23 June 2023

....Aaaand We're Back to SR....


We're back to the SR episode 😅 There's been some....let's say, confusion, over why I brought up "equipment malfunction/failure" because there is the insistence that it's not. 

Well, first of all, I will qualify as often as possible that what I express in my blog are my opinions only, or even my own truths only. There is no forcing them on anyone as THE truth.

Second: I'm fully aware that several major public guides/wayshowers have dismissed equipment malfunction/failure as the cause of those readings. I don't necessarily have to agree but I'm happy to stand corrected, and I'll leave it at that.

Third: Over the years, I have written all that I wish to write about how I perceive the SR readings, and there is nothing new at the moment to add to them. All my opinions remain unchanged, and will remain thus until I encounter an experience to adjust my perspectives.

So, in summary, these are my main points of perception:

  • I believe that the commonly-accepted base SR of 7.83 hz is not supposed to be permanent ~ Earth Mum is ascending and that base frequency will rise and we better keep up with her
  • SR isn't the only indicator of frequency ~ it's just the only one that the public is aware of
  • Equipment malfunction/failure happens, and it seems to be happening a lot this year (I'm assuming the blackouts we see are mostly due to that)
  • SR is like a "reaction" ~ so whatever impacts our Planet's EM fields will register, and this could be Cosmic energies coming in or some malevolent frequency attack (which I have described as a "yay" or "yelp" response). It's not necessarily one or the other.
  • I do not believe that the "official" definition of SR as given by "science" is accurate.
  • The equipment itself may not be able to properly register the new-new-new-NEW multi-dimensional energies coming in. This is the analogy I had used, posted here:

That about wraps it up 😄

Namarie! 💙

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