31 January 2025

Solar Forecast For The Weekend


Following from the previous post, here's more data about what is expected just around the corner.

There have been a number of CMEs in the past 24 hours, with the clip above being one of them. If I have selected the correct CME, this is what Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol calls a "double CME" (here).



The screenshot above shows the Solar wind prediction in about 24 hours from the time of this writing. Please visit SpaceWeatherLive to watch the video.

Look at that burst sweeping the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) strands, bunching up the ones belonging to Earth and Mars as well as three observatory crafts:


This is the Magnetosphere density right now:



Aurora watchers are gearing up for this weekend:


Let's continue monitoring this development.

Namarie! πŸ’›

30 January 2025

Our Sun's Huge Corona Hole & That Shield-Like Structure....Again

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol has posted some very interesting and intriguing images of our Sun and its vicinity. I can't help but see the first set of images as faces, as shown above. This is what SpaceWeather reports:

A HOLE IN THE SUN'S ATMOSPHERE: A large hole in the sun's atmosphere is directly facing Earth and blowing a stream of solar wind in our direction. Estimated time of arrival: Jan. 31st or Feb. 1st. Minor G1-class geomagnetic storms are possible when the gaseous material reaches Earth. CME impact alerts: SMS Text.

And this is the intriguing part, where Gregorio says:

Images dated 26-01-2025, a couple of years ago, we followed the appearance in space of a circular object with a star in the center, which many comments hinted at the call (Ezekiel's Wheel) or something like that, and that has appeared in different years in different dates and different position, that in those days as a consequence of his appearance seemed to again unfold a kind of shield such as happened in previous occasions, and now in January 2025 reappears, here again the new images of January 2025...

He's referring to this image:

Gregorio M Vigilante del So

There are several more images, so please click the link to Gregorio's fb page to see them.

The left arrow is pointing at a shield-like stucture, and Gregorio mentions seeing something similar two years ago. I've only followed Gregorio for about 1+ years so I don't know to what he's specifically referring.

However, what this image reminds me of immediately is something that I posted from In2ThinAir 3 years ago, here. If you haven't yet watched the video I featured in the post, I do strongly suggest doing so. It boggles my mind every time I watch it ~ just imagine the size of that structure.


My question then and my question now remains the same: Who is doing this?

So....does this mean that we'll be having a gargantuan Solar storm coming, one that is at the moment far too intense for our Planet and her Humanity, and therefore requires some shielding to step-down the potency?

Is it the same shield structure as before or is this an entirely new one?

So many more questions to ask.... I'll leave it here for now and look forward to seeing some follow-up videos very soon.

Namarie! πŸ’œ


19 January 2025


Thank you to the unknown original creator

January is almost over, I know....πŸ˜„

14 January 2025

Comet ATLAS C/2024 G3


It's another ATLAS Comet, this one is named C/2024 G3. From the footage above, we see our Sun beaming generously into the direction of the Comet's path. 

What also piqued my interest is that this is likely a first-time visitor to our Inner Solar System, as well as its close proximity to our Sun. It's not expected to survive, but SpaceWeather does note the following:

So far, the comet looks big, healthy and intact:

For more details, please also visit British Astronomical Association.

As always with Comets, my overriding curiosity is....What is the payload?

Namarie! πŸ’œ

I Am Divine Presence Eternally Unified With The Infinite Creator ~ Sandra Walter ~ 13 January 2025

Sandra Walter

05 January 2025

Three More!

We've had another trio of X-class flares in the past 48 hours, with a brief period of geomagnetic activity just now:


So that's a trio of X-flares closing out 2024, and another trio of X-flares in the first week of 2025.

And look at our Sun, all lit up:

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

Meanwhile, here's what's happening with the SR:

Disclosure News Italia

Namarie! πŸ’—

02 January 2025

Setting The Stage!

Vincent Ledvina - 'The Aurora Guy'

WOW....What a spectacular display of Aurora Borealis to start off 2025! 

Alaska's News Source


The frequencies were coming in strong and stayed long:

These two CMEs being the cause for the excitement and celebration:


I'd like to think of these frequencies as literally lighting up our Planet's core energetics and infusing the entire world. Perhaps the start of helping to transmute the Black River?

Very nice indeed πŸ’ 

Namarie! πŸ’œ

01 January 2025

A New Year Message?....

A very happy 2025 to All! πŸ’™πŸ€© Let Divine Light, Divine Love & Divine Grace drench this beautiful Planet and her Humanity always, in all ways! 

I promised myself in the last few days of 2024 that once I completed all that I needed to write, I would double-down and do as much cave-time as possible. Oh the naive things we tell ourselves πŸ˜‚....

This morning, there was a beckoning to pick up my phone for a picture so that's what I did. It was the photo above. I looked at it, admired the Emerald halo around our Sun and said OK I've posted this sort of photo before but alright, I'll do that today if it means something frequency-wise.

A few seconds passed and I felt I needed to take more photos, which was exactly what I did.

It was just pointing my phone towards our Sun and clicking the button a few times. But when I looked at the pictures, I saw what looked to me like a figure inside the Emerald sphere lens effect above our Sun. It was a stronger "feel" than "see", so I was a teensy bit doubtful about it.

Since I was in the middle of something before I started taking the photos, I wanted to get going so I could finish what I was doing, but was pulsed to take more photos....just two and that will be done was what I got. So point phone towards our Sun, two clicks, done.

As if to dispel my doubt about what I felt/saw inside the sphere, I got this:

A giant arrow pointing to the Emerald sphere.

The final photo showed a shorter arrow:


I promise you, I haven't edited the photos in any way, apart from cropping them and adding my blog name.

So there's most definitely something being depicted within the Emerald sphere, which technically is a lens flare. 

At this point, I won't attempt to decipher or explain anything ~ I feel I should (for now) leave it to each individual to see what they perceive, or even if they see nothing out of the ordinary. More importantly, I don't have any meaningful explanation for now, so I'm allowing myself the time to see what develops. Pun unintended.

I'd also like to highlight those wispy formations to the left of the 3rd and 4th photos. I have no idea what it means.

I did send the 2nd photo to a couple of dear Souls to ask their opinion ~ one said she could see a figure, the other one reverted saying he saw spheres "coming out, maybe multiplying?".


Namarie! πŸ’—

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (ΠΠ›Πž Π²ΠΎΠ·Π»Π΅ Π‘ΠΎΠ»Π½Ρ†Π° - Π€Π΅Π²Ρ€Π°Π»ΡŒ 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my attention....it's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...