27 May 2024

27 May 2024....END-SNAP! 🥳

It's 27 May 2024! Whoa....we've made it to this significant point in our Ascension Cycle! 🥳🤩 So much has unfolded in the past 12 months and yet we've arrived at this point in Time in what feels like a blink of an eye. It's like we got distracted from the present moment to look away for a while, and when we resumed our focus, an entire year of the Chevron Burst Wave is done!

The above image as well as the one below are from E'Asha Ashayana's KDDL3 online workshop (details here), and which I included in a previous post (End-Snap & End-Pop):

The Trumpet Pulse TJ-7 wave (last of its kind) is now transmuted thanks to Chevron Burst CB-7. The final Chevron Burst Wave CB-8 initiates and will undertake the final task of vaporising our Planet's inorganic Metatronic Seed Atom, due to complete on 27 May 2025 "End-Pop".

So here's to 27 May 2024 and END-POP!!!

Namarie! 💗

PS....These energies!!! Phew.

That "Break" & Blackout....

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun, Russia Just a quick check-in. I wasn't expecting to post anything for while but something that...