18 August 2021

Unheard & Persecuted

Humanity's fear and anxiety levels are way off the charts, exacerbated by unfolding or intensifying political instability in several parts of the world. For those with the calling, and especially for Empaths, please consider daily clearing (or more!) of these energies both for yourself and for the Collective. In terms of repeating Karmic Cycles, 2020 was the timeframe for power jostling and putting together the final pieces of the dark plan. 2021 is the final phase prior to the destruction.

I used to think that these Cycles playing out were primarily echoes from Lemuria and Atlantis, but with better understanding, I feel that it's actually from the time of the very first Fall in Creation. These Cycles have repeated themselves several times since then, with each Cycle ending in destruction of the particular civilisation.

The increasingly strong sense I've been getting for some weeks now ~ interestingly around the time when the 𝝳 "variant" was pushed into the global panic spotlight (and with more "variants" already lined up) ~ is one of being unheard and persecuted. This is represented and demonstrated not only by both public and private voices of the alternative community but also by the growing numbers of conscientious medical experts and researchers (and even legal professionals) doing their best to expose the structure of control and deception surrounding the global health agenda, facing persecution and being censured in varying degrees for their altruistic actions. This is reminiscent of the final period in all previous Fall Cycles where usually members of the Priesthoods or Spiritual Councils would be the ones trying to voice their concerns and cautions over control agendas, struggling to be heard. 

All this against the oppressive backdrop of stifling censorship, at levels never before seen in our modern history. 

(I would like to make a pertinent, if painful, distinction.... Voices of the experts are likely not polarised/biased and actually focus on health, while voices from the alternative community tend to fall into polarising tones and is fraught with unsubstantiated or misleading reports.)

The voices going unheard and persecution is yet another element of the Fall Cycle playing itself out. But this time, the End Times will look very different. While I do not know how exactly it will play out, I do know that this Fall Cycle is unlike the rest simply because it's also the unfolding of an Ascension Cycle at the same time. This complicates the picture and adds so many dimensions to the storyline, but most importantly, in terms of Divine Creation, it also ensures that the Cycle will not end in a total disaster. Will there be destruction? For sure. But not in the way of what we know happened to Lemuria or Atlantis.

Many sources have talked about Timelines bifurcating or even separating into more than two major timelines (I've come across one that said 16!). We've been seeing fairly obvious evidence of the early stages since last year. I will have to say that at this point, I am not entirely convinced that these separations will maintain their "trajectory". I think that it's all very wonky still, and some (sub)timelines will merge or even emerge, before culminating in the widely-accepted Two Timelines scenario ~ Organic/Ascending & Inorganic/Descending. I do feel that it will get wilder until the critical point of the split. For now, I'm going with the expected (highlight, stress, bold, italic) Bifurcation timeframe of late November 2023 as per E'Asha Ashayana.

Throat issues may be present due to this particular element playing out. Singing, toning, chanting....they will all help greatly. In terms of the physical, herbals or tonics for the throat may prove beneficial. 

We are so needed right now to be the ones assisting in assimilating and anchoring the New Codes of Creation, pulling them down the dimensions into the physical, with each one of us doing it in our own unique way. To me, it's visualising our Planet and Humanity already in an Ascended state - with my limited imagination, this usually means visualising the word "ascended" across the Planet 😁 

I will admit that I definitely had several wobbly moments in the past weeks as I stumbled into the despairing energies of being unheard and persecuted. I kept forgetting that all I had to do was to climb out. Focus, Grace....focus.

Eyes on the ball, and Third Eye on the Prize.

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