08 July 2023

July: After Prepping, Next Phase ~ Redefine and Refine


An X-class flare greeted the month of July, with 35 flares in just the first three days.


The months preceding July have been tough, and this isn't just me saying it ~ I've heard from many expressing the same sentiment. The energies have been brutal intensely intent on concentrated cleansing. It's been quite a period of prepping for what I feel we're now heading into, ready or not.

The energies.....yes, the energies. What can I say about them? Years ago, I first saw them as discrete and distinct, starting with one type, then moving on to another, and another etc. They were all well-defined geometrically, coming in one at a time. Then they started blending together, and soon enough there were more merging into what I call braided energies. They got progressively more detailed, more dynamic, more 3D. More types started streaming in, sometimes several at once, taking on even more complex forms. 

Now, it's like "Let's just throw them everything we've got!" Well, we asked for accelerated Ascension and we got it 😅

As above, so below. With everything happening all at once energy-wise, so too are things on the ground. I can blurt out whatever Ascension symptom and many will say they are experiencing that ~ they are no longer specific to a certain period of time. We're also all at various points on the multi-dimensional multi-faceted Ascension process. As mentioned before, it's like a free-for-all ranging from the frenetic to the Zen. We're like a giant Planetary Smorgasbord that's got 8 billion different varieties of food. 

Of course, there's also the Descension/Fall process but let's leave that to do their own thing. 

Clearing, Integration & Prepping

What a period of clearing and integration the past months have been! Deep breaths. 

Mental-emotional work, forgiveness, shifting out of darkness....these are three major issues I've written about that I felt were crucial for what we were going through. I now understand that they were imperative to get us to this next phase, and by "phase" I mean a major change, as opposed to shifts which are now occurring regularly on both Individual and Collective basis.

The focus was truly on inner work ~ and unpleasant though it may be to hear it, the more clear and honest we got with ourselves, the less obstacles we will face when navigating this next phase. Holding up that mirror to our own face would have been a self-gifting exercise. Equally important would be the willingness to let go of all that stunted our spiritual growth, be it someone something some situation somewhere. This would include self-sabotage in all its various forms and disguises.

And if we had thought we had done this all before, yep true. But we also know by now we do these in cycles, with each cycle getting done easier and quicker as we get better at learning the drill. We're like a human onion (the layers, not the odour 😆) and we've got to keep peeling off and discarding the layers of falseness we piled upon ourselves in our lifetimes, past and present.


New Phase of Re-Definition and Refining

All that self-scrubbing and ripping off what wasn't authentic left some of us bruised and battered. Literally, in some cases ~ I know a number people who actually had physical injuries from seemingly unexplained accidents which left them immobile for some time. Such incidents that stop us in our tracks can sometimes be forced periods of self-examination and potential deep cleanses in whatever manner that benefits the individual. 

So....now we are gingerly stepping into this new phase. I feel that although it's not going to be a smooth ride (anyone remember what that's like?....), it won't be tossing us around like the past months. 

It will be a new phase of redefining and refining, a deep transformation process at an individual level. This is the time we see ourselves from the next level of perception, and this can mean someone vastly different as we jettison inauthentic aspects (redefinition) or simply a fuller embodiment of our True Essence (refining). Or a combination of both.

It's a time where we sing our new song and speak our new story, in the case of redefinition.

It's a time where we layer more harmonies to our existing songs or expand into multi-dimensional settings for our existing stories, in the case of refining.

It's a time where the choices we make moment by moment becomes increasingly relevant in shaping our reality.

It's a time where every step we take determines the path we are navigating.

The energies streaming in are increasingly "Source-y" and that means creation becomes more tangible with less "waste" ~ in simple words, what we do moment by moment is now more potent than ever before. So we have to also carefully watch our diet of what we think see hear say do.

We are being increasingly supported by Cosmic Teams and Forces. It's like everything that can be done is being done to ensure we succeed, and this is something for which I personally am extremely grateful. For this new phase, we just need to constantly remember to keep pointing ourselves in the right direction so that our trajectory remains true. Even if there are deviations here and there ~ stuff happens ~ we'll still be fine if we maintain our aim. External distractions will continue to enthusiastically beckon and call out strongly to make us stray, so we must be clear in our overriding major choices as we steer through the next few months. Our choices bring us closer to where we are heading, or take us further. 

Happy New Phase to All....may we continue to grow into the True Essence of our True Selves.

Namarie! Light Blue Heart on WhatsApp 


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