22 June 2024

On the 18th

Around the 16th of this month, I suddenly saw a visual of nothing but dazzling whiteness coming at me. The only other time I saw something similar was that of possibly one of the earliest Creator Beings war that occurred in this part of the Cosmos, set against a backdrop of pure dazzling whiteness.

I was given to understand that the recent visual represented what was around the corner....a New NEW NEW wave-series of potent kick-butt Cosmic Energies. Gobghjhwh?! I'm still coming to terms with all that has been dumped on us this year alone, but hey who's complaining 😅 I say Bring It On!

(I put this together based on a similar meme I saw some years back but was unable to locate, so thank you to the original creator for the idea 💜)


Back to the visual. I went to look at our Sun to check if I could see or sense anything different....nothing other than the already-extremely-active-and-intense stuff. Then on 18 June, as I was willing my body to make haste because I was already running late, I got an insistent nudge to take some photos of our Sun. I knew better than to feign ignorance, so I dutifully went to my window and looked out. Whoa....when I saw our Sun, I immediately understood why I was prodded. Anyone looking at our Sun would have had some sort of sense that something was going on. The sky had an air of surrealness, like a magical quality to it.

I did my best with my humble phone camera, and here again, my usual excuse caveat applies ~ the photos did not quite capture the essence of what I saw, but I post them nevertheless with the intention that it at least conveys the energetic frequency. And honestly, when I upload them to the blog, they lose resolution. I promise you the originals look much better! This is a zoomed-in snapshot:

As I was going through the photos today, I also noticed an unusual lens flare. I put together a series of pictures and highlighted that particular lens flare:

....and zoomed in, just because 😄:

Namarie! 🤍ㅤ

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my attention....it's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...