.

These energies, the Plasma.... not only affecting our very cells but also electronics, as in my case. I also believe they are very effectively draining batteries, including our own biological batteries. Hence, the increased need for electrolytes, but I say this with caution attached because each one must decide what's best for oneself. I personally find Himalayan salt solution very beneficial during such times when the body is undergoing change at cellular levels, as well as alleviating headaches within minutes. 

Then there are the periods of ravenous hunger followed by periods of not wanting solids. Sleeplessness and extreme fatigue requiring sleep at odd hours. Brain fog moments, crystal clarity moments. Increasing detachment from the whirling cyclone of the external world and yet being regularly pulled in to help with frequency. And of course, our old friends the perennial heat flashes and constant high-pitched epic scores playing in the ears. 

The often-preached phrase "Phoenix rising from the ashes" has certainly crossed my mind countless times in the past weeks because it's more evident than ever that this is what's unfolding in the Collective. Death in its many expressions ~ death of the inauthentic, death of illusions, death of deception (including self-deception), death of what's untrue, and the on-going dismantling of structures and societal systems (including belief systems) that were never meant to be. Simultaneously, we also have the relentless remedial processes unfolding in all its various forms through the Cosmic energies and events that are resetting and re-writing Creation anew, providing much-needed relief and enabling new/deeper connections with our Divinity.

This is akin to the Collective recuperating from surgery but still required to run the half-marathon next day while having to undergo intensive detox regime, all the while being serenaded by an ensemble of angels playing harps and crystal bowls and cheering us on.

(OK OK....my analogies require work, I know 😄)

In other words, like what I've said before, it's like a free-for-all taking place that's both chaotic and serene at the same time. When we're deep in the throes of an accelerated Ascension cycle coupled with an on-going dismantling-descension phase, it's bound to get like that.

We really need to be the Zen amidst the madness of the simultaneous unravelling and rebuilding ~ we can do this in our own unique way, as long as we remember to be that centre. It's going to be quite a long stretch, and each "oasis" that's available makes a tremendous difference both in terms of frequency as well as physical presence.

This is a good place to stop ~ once again, Namarie! 💟

PS. "Heat surges" is a more accurate description than "heat flashes".

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my attention....it's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...