17 June 2024

Individual & Country Consciousness ~ Christina Von Dreien

Dear friends,

Every country has its own energy field. It is also possible to perceive the energy, among other things, of the collective consciousness of the people of this country.

The consciousness of a country changes when the consciousness of the individual people in the country changes.

If you raise your own consciousness, this also goes into the energy field of the country you are in as energetic information.

You can only raise your own consciousness. You cannot raise another person's consciousness for them, not even by sending them energy.

You can offer someone frequency and information to help them gain insights and open their consciousness, but ultimately, the decision as to whether they accept it and open their consciousness or not is theirs.

Your Christina

Christina's website is here.

This guidance from Christina reminds me of what I had written in 2021 about each country's Spirit rising (here):

Since then, I must mention I've felt that She's not only displeased, she also brooks no nonsense 😅 In that regard, I will offer that I believe the Country Spirit is able to ultimately influence the Collective Consciousness of her/his people, much like the role of a Guardian. This is similar to my belief (as evidenced in my posts) that Earth Mum ultimately calls the shots in this Ascension Cycle and that Humanity needs to keep up with her.

As a suggestion for Lightwork for those who resonate ~ send Love & Gratitude to your Country Spirit in your meditations.

Namarie! 💛

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