24 June 2024

Life Goes On....

No, this isn't about the LeAnn Rimes song. I'm referring to the video above, which pretty much sums up what many of us are going through, especially in this year of 2024 😁

May was quite the month in terms of X-class flares and the stunning displays of Aurora Borealis in several locations. Speaking of which, that is how I've seen the energies coming in lately ~ in undulating waves spreading out.

I was going to use the term "push-pull" for this post ~ checking back on what I've written for 2024 so far, I see that I've used this quite a few times. However, as I'm writing I feel that the more accurate word to use for this month would be "vacillate". I'd like to think that it's because we're now energetically free from the Inorganic Timeline which was completely removed end-May. I had been using the term "push-pull" to give the sense of prying the Inorganic Timeline free from the Planetary templates as that is what it's felt like to me.

So this is what I mean by "vacillate":

*Dragging my stunned and numb body around, then clocking 12,000 steps on the pedometer the next day

*Feeling totally exhausted and crawling into bed, only to find myself lying awake for hours thereafter

*Being hungry and eating a lot one day, then not wanting any food except liquids the following day

*Having body heatwave, but feeling the cold acutely when the aircon is turned on.

Then there's also the sense of being increasingly disconnected from the external as the inorganic distortions become even more jarring to our awareness, especially when juxtaposed against the expansion of Earth Mum's blossoming organic beauty.

We also have the seemingly inexplicable subtle but deep grief borne out of the inorganic structures "dying out". Obviously, this is what we've wanted like forever, but we've lived in the inorganic realms for such a long time now, so it's quite possible to feel its loss, much like an amputee can feel phantom limb pain over the loss of a gangrenous limb. At the same time, we have the capacity to feel more Inner Joy as we continue to accrete frequency.

Hence, "vacillate".

There's also been a lot of cajoling and convincing my body that it's doing OK despite these extreme swings of conditions. I've moaned many times for years now that we should technically be hibernating while we go through these changes. When we get the chance, we must highlight to the Guardians that hibernation needs to be factored in for accelerated Ascension Cycles 😁  After all, it's common for businesses to close while they are renovating, therefore....? 

One last thing I'd like to mention is the lightness I'm beginning to feel in the past couple of weeks. The pressure-cooker heaviness that was so apparent for so long seems to have dissipated ~ I sure hope this is how it will be, going forward from now on! Coupled with this lightness is the feeling of playfulness. I can't quite explain this right now but I'm guessing I'll come back to this some time in the near future.

Namarie! 💗

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

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