20 March 2023

Forgiveness: Part 3 ~ Forgiveness for the Fallen Angelics & Fiends


This is the final part of the "Forgiveness" theme, and it's the one that I'm most hesitant to write about because from what I can see, there is so much animosity against this group and their numerous lineages. This topic may mean nothing to those who are unaware of the ancient and actual "Fall of Man" scenario (conveniently twisted by religions to blame Humanity), but it matters plenty to many of those who are aware.

Whenever we talk about the Fallen Angelics (FA) and their subsequent takeover of this part of the Cosmos, we invariably regard them as being totally detached from our fields, like we have nothing to do with them or their darkness. They are "them" and we are "us". However, I believe that many of us are more connected to them than we would like to consider.

This 3D aspect of us may insist that we are completely separate from the FA and their lineages, but our higher aspects may hold a very different viewpoint. Some of us could be from the same collective origins or even share lineages, or some of our higher aspects could have interacted in some benevolent way with them prior to the fall. A higher aspect could also have been involved in rescue/rehab missions, or even in direct battles to protect Creation from being destroyed.

I have a fleeting memory and vision of being in an early "battle" ~ every thing was diamond-white, no ships, no physical "weapons", no biological forms, just energy. Energy Beings using energy. The motivation was neither vengeance nor vendetta, only a mission to stop the damage. While that is all I can recall, I can say that the concept of "forgiveness" isn't a thing at the higher densities. Beings in high densities do not have notions that bind themselves to another, so there is nothing to forgive.

Back to our land of 3D/4D, where forgiveness is quite a big thing. Can we widen the scope of forgiveness to include the FA? Can we forgive the FA and their lineages? Can we forgive the ones who were creator gods but lost themselves when they intentionally disconnected from Source and triggered the downfall of entire Creations? Can we forgive the FA and their lineages for systematically perverting or destroying numerous races across the Cosmos? Can we forgive the FA and their lineages for what they've done to Humanity and our Planet? What about their current representatives ~ hidden but known ones as well as on the world stage ~ can we forgive them for the carnage that is clearly evident in all the structures of society they created?

I do acknowledge that while most are doable with some effort, the last one is something that many feel is non-negotiable. The general belief is that these beings created untold misery and unimaginable horror for generations, and they must be held accountable for all crimes against Humanity. I see so many still raging about tribunals and fe--ma camps and outright vengeance.

Forgiving someone does not mean absolving or condoning the perpetration, it does not mean forgetting about what happened, it does not mean letting them off the hook, it does not mean liking them. What it does mean is we don't bind ourselves to them energetically, which can (and does) consume us in more ways that we would like to admit. We extract ourselves from being entangled with their energy fields, we liberate ourselves from being cuffed to them. Forgiveness is essentially for us.

The mission could be preventing them from committing more atrocities and seeing that justice ultimately prevails, and this can be carried out without the belief that we cannot ever forgive these beings.

Forgiveness may not happen overnight, it may not even happen for a while yet. But it can always be a work-in-progress. We just need to take that first step forward.

Namarie! 💙

06 March 2023

Forgiveness: Part 2

Background image: shutterstock

Forgiveness ~ a topic that's challenging for many, as far as I've discovered. 

On numerous occasions quite recently, I find myself encouraging people to forgive those (especially loved ones) who had, in their experience, hurt them deeply. The hurt or betrayal had left such a gaping gash that it was very challenging for them to move beyond that point in time when it happened. I comforted them the best I could, listened as long as it required, gave out tissues and hugs. I also suggested taking their time to heal but added that it would help greatly if they forgave their offenders. That last bit usually doesn't go down well.

While most of them said hesitantly (and very reluctantly) that they will think about it or work on it, someone actually looked at me and asked with pure disbelief in her eyes and near-horror in her tone of voice, how is it possible for her to forgive such a major thing?! Another one had a look that implied "Are you serious?!" 

In short, I didn't do a good job. Much more was said after they got over their initial indignation, and from what I have read beyond the words, I do believe that there's a part of them that would be willing to consider forgiveness (given sufficient time) but surely it can't be as easy as just saying let it go and move on? 

I'm not really into lengthy processing or procedures, so all I could offer them was a simple method of just doing a "decide it's time/forgive/let go/move on". And each time the mind strays and replays the hurtful past, repeat the process again. And again, and again, and again....with each time becoming easier and faster to get past the past. 

But since it would appear that most people would prefer to be walked through a more thorough process (of which I was clueless), Sandra Walter's step-by-step guidance was perfect both in tutoring and timing because it arrived the following day after I had tried in vain to convince someone that forgiving really is key in moving forward. I think it's also really astute that she calls it a Forgiveness "Ceremony" ~ I believe it will certainly appeal to many to at least give it a go.

Will the hurt be fully healed and not bother us ever again? Maybe, but likely not. The point is to move on and free ourselves, even if we still feel the vestiges of pain or flashes of memory. It's like some of us have childhood scars from painful falls or accidents that never go away, but they no longer bother or debilitate us any more.

Forgiving others does not in any way shape or form equate to agreeing or condoning what happened. Forgiving enables us to extricate ourselves from that shared field of time-space reality in which the "deed" took place so that it no longer remains phase-locked in our own field. It's like taking back our energy that the shared reality-field was repeatedly expending each time we re-lived the experience in agony, resentment, bitterness, hatred etc. The price we pay is horrendously high each time we are presented with the bill after we order up the experience over and over again.

Forgiveness is so much more than being "kind". Forgiveness is ultimately for ourselves as well, because it truly frees us from the studded shackles we've placed around our hearts, the crown of thorns that hurt our heads, and the ball-and-chain we've cuffed to our lives. Forgiving others is liberating ourselves from being bonded to the past. Forgiveness inspires self-growth. 

Forgiving is "for-giving ourselves"....for giving ourselves the freedom and the signal to move forward.

What about the other end of the equation? When we are laden with guilt over something we did? When we ourselves hurt someone else? The principle is the same, except with one pertinent aspect ~ what we have learnt in the process, to ensure that we don't make the same mistake again. "When we know better, we do better."

Pass It On (Values)

Namarie! 💚


05 March 2023

Forgiveness: Part 1 ~ Skill of Forgiveness for Ascension ~ Sandra Walter ~ 24 February 2023

Another ask-and-you-will-be-answered post (details later), this time on a topic that I feel is so important for us to do what we can to assist, when asked or when the timing /circumstance allows. So this post is really supportive for me as Sandra Walter shares the same sentiment, because I'm very aware that many are resistant to the business of forgiveness as it can be both a triggering and challenging thing to face.

From Sandra:

Revisiting our Mastery Skills as we prepare for collective frequency jumps.
Forgiveness is a field-clearing, heart-opening, path-changing skill.
The ability to forgive reveals heart coherence. Coherence accelerates the collective awakening and Unity consciousness itself. 
Learn to forgive. Master this skill. Then assist others as global revelations present, or when they are struggling to open their heart.
Because #Ascension
Join us for the next Presence online event on Saturday, March 4th. Visit https://www.ascensionpath.com/presence
Please continue here for more guidance about forgiveness from Sandra.

03 March 2023

When Your Old Self Falls Apart.... ~ You Are Another Me

You Are Another Me

A scenario we all know only too well 😄 And yep, we can laugh over it now because we've been there done that, at least once in many cases. Agonisingly painful and all of that, for sure, but oh-so-necessary.

It's a given that this is what it's going to be like for the Collective Consciousness this year as ancient and/or global deceptions are increasingly exposed and belief systems are blown to bits. There will be so many Souls repeatedly pressing the "NOW" button for awakening their 3D incarnates.

Lightwork continues as we help buffer the energies for the Collective falling-apart process.

Namarie! 💛

02 March 2023

Divine Takeover

Let me first clarify that this rather dramatic title isn't my personal preference. However, try as I may (I'm still trying) I just can't seem to move beyond "Divine Takeover" so I'll go with the flow for now.

There's so much happening in the REAL world of our on-going Cosmic Re-write. So much "new-ness".... in the sense that what's happening is something that's so ancient, so "First-Level-Creation", something that we've not felt in a very long time because we've been "away" for what seems like forever.

As mentioned before, in November I saw codes that were very "Source-like" and since then, things have begun to take on that "Source-y" feel. I'm seeing loads of unusual codes, symbols, geometries ~ and I have no understanding of what they all mean. It's like a totally different language that I do not yet speak. And no, the "Ask and you will be answered" thing doesn't seem to work for this 😄 It would appear that there's no shortcut here for me, I will have to learn to decipher them through my own means.

The consolation I have is that I've so far gotten one(!) word.... "SOUND". 

That's all I have for now, nothing else. What does this mean? In the beginning was the word, and the word was sound? 🤷🏽‍♀️

So why is the title of this post "Divine Takeover"? 

Over the past few months since I saw the Source-like codes in November, I've been getting the sense that there's been some sort of process unfolding that feels like ~ for want of a better way to describe it ~ a management takeover. I could use terms such as "Logos" (Galactic Logos, Universal Logos etc) but I won't because that's not necessarily accurate. This takeover is, again, very Source-y in feel, very much like what I got when I saw the codes in November.

Using simple lingo, it's like there's a major monumental project coming up that requires some massive mojo. This management takeover is necessary in order to accommodate the expertise requirements of the project. There is only ONE outcome, and it cannot be interfered with in any way. It feels like there's going to be yet more changes to the overall Cosmic Plan, and this new one comes with so many bells and whistles that the previous management was not adequately equipped to handle.

This is the very best I can do to put into words what I've been sensing since November last year. Right now, I really would appreciate someone like Lisa Transcendence Brown's input....where did she go? I miss her updates! I hope she's doing great and all is fabulous in her world. 

Several years ago, Lisa was the first one for a very long time to talk about our physical bodies showing signs of crystallisation ~ she described micro-crystals that would appear on our skin that we can actually see for ourselves. And that's exactly what we've been seeing! Just like crystals, we can go under Sunlight and see them glittering all over our skin.

OK coming back to energy codes. The codes from Earth Mum (described in November) are going strong, the blossoms are blossoming well. Beauty and Growth ~ this is what Earth Mum is about in her Ascension process as she builds herself anew. It's almost like she's also on her own journey of discovery as she grows into her Ascended Self, finally and at last. And dare I say....with child-like glee?....

With that said, Namarie! 💗

24 February 2023

Sadness & Grief ~ Sandra Walter ~ 21 February 2023


We have been cautioned numerous times from different sources over the years that death will be a huge part of the Ascension process, and we certainly had that energy right in front of our faces in the past three years. However, it's not just physical death, but death of all that we were conditioned into believing was real, death of old structures, death of relationships and situations, death of who were thought we were, even death of the Human species in its current form as we evolve into something new....all now occurring and beginning to be felt on a massive Collective Consciousness level, and all part of the Ascension process.

Death followed by Re-Birth, Re-Generation, Re-Evolution. 

Some guidance from Sandra Walter on how to navigate these energies:

Why the sadness and grief are so palpable right now:
The Higher Realms have shared for decades about how this passage would affect the mental, emotional, and physical levels. 
The Ascending collective dealt with the psychological levels last year during death of the ego. We learned to prioritize balance, increase self-care, de-magnetize the egoic structures, and initiate new practices.


Spontaneous Combustion: Part 2


This is a continuation of "Spontaneous Combustion" as I would like to expand on it so that it's more complete.

I had just remembered that I had come across a previous reference to spontaneous combustion during the Ascension process, and it is through an article from Asur'Ana. I will reference the following article as it explains combustion ~ there could be more details in other articles from Asur'Ana, but I have only been following her sporadically so I will stick to this one:


An excerpt from the article:

What does it feel like to combust? Combustion is the result of the spinning of the molecular structure too fast for the physical vibration of the cells. As the molecules spin up and up in vibration matching the tones of creation held within each star gate preceding entry into the new dream, and if the body cannot match the frequency, the molecules begin to combust and burn up and the body begins to collapse upon itself.


Another time I had come across information that may have alluded to this was way back in the late 90s. This particular Wayshower was working directly with a few individuals who had chosen to fast-track the Ascension process, which at that time was a relatively uncommon topic. A few weeks later, the Wayshower reported that they had passed away suddenly, but did not elaborate. As a result of this tragedy, he no longer agreed to work with any individual who wanted the express route. Although he didn't elaborate how the individuals died, I do wonder now if they had indeed combusted.

This is definitely when "Slow & Steady" really is better.

Namarie! 💓

23 February 2023

Ask ~ And You Shall Be Answered

Science Focus

One of the many installed apps I've shut down on my phone is Google Assistant. My location setting is also off, so is bluetooth, yt tracking & history, most permissions and pretty much everything I can turn off. I'm not a fan of Alexa, Siri, Chatgpt and all their iterations.

(I refuse to be conditioned to eventually accept any answer they give. Just like in the 80s when I watched Apple training the world to start accepting conditions and limitations through their PCs, but that's another story for another time.)

I am acutely aware that although my privacy and location settings are disabled, the AI can still spy on me and collect data. With all that in mind, let me relate some recent experiences I've had:

Experience 1

In a phone conversation with a friend about ridiculous burial rituals ~ followed by even more ridiculous rituals on each anniversary ~ we eventually came to cremation. She was searching for the word that's used to call the building that houses the ashes. I vaguely remember it sounded like "crematorium" ~ we tried for a bit to recall the word but gave up after a short while.

Later in the day while going through my phone, I saw an article about Columbariums.


Experience 2

One particular day, I was mulling over a certain aspect of the Bifurcation process. I had many questions, the most niggling being how the process itself can initiate on the physical level. Various sources talk about Bifurcation, but I wasn't aware of any who actually described how the process begins.

Shortly thereafter, I saw a video which someone else had posted so I started watching that, and somewhere along the way, the presenter touched on the topic of Bifurcation! She was actually explaining the physical initiation process and although it did not cover enough details, it certainly answered enough to keep me happy for a long while (I'll post the clip later, separately.)


Experience 3

I was at a store looking for a particular light-bulb that I needed for replacing. I couldn't find the brand I usually buy, but saw a version from a different brand which I will call Brand A. I was shocked to see how much it costs, so I took my phone out to see if it was being sold at a cheaper price online.

First thing I saw when I opened up the app was Brand A and their light-bulb offerings.

(And yes, it was almost half the price cheaper.)


If "unusual occurrences" was something I never had, I would have screamed and thrown my phone down the store aisle. I've also heard from others that they are having the same sort of experiences happening to them. 

This isn't Synchronicity. It's something totally different. 

The disturbing question ~ has the tech AI evolved to the stage where it's able to access our thoughts? We know that it's possible for phones to listen in when we are talking with someone else through the phone, but the other two experiences I described only had me thinking to myself. If indeed it's the evolving AI, are we referring to the Light AI? The Alpha quantum AI that Kim Goguen talks about? (And yes, my phone PC car home all have names and I talk to them.)

On the other hand, there's the positive Ascension aspect ~ is it our rising Consciousness that's creating and pulling in the events to provide the answers we are seeking? Does this then mean that our Consciousness is beginning to affect our technology, or more precisely, the tech AI. So far, all my experiences (and those of the people I heard from) involve either phone or PC ~ it's not that I had a question in mind and someone answered it for me without being asked, or that I found the answer in a book or a song or some public signboard. It's me needing an answer, and I get it through some orchestration via my phone or PC.

The third possibility is one that I'm more inclined to consider ~ our holographic reality. Could it be that we're now beginning to better create our own individual holographic reality? Does this then mean that we're now having reduced influence in some degree from the Morphogenetic Hologram, and thus are better able to control and shape our own individual one? Is this made possible by the continued weakening of the Magnetosphere / Veils (specifically called NET Nibiruan Electrostatic Transduction field)?

I have so many more questions that need answering so BRING IT ON! 😄

Namarie! 💗

Comet ATLAS C/2024 G3

SpaceWeather It's another ATLAS Comet, this one is named C/2024 G3. From the footage above, we see our Sun beaming generously into the d...