30 June 2022

Synchronicity Cubed

In an earlier post last week, I had mentioned a couple of sources that I was following, and my reasons for doing so. Just a few days thereafter, I saw updates from both (via Voyagers channel for E'Asha) on the same day. Not only that, BOTH resources talked about their individual "story" and how they ended up doing what they were doing.

Can't make this stuff up.

Here for E'Asha's Story, and here for Kim's.

Login required for the latter ~ you can also locate this report (which I actually recommend watching because of major positive developments) in alternative sites such as Ru^^ble (not legit, but admittedly it does get the information out with over 30,000 view at the time of writing, just search for her name + Special Report + Disclosure). Kim reveals her story towards the end.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💛

The Solar Tally So Far....

EarthSky At this time of writing, we've had 25 X-class Solar Flares since this phenomenal year of 2024 commenced. Out of those 25, eight...