10 March 2025

2025: Externalising Inner Worlds

On the bright day of 1 March 2025, our Sun looked like it was blasting Cosmic energies out most intensely. So I grabbed my phone and was very happy to get the above photo.

This looks as if our Sun had taken up half the Sky! Of course it hasn't, it's just how my phone has interpreted it, but it's exactly how it felt.

Unfortunately I'm unable to show the bottom part of the photo because there are people's homes in the background and I want to respect their privacy. In the photo, there were long rays emanating all the way down to the ground. The photo below gives a sense of how the bottom rays looked:

The photos were taken just seconds apart. There's not much colour shown in the photos, but my eyes could easily see stunning crystalline-like colours of various gorgeous "living" hues.

Alright then, let's get to the rest of what I have to write about. This is supposed to be my thoughts for 2025 and yes I know it's already March what-the-heck-Grace but I really felt I wasn't ready to write about it until now. At any rate, even if I had been strongly poked to write earlier, I just wouldn't because I just couldn't.

I also feel that it was relevant for me to have the photos of our seemingly "Giant Sun", because it's the perfect analogy for me to use. And yes again I know, it's been 10 days since I took the photos....


It's Fast, It's Slow, It's Multidimensional

January and February have come and gone, and similar to what's been happening for a few years now, it's felt like we've lived the entire year's worth of 2025 already so thank you, we've had enough, now bring on 2026 please!😅 It's been challenging to get through, that much I can say. I remember writing the following thoughts in December 2024 (here) and was feeling quite a lot of trepidation then, but to actually live through these two months was something else altogether! 

It's like we're in Mental Bootcamp where we have to really train, entrain and realign our mental attitude and outlook. It feels like we're having to make a pivotal mental shift in preparation for what's coming up early 2025.

I'll be expanding more on the "pivotal mental shift" and its versions in each topic as I go along.

While it seems like the entire year has passed, it also feels like it's just been barely two weeks since 2025 first dawned. Again, this has been how it is for some time now but this year has been more pronounced. 

Add to this mix the multidimensional overlay to our reality and we have this befuddled state as our Consciousness processes different distinct natures of reality at the same time. Just as we are in the thick of this Ascension Cycle, so too are other Realities across the affected parts of the Cosmos ~ this means our past selves as well as Soul-selves. I don't have anything meaningful to add to this so I'll leave it for now, but will refer indirectly to it towards the end.


Surrealism Swap

It used to be that whenever we are experiencing higher states of Consciousness, it can feel very surreal, unreal, dream-like, almost whimsical. In the months that have passed, the Planetary fields as well as ours have accreted increasingly higher levels of frequencies that have enabled incremental shifting of perception and experiential cognition. We are spending more and more of our awake state in an expanded state of Consciousness.

There comes a time ~ whether subtly or suddenly ~ when we look at the outer reality and realise that that now feels surreal, unreal, dream-like....but minus the whimsy for sure. The surrealism we formerly felt when in higher states of Consciousness now feels very real and normal, while the external world feels and looks very much like a terrible movie we are watching. We almost feel like we can walk out of the cinema at any time but can't quite remember how to do that just yet. Or perhaps more accurately, it is not yet time to do so.

This switch in surrealism translates into growing discomfort when we overly engage with the external ~ this can actually feel painful to the psyche. Conversely, we readily recognise very quickly that most of the external constructs that were engineered for us by the fallen ones are not normal within the parameters of Divine Creation. Granted, this comes with an adjustment phase as our own outlook goes through a major shift. Such a case was when I recently realised I just could not make myself endure my annual getaway that required a 4-hour coach trip or 3.5-hour drive. (I know, Americans and Australians are going Seriously??? 😆) That aside, antiquated modes of all existing transportation requiring crude mediums that aren't good for our Planet and her Humanity do not constitute "normal". It does, however, bear all the hallmarks of a fallen system that is designed to limit and control.

This is just one example and of course we already know that we are in a parasitic matrix that's been socially engineered. But the steadily growing knowingness, sense of remembrance, yearning for what once was before our Fall in Consciousness, before our Great Forgetting....all this will precipitate the continued disengaging from the inorganic and inauthentic reality.


Written In The Stars?

And so the external reality movie plays out. It's hard to watch 🫣 no denying that. The truth is that we were given more than sufficient warning throughout the years that this time of Transition would be preceded by sheer chaos. From ancient prophecies like the Hopi Prophecy, to more current cautions from sources such as Tobias (from 20+ years ago) and Tom Kenyon (both warned of increasing chaos) ~ there was no shortage of advice to prepare us for this time.

So here we are. It's one thing to "be prepared" and another thing altogether to actually bear witness to the thing for which we are preparing. When I was following Tobias from Crimson Circle more than 20 years ago, I vividly remember the heads-up about a time of great chaos that would come prior to a Consciousness Shift. We were told this would take place in about two decades from then ~ that means now. I also vividly remember emitting a nervous laugh followed by mentally thinking How bad can things get? in a poor attempt to console myself. Oh Grace....😄

In the years that followed, I will admit to believing that if enough people become awake and aware, then this chaos could be mitigated to a large degree. In that vein, I would do my best to encourage awareness through my writings and interactions with others, and paid the price of having family and friends further fortifying the general belief that I live in Lala-land, or worse.

What if this time of chaos is an immutable fixed point in Cosmic Time?
What if this critical point is the intersection of several worlds that depend upon it?
What if this is literally written in the Stars?

I did not really get to ponder this for long because I found myself making this shift in thinking from Noooooo!!!! to Let It Be. 

What if this period in Time marks the choice-point for many Souls? 

The world movie ~ blockbuster status, unfortunately ~ is generally showing Humanity the trademarks of a distorted fallen system. Since Goodness and Creative Beauty are innate expressions of Divine Creation, we see their absence in the world movie. 

The erosion of basic civility in humans as they interact with another as well as artistic creations robbed of Beauty are common symptoms in a reality that is not expressing values of Divine Creation. (Let's not even talk about AI "art".) 

Contrast that with small but increasingly significant "quiet" clusters of Higher Consciousness growing around the world, where people are living their Lives in integrity no matter what challenges are foisted upon them. Where Goodness and Creative Beauty prevail and are lovingly expressed. Their analogy would be the small under-the-radar indie productions that are made with the right motivations ~ they don't get the adoring attention of a massive audience but they are nevertheless attracting the right sort of crowd.

So there's this widening chasm between what's Divine and what's not, and it will become increasingly distinct and pronounced as the year unfolds. The analogy is that these two movies ~ the blockbuster and the indie ~ are demonstrative of what Souls are choosing to "follow". There will be Souls who find the blockbuster appealing, and there will be Souls who prefer the indie.

Perhaps this is why Humanity has to bear witness to a world in chaos, so that choices can be made. 

As the Guardians pointed out (here):

Voyagers II Secrets of Amenti pg 425 (2001)

I will have to mention that the Animal Kingdom is going through their own Ascension as well. This is apparent in the numerous number of cases where animals demonstrate clear and obvious behaviour not just of sentience but of Higher Consciousness, relative to the Animal Kingdom. It is ironic that some so-called humans are descending into more animalistic behaviour while some animals are becoming more humane.


Building The Inner & Being "Bigger"

Let's go back to the photos I took. My phone camera lens has interpreted it as a Giant Sun ~ I will build on this and interpret it as "higher" Cosmic Suns behind our Sun, thereby "enlarging" and strengthening its energy and frequency. As we know, Cosmic energies are portalling through our Sun (as well as other "corridors") from Cosmic Suns, although I don't know how many Cosmic Suns (or which) are involved. This exponentially amplifies the Ascension energies we are receiving and delivers unadulterated Source Codes to reset what was distorted.

In much the same way, we will need to lean into our own Divinity and embody more and more of our own Divine Essence so that we can continue to strengthen and become "bigger" because we will this support as the process gets more multidimensional, as mentioned at the earlier part of this post. It's like we need more "space" and strength to accommodate what we need to go through. We will increasingly require our Divinity's backing and hosting.

Building our Inner World is imperative because Creation is birthed from within, and that's also where Ascension begins, the "Inside Job" as some say. Having our Divinity play an integral role in building our Inner World would be like having the Divine Blueprint to follow. This is also what I mean when I wrote this:


As 2025 and the following years continue to unfold, our Inner Worlds will eventually externalise and be a part of the New Reality. I know there are already many who have come up with their own blueprints of what the New Reality should look like, but I will just say that I don't agree with many of them. One such example would be something that I've already mentioned before, and that is the "off-grid programs". Living off-grid in the wilderness isn't something that the frail or elderly would elect to do. We also need immediate real and proper technology to attend to the sick, hungry and homeless for starters.

2025 will undoubtedly be a year to remember. This is what many other sources from diverse modalities are saying (here) and I think many of us have that same sense as well. From what I have gathered, the common theme identified is that "old contructs will fall", to paraphrase. And not a moment too soon.

Namarie! 💟

PS. After writing up this post, I took a break before proof-reading and decided to check my feed....I saw this:

Zen to Zany

And yes, I do proof-read before I post, but I do admit that my proof-reading sometimes require proof-reading 😄

2025: Externalising Inner Worlds

On the bright day of 1 March 2025, our Sun looked like it was blasting Cosmic energies out most intensely. So I grabbed my phone and was ver...