07 August 2022


I initially thought the title of this post should include the term "Course-correct" but typed in "Autocorrect" instead. I then realised that the latter is more accurate so "Autocorrect" it is.

It's been quite a long while since I last had any dream that I felt needed to be shared. The one I had three nights ago isn't particularly profound or interesting, but it seems to be an unexpected follow-up to what I wrote about the "next stage" in my previous post:


The Dream

I was with a group of people, some whom I know in non-dream life and most of them I don't. We were talking about inconsequential things and many were griping about various issues they had. I had reached the point where I could not take in any more of what was happening, so I made my exit.

I got into my car and proceeded to drive off. I knew I had to head towards an "exit point" situated somewhere not very far away ~ this exit point would lead me to where I wanted to go...."Home".

As I was making my way towards this exit point ~ or so I thought ~ my car suddenly stopped and reversed (and yes, my dream car was the same as my "real life" car). I tried to control what it was doing but no, it was driving itself just fine without me. After reversing for a few seconds it stopped, shifted back into gear, did a course-correct and off we went again. Soon enough, I saw the exit point! 

There was a huge arch over two big lanes ~ although I could not see it (it was not visible) I knew that those two lanes were divided by some unseen force, and traffic on one lane could not veer onto the other one. My car proceeded to head towards the left lane....it was still driving itself at this point.

There were many cars going the same direction and towards the same lane as my car (blue arrows in diagram above). Similarly, as I looked over to the other side (where cars were coming from the opposite direction), I saw cars heading towards the archway (pink arrows). In the dream, I had the understanding that cars coming from my direction would turn left and take the left lane (blue arrows) while those coming from the opposite direction would turn right and take the right lane (pink arrows). With this understanding, I was surprised to see that several cars from the opposite direction turned into the left lane at the last minute (green arrows).

Once you turn off from the main road into either one of the lanes, the invisible divider prevents any car from crossing over to the other lane.



I know the interpretation is obvious (which is why I stated earlier that this isn't a particularly profound dream) but nevertheless, I'll continue. Yes, the Bifurcation. Blue and Green Arrow cars go one way, and Pink Arrow cars go another, and at the point of bifurcation, never the twain shall meet. Of course I'm going to assume I'm headed for the Ascension lane 😇😁 but that's not the important bit ~ it's the Green Arrow cars that is of interest. My dream suggests to me that at the last minute, there will be very many making a last-minute change and embrace Ascension. The second point I'd like to make is that this is very much Spirit-Soul driven.


Green Arrow Cars

For all intents and purposes, the Green Arrow cars would exhibit externally as if they are heading for the right lane. But as they appear to be heading there, they pass that turning point at the final moment, proceed forward just a bit more and enter the life left lane. (I wanted to type "left" but somehow typed "life" instead. I decided to just cancel it instead of deleting.) 

I've written about this before briefly in my previous blog, this "last-minute phenomenon" where we think someone who seems destined (and determined) to reject Ascension suddenly goes through a life-changing episode at the final hour and embraces Ascension instead. I had long believed this would happen, but what my dream showed was that there will be huge numbers in this category. It's like a last-chance Divine Grace dispensation as Creation goes all out to ensure as many Souls as possible make it. Although fallen Souls eventually return to Source, too, the path of Ascension is by far more preferable than the ultimate return by recycling.


Spirit-Soul Driven

The other relevant point in the dream is that this part of the journey has become one that is Spirit-Soul driven through the "autocorrect" that occurred as my car remedied my mistake. I thought I knew where I was going, but it was clear I didn't.

This is the part that I believe is related to what I wrote previously, this "next stage" that is being fine-tuned by our Divinity.


Can't Make This Up....

I wanted to write about my dream the following day but wasn't able to get that done, so I had to postpone it until today. Well, yesterday (two days after my dream) I saw Ian Parks re-post his video as a reference to explain the current chaos in the external reality ~ here's the link to the video, which I had posted before in The Earth Plan.

Since it's been some time from when I last watched the video I can't remember much apart from the fact that there will be a Timeline split. More importantly, since it's about Bifurcation, I re-watched it. And guess what? Ian explains that at the last minute, many Souls will decide to hop on to the Ascending Spiral (41-minute mark). Whoa. And Ian referenced his video the day after my dream....

As mentioned before, I had gradually ceased following most sources since late 2019 and currently only tune into a few sources. So to have one of these few sources suddenly refer to an old video about Bifurcation....

Namaste & Bright Blessings! 💛

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