30 July 2021

Integration: Part 1

Source unfortunately unknown

Greetings and Namaste to All! 💜

It's still hiatus season for me, but I can no longer ignore the strong nudge to write, so I hope that this is beneficial in some way.

This blog was created by me in 2016, with the intention of being the medium through which I would post personal accounts that I feel would be of some use to readers. As you can see, this endeavour wasn't successful, having only two posts, both from 2016. It simply wasn't practical for me to maintain The Earth Plan as well as this, so the latter was dropped.

However, since I needed to write this post and have no wish or desire to create a brand new site, I'm resorting to continuing with this previously-abandoned blog which means I spend a lot less time in preparation. So....welcome to Divine*Emanations, dear Beautiful Souls!  The weird and wonderful thing is that this 2016 blog name is now so apt for this phase of my journey, in terms of writing. When I chose that name 5 years ago, I didn't really know why but it felt right to do so at that time.

With that introduction done, let me get to the update.

The recent major development (I'm not including the numerous minor ones) I wish to report here was about two weeks ago. As some would know, I'm neither into moon cycles nor am I an Astrology buff, so I will only focus on describing Energy Codes.

The tiny Rainbow-hued micro-crystals that have been increasingly around since 2012 now appear more "internal" than "out there". I can only guess that this means there's more physical embodiment of these Crystalline Codes ~ it's not that they have reduced in quantity "out there", that's just a symbolic representation for the benefit of my understanding. The sense of being more crystalline is also beginning to permeate in the physical.

In my last The Earth Plan post in late June, I wrote about the Emerald energies:

I finally saw the geometries, woohoooo! And thank you 😊

When I first saw them (and gotten over the excitement) I told myself, "Weave pattern". I was immediately corrected and got just one word, "KNITTED".

Thankfully and gratefully, a lot more information followed so at least I can offer you more other than the frequent "I don't know" 🤭 And thankfully, my extremely disastrous foray into learning how to knit when I was a teen is now finally serving a suitable purpose. (Have I warned you this will get very long?.....)

What I understand from this is that this new tranche of codes are "knitting" together the polarised energies that are now prevalent in the world. The structure of Duality in the old reality meant that Humanity was generally shepherded into two opposing streams, reinforced through the mentality of competition via politics, sports, pro/anti agendas, contests, wars, right/wrong, good/bad, light/dark etc. As we continue to progress along the Ascension process, Duality is being re-cast since the New Reality does not run on polarisation.

It was made very clear to me that this isn't Neutrality, nor is it a Compromise. It is a new State of Consciousness.

And this is where knitting comes in. Knitting experts, please bear with me ~ I'm doing this based on very elementary knowledge.

Knitting primarily consists of two types of stitches ~ "knit" and "purl", with each producing its own distinct pattern. 

However, when both stitches are used together in various combinations, they produce totally different patterns altogether, entirely new "geometries" that can sometimes bear very little resemblance to the basic stitches.

The "knit" and "purl" stitches represent the polarities of Duality. The "knitting" together of the polarities gives rise to a new third element. But the astounding thing is that the reverse side of entirely "knit" stitches are the "purl", and vice-versa. In other words, these distinct "knit" and "purl" stitches are ultimately the mirror of the other....flip one over and you get the other! The only thing that differentiates them is the respective perspective of how we choose to look at them.

Very "knit" indeed 😁

Now we come to diagrams. If we use circles to represent polarities, we have:


where the middle shaded part is the blended or "woven together" area, consisting of both polarities like a sort of compromise. This is what has been offered as a solution to the issue of extreme polarity that is now plaguing our Planet at pandemic proportions as the energies surface for resolution. Based on what I've been shown, there is another option.

The answer is represented by this:

where the two bottom circles represent the two polarities, and the third one at the top is the solution. Meaning, a real solution can only come about when we base our understanding on the two polarities (two bottom circles supporting the third) and come from a higher perspective/Higher Consciousness (circle on top). Only then can the new state in totality be birthed. This new state is a circle in its own right, and "fully formed", unlike the diminished area of the shaded part in the diagram with two circles, which consists of parts only.

What is also interesting for me to note is that from the perspective of Architecture Codes, the one with the two circles is the Vesica Piscis format, which is the Bi-Wave building block of the old distorted reality based on Duality. The one with three spheres....well, it's certainly representative of the Tri-Wave architecture of New Creation.

I am additionally reminded of the following quote from Rumi:

The "field" is the solution, and when the Soul "lies down in that grass", I interpret that as being in a place of Higher Consciousness. We leave the Duality of wrongdoing/rightdoing and head for the field, where we can find the solution in an entirely new space from a totally different perspective.

There's a final point I need to make, which involves us as individuals, especially in this current climate where we are supposed to be the ones who should know better, but many of us are instead adding to the chaos by enhancing the behaviour of Duality. There are a few who are doing their best and calling for Unity/Divine Neutrality, and I used to think that this was the mode for going forward and moving out of Duality. Based on what I've written, I will have to re-orientate how I look at it. 

How can we implement and practice this Integration in our daily lives? Unfortunately, I have to resort to "I don't know" in answer to this as I have no further information at this point in time, but I do believe that each one of us has a sense of what that entails.

What I can say with certainty is that we ourselves need to integrate the polarities we hold within ourselves. For example, if we hold the notion that we must eliminate the Dark so that Light can reign, that in itself means we have a polarity consciousness. Using the knitting analogy, each is the mirror of the other. How can we achieve Wholeness if we eliminate either one? Not annihilation, not avoidance, not battling, not dismissing, not denying. Integration. And only then can a real resolution take shape, from a place of Higher Consciousness.

We acknowledge that all is birthed from Source, including the Dark. It is also an aspect of Source, albeit one that has disconnected itself from Source and has forgotten or has chosen to forgo its True Origins. Every Soul deserves redemption and the choice to reconnect to Source, except in such extreme cases where the Soul has become irreversibly corrupted and needs to be recast. "Corrupted" as in the analogy of a computer file or disk that has become so corrupted that it has totally lost all data integrity and can no longer be used in its existing format. The verdict of which Soul has reached that status is most definitely not ours to make. Our job is to integrate our polarities.

Before I sign off here and resume my hiatus, please as always bear in mind that what I write is from my own perception filter, and I do not claim any of it as Truth.

Loving Blessings to All!  💛💙💚

PS. For anyone that wondered, I tried to learn how to knit for my cat when I was in my teens. I wanted him to have a nice fluffy layer on top of his bed for extra comfort. What was meant to be a rectangular swathe of knitting ending up as a trapezoid with gaping holes. I never knitted again after that. 

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