31 December 2024

DNA & Wolves


Okaaay....another tough topic to tackle. I sometimes wonder why I even bother ๐Ÿ˜… Anyhooo, let's proceed.


The Rainbow Elephant

I'll start with the combined premise that:

  • As long as we are born on this Planet, we have a distorted biological template with reversals and mutations. Even if one is a walk-in, the same biological vessel is inhabited.
  • Throughout the countless numbers of generations in this present Seeding-3, cross-breeding between the Angelic Human and the Fallen Races is a given, whether through forced or amiable means. We have some degree of genetics from the Fallen race-lines, be it miniscule or major.

So, that's that giant Rainbow Elephant in the room addressed and moved out of the way๐ŸŽ‰ It's been chilling out in the room for such a long time because we do our best to avoid seeing it by resolutely looking the other way. Many of us are adamant that our genetics are completely devoid of fallen lineage influence.

Given the very long passage of Time and therefore the countless number of generations in this Seeding-3's 800,000+ years, most of us have biological lineages that are connected to the Anunnaki, Draco or Hybrids to some degree. There were horrific extensive forced breeding in the early phases as well as artificial breeding to integrate the Angelic Human DNA into the Fallen Racelines. This violent trait of the Fallen Ones is still in force today ~ women are victims of sexual crimes on a large scale in wars. Angelic Human males were not spared either ~ artificial insemination meant that female Fallen Ones could bear offspring with Angelic Human DNA. 

Then there's also cross-breeding through marriage or mutual consent. It is only logical to acknowledge that the genetic purity of the Angelic Human blueprint is now diluted by some percentage.

And this is the main purpose of the Ascension Cycle, to heal and bio-regenerate our genetics back to our Divine Blueprint.

When DNA Distortions Are Expressing

I feel it's quite natural that we as individuals tend to lean a bit "left" or "right", depending on influences and experiences throughout our lives, and how we have defined ourselves. The issue becomes a concern when we veer too much on the scale and champion extreme left/right ideologies. These extremes serve no benevolent purpose.

Expanding this to be more accurate and tying it to the topic of this post, let me put it this way:

When we align with Anunnaki/Draco/Hybrid Illuminati agendas, it could be our distorted DNA being buzzed and expressing. It's like the broadcast signal is being received by that part of our genetics and we respond accordingly, feeling some level of camaraderie, comfort, familiarity....Kinship. Literally, it speaks to that part of our genetics.


The Two Wolves


This parable takes on an entirely different meaning for me if viewed through the lens of DNA. The wolves represent DNA ~ Divine Krystic DNA and Fallen Racelines DNA.

When we enable the latter to express through our thoughts words deeds, we are "feeding" the distortions. While I don't know if this will "grow" the distortions, I'm pretty sure it doesn't help our Ascension process in any way.

We refrain from feeding the DNA reversals, as much as possible. And feed the Krystic, as often as possible.

Namarie! ๐Ÿ’

30 December 2024

Those Speed Bumps....


This should be the final part of the unexpectedly long update, with the previous three listed below:

This post should wrap up and connect the various things that I've written about in the past months, and the previous three posts are like setting the stage for this Bigger Picture. That's my intention anyway ๐Ÿ˜ Please understand that sometimes, I don't really know where I'm going with what I write, but I do my best to have faith and trust that somewhere along the line, I will have the adequate comprehension to make sense of things. And this is what I'm trying to do with this post so please bear with me as I do my best to have clarity. It's also of the utmost importance for me to reiterate that what I write is from my perception and it could be totally nonsensical ๐Ÿ˜†so please do activate your highest discernment. Treat it as story-telling if need be.

I will be referring to several topics that I've brought up over the past months, but I won't be listing any links as I usually do ~ this is because I need to keep my train of thought as I already feel that I need to really focus so that I have clarity, you'll have to trust that I did write about them somewhere in the blog ๐Ÿ˜‡ Can you sense that I'm feeling some sort of nervousness ๐Ÿ˜… because this isn't going to be a jolly-holiday sort of post. 

Previously, I said that speed bumps have been installed to decelerate (and derail) Ascension. So this is what I mean by the title of this post.

The Collective Consciousness

I had refrained from being more descriptive but I will have to address it here now. I had singled out the Collective Consciousness as being a major factor in contributing to the "murky morass" of the field and that I felt Earth Mum's resulting anxiety in early December. What I held back was that I saw the Collective Consciousness' energetics as a river of muck flowing all over the Planet ~ it was as if a dam of unLight was released after the (s)election in USA, flooding the Collective Consciousness and taking up residence in the energy fields of any individual that aligns with it.

What followed in the weeks since then has felt quite awful. The energy of the Collective was really not nice at all ~ I was on edge a lot of times, and I knew it wasn't me. This is why I posted the Eden Energy Medicine Triple Warmer Smoothie exercise, in case anyone else was feeling the sense of dread as well. This is also why I was compelled to ask Earth Mum how she's doing.

I call this muck the Black River ~ the Black Sun energies are pulsing strong in the Collective fields now, embodied by those who are buzzed by them. A point that I will highlight is that many "high-powered" Wayshowers are involved, which means that it's like the Black River has taken three successive elixir shots that exponentially emboldened its agenda.

It's 2012 & 2017 on steroids.

Our Planet

The pictorial representation that I get of an effect of this toxic Black River pollution on our Planet is that it's causing severe allergic reactions in Earth Mum. In this analogy, the pollutants are triggering all sorts of "skin" allergies ~ hives, rashes, blisters. I believe that these allergies are also being experienced by some Sensitives.

Another picture I get is that Earth Mum needs to slough off the dead cells on her skin as part of her Ascension process, but is unable to do so because of the Black River "layer". It's like if she sloughs off the dead cells, she'll also be getting rid of this Black River layer, which in effect is the affected Collective Consciousness. And because so many are "infected", it means that she has to find another way to "cleanse".

The Deep Deep Cleansing

Back in August, I wrote about a deep cleansing phase that I believe was about to take place, one that is major and massive, like a main plot instead of a sub-plot. 

Could that be related to the Black River pollution? One that cannot be resolved in a straight-forward manner because of complications? My logic says Yes, but truthfully that's just me ~ I do not know the actual answer.


The Mental Bootcamp

This was explained in more detail in the first of this four-parter. I believe that it's connected to the Black River and the consequences that will follow. In what manner I don't know for sure, and I have no additional contribution to make other than what I've already written about it.

Actually, there's another bit that I will get to, but I will write that as a stand-alone because I'm finishing up this chapter, it's been long enough already!

I hope I have made some sense of pulling in all the various bits to make a Bigger Picture. 

I would like to close with the reminder that all will be well, it's just that it's been a rough ride and will likely get even bumpier in the short term. Please also remember that 2024 has been a year of massive inner changes and they will be instrumental in helping us navigate the months ahead. There's no stopping Earth Mum ~ in spite of the speed bumps! ~ and there should be no stopping us.

Namarie! ๐Ÿฉต

Three X-Flares


Solar siesta ended on 29 December with an X1.1, followed by a double X-flare the next day (X1.1 & X1.5).

The double X-flares are the ones shown in the gif above, and this is what SpaceWeather says:

This morning's X1.5-class eruption (0414 UTC) was so strong it triggered a secondary blast in sunspot 3932 more than 200,000 km away.

All three X-flares occurred within a 24-hour period:

X1.1 on 29th @07:08:00 UTC
X1.5 on 30th @04:01:00 UTC
X1.1 on 30th @04:29:00 UTC.

Namarie! ๐Ÿ’Ÿ

29 December 2024

2012 & 2017: It's Beginning To Feel A Lot Like These Years๐ŸŽถ

(Apologies to Meredith Willson for messing with the title of his song) 

This is the third part of my on-going update. I didn't know it would get this long, hence the different titles for each one. Let me get organised and list the components here and in the respective posts:

I will now warn that I will get snarky in this post ~ I've had too much fruit cake and mince pies and too little sleep. So please do excuse me as I will be editing and censoring myself less than normal ๐Ÿ˜‡


I think it's fair to say that we can vividly remember what we went through in 2012 because so much was happening in the Spiritual communities in just that one year. There was general uncontainable excitement building up to 21 December 2012 throughout the year as numerous Spiritual groups and Wayshowers pushed the "Saviour Agenda", that this life-changing December Solstice would usher in a Golden Age of Gaia practically overnight, ably assisted by our "Galactic Brethren", orchestrated by the Galactic Federation of Light and overseen by Archangels.

Followers who were "Chosen Ones" or "special" were told that they would be picked up by the GFOL and taken off-planet to a version of Paradise somewhere, others were told to simply lie down as the Solstice approached because the massive instant changes would affect their physical bodies. The biblical phrase of "Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left" was the much-quoted explanation for being specially chosen to be whisked away. I knew of and about many who had "put their affairs in order" (including selling their homes, leaving families, quitting jobs, spending/donating their savings, maxing out credit cards etc) in preparation for being "specially chosen". Solstice came and went, nothing happened, no one was "picked up", people still needed to feed themselves, require shelter, pay bills, resolve outstanding issues.

It was a tragic mess. 

I had also believed some of all that spiritual-psyop gibberish, but thankfully only the parts that there would be a major transformation for the better come 2013, especially in the medical and financial fields so that poverty and sickness will be eradicated completely and permanently, and the promise of an improved quality of Life that so many of us needed. I guess you could say I should be grateful I wasn't one of the Chosen Ones? There's more to expand about this but I'm digressing, so that will be a topic for another day.

While none of what was deceptively set-up loudly touted throughout 2012 happened, there was a more quiet transformation that was occurring. Our Planet as well as quite a number of people were going through a major internal transformation. There was no going back ~ people were becoming spiritually aware in large numbers, many esoteric words and concepts (meditation, crystals, incense, smudging, yoga, energy healing, frequency, solfeggio etc) made their way into the mainstream arena. It was like a new layer of existence had been revealed to the Collective Consciousness. Or more accurately, the Collective Consciousness was able to perceive a new layer of existence.

After a few days following December Solstice 2012, I "saw" a vision where Earth Mum was safely "received" by Cosmic Forces and taking a very much long-overdue rest in a safe environment under Divine protection. The actual image I received was the personification of Earth Mum as a gorgeous magnificent lady shrouded in light-gold, curled up safe and sound in some type of resting area. Her time of healing was beginning.

I didn't know at that time but have in recent times learnt that 2012 was a year where she anchored into the Krystal River Fail-Safe Host. 

So how does this year feel like 2012?

I believe that many have gone through another immense internal transformation, a shift so major that it's like another Spiritual Awakening, one that takes on a whole new meaning and interpretation, almost like evolving into another identity where our perception of Life around and within us transforms yet again.

As for Earth Mum, it's more obvious in the sense that we already know she's going through a very significant and crucial internal "procedure" that will change her forever ~ the separation of her inorganic timeline and the dissolution of her metatronic seed atom. It's a massive inner shift for her and signifies another major phase of healing she will be going through.

2024 also feels like 2012 in the sense that reality appears quite nebulous ~ it's like we're here but not here, most days have a dream-like quality, the physical realm feels un-real, there's a general vagueness about something we feel we should know but we don't. There's also the strong sense that we're breaking off from "something", similar to what I saw back in 2012 ~ that we had successfully broken free from a Time-loop. With what we know, this is probably the snapping off of the Inorganic Timeline.

The final way in which this is like 2012 Redux is the "Saviour Agenda" hurrah being trumpeted all over again, this time with Trump (T) leading the charge, anointed by Jesus and God, backed by GFOL/Space Force and cheered on robustly by the masses. But let's go back to 2017 first, when the T-version of the "Saviour Agenda" first surfaced....

....Then 2017

I just made myself a huge cup of Earl Grey tea before starting this part ~ Bergamot is said to improve mood and well-being ๐Ÿ˜† So let's continue....

The Spiritual debacle of 2012 left me confused and lost. How did so many Wayshowers get it so wrong? Then gradually the "excuses" trickled in, with "Humanity wasn't ready" being the main one. I should have exited most of the Spiritual movement then but I didn't ~ it would take me a few more years before that happened, but I did become more discerning and less trusting of the Spiritual movement, slowly allowing myself to accept that many were representing false light, likely unknowingly on a conscious level. At that time, I hadn't yet learnt of the Anunnaki-Spiritual and Draco-Truther/Ufology connections.

Fast forward to 2016. Leading up to that year's (s)election, it was already apparent that several parties in the Spiritual sector were openly rooting for T and his many promises, fortified by endorsements from "Galactic sources/GFOL", endorsed with blessings bestowed by God, Jesus and Archangels. He was most definitely The Chosen One.

2017 saw the birth of the T-Q partnership which effectively elevated T's influence even more, rapidly infiltrating mass consciousness in both the US as well as outside. In a matter of days, this psyop had firmly gripped the psyche of its followers, splitting the Collective Consciousness and pitting the two sides against each other. 

The T-Q fervour subsided somewhat during the health agenda years. It never went away ~ it was simmering steadily just slightly off-stage, waiting for the right moment to be reintroduced back into the limelight.

Come 2024 and it's like 2017 all over again with a jubilant revival of a T-era following a refreshed re-(s)election. The Saviour Agenda with its numerous promises is back in full force, this time with readded highlights of sweeping changes to the medical system. (I'm still wondering how people forgot T's involvement in Big Pharma and Operation WarpSpeed....๐Ÿค”)

And oh, last but not least, an additional layer of reinforcement for the latest Saviour Agenda....the support of the world's richest person. It wants for nothing more.

Image Source

Didn't get to save the world during T1 term but in this T2 term, we'll get it done!

2024 has been quite a year on all fronts imaginable. (I know, that's an understatement for sure.) Based on the 2012/2017 dynamics alone, it makes for an intriguing observation of the drama playing out. The lines have blurred between the Spiritual and Truther/Ufology communities, with the former having more Wayshowers supporting the Saviour Agenda than in 2017. 

Ancient enemies can make for convenient frenemies.

Many are now back in the 2012 mode of waiting for "The Shift" ~ the soon-to-be-here "Golden Age" courtesy of The Saviour, The Chosen One.

(Interesting that this is similar to 2012-Saviour Agenda's "Golden Age of Gaia".)

I know of people who are already champing at the bit for the rollout of med-beds,  currency revaluation, debt jubilee, Nesara/Gesara (I first heard of this 25 years ago and again, that's a topic for another day) and all good things under our Sun. It's back to 2012, but this time with the added carrot (karat?) of a crytocurrency boom.

I will continue in what I hope will be the final part.

Namarie! ๐Ÿ’œ

20 December 2024

2024 ~ Here One Moment, Gone The Next

This is the second of a possible 4-parter, links of the others todate:

1. The May-October Connection 
3. 2012 & 2017: It's Beginning To Feel A Lot Like These Years๐ŸŽถ
4. Those Speed Bumps....  


Well, here we are, with 12 more days left of December before 2024 closes out. December has been but a few mere moments of Time, with 2024 feeling like the shortest year yet. I can't imagine what 2025 will be like, but I'm sure we all know that it's going to be an even more monumental year in a Timeline of monumental years since 2012.


Physical Realm Frequency Increase

The physical realm has been energetically pulsating even faster in tandem with all that Cosmic energy coming our way. Sometimes, when my vision is willing, I catch sight of more "wobbling", like how a mirage may look. This to me indicates that the outer physical realm is becoming less and less dense as more frequency is being accreted to transcend 3D. (For people who claim we are now in 5D, ummm well....we're not semi-etheric yet.)

"Night Vision" in the almost-dark shows plenty of Plasma activity as well. One night, I felt some strangeness in my hands and felt moved to hold it up in the almost-dark to look at the silhouette. I saw the aura outline of six fingers, and actually felt that I had six fingers! The only thing that kept me from having a not-so-mild freak-out was remembering that our Divine Template called for 6 fingers on each hand. 

I also recall learning about Padmasambhava imprinting his 6-fingered hand in solid rock and seeing lots of such photos several years ago. It would seem that much of this information is now scrubbed, and this is the best image I could find:

Research Gate

And of course, we've heard accounts from whistleblowers (and/or witting/unwitting "plants") about control panels of hijacked spacecraft that were clearly meant for beings with 6 fingers.

And so I reassure myself....๐Ÿ˜…


What Speed Bumps?

Sigh. And that's an understatement.

As mentioned previously, May felt like a "protected" month and October felt similar. The months that followed May were, to put it mildly, simply chaotic. However, I have no mild ways of describing November and December....they have been wild.

The best analogy I can come up with is this: imagine a road that's been installed with numerous speed bumps, then imagine the Ascension process as a vehicle that's travelling along this road at high speed.... with no intention whatsoever of slowing down. 

So yep, that's what it's felt like since November. When I posted this in the early days of the month (here), I was dreading things getting energetically wonky (even more than it already is) but I was still optimistically hopeful. What I didn't expect was the Collective Consciousness (including spiritual and truther/ufology communities) contributing to the murky morass. 

We just double down on our own energy work, intensify our own Light Bubble, focus on our Ascension process, do whatever Lightwork we are guided to do, and basically keep on creating our own realms. There's more to say and I'll do that at another time.


Checking In On Earth Mum

One day not long ago, I decided to ask Earth Mum... How are you?

It was mostly a rhetorical question and I wasn't expecting anything because for a long while now, there's been a strong sense of extreme busy-ness and all sort of activities going on with Earth Mum on several levels. So I was quite surprised when I got a sense of response, and the surprise quickly turned to fear because I felt a lot of anxiety in the field. This was very distinct and I got that the anxiety is mostly because of the Collective Consciousness, as stated before. I guess it's like an anxious parent watching their kids take a series of wrong turns that steers them off their path.

Having said this, after a long moment or two I did get a strong sense of "It's OK". It's bumpy, for sure ~ but we'll get there! In terms of the Chevron-Burst and Trumpet-Jehovah waves, TJ-1 may be outpicturing but so will CB-1 in May 2025, which is also when our Planet's Seed Atom is finally and at very long last, VAPORISED. 

I guess there's a bit more, and again, I will get to that later.

Namarie! ๐Ÿ’š

19 December 2024

Farside Solar Activity


The "other" side of our Solar System has been getting much Solar love and attention. Our Sun spewed out a series of CMEs, one of which was this colossal energy mass as shown above, which occurred on 17 December. SpaceWeather has some details.

Since they were on the farside, geomagnetic storms weren't really expected. However, it would seem that the CMEs did their best in extending their reach so as not to leave out our Planet, and we did get some spotty geomagnetic activity, with one short burst of storming.

Apart from this, it's been pretty quiet this side of our Sun.

Namarie! ๐Ÿค

16 December 2024

Global Intelligence Agency Report: 15 November 2024 ~ Kim Goguen & Living By Numbers ~ New Musik (1979)

*Edit: Forgot to state that the birth certificate information starts at about 45-minute mark, but a lot of what comes before is relevant as well.

For a long time now, there have been numerous sources who have identified the birth certificate as the instrument that "legally" bound and enslaved the individual to the control system. Basically, many have described it as an official document that serves like a "receipt", akin to the system saying "I'm now issuing a ticket that allows you to exist in my realm and oh by the way I also own you." Some have added that the birth certificate acts like a collateral for governments to be issued loans by the financial system.

Those are the two main things I have gathered from my past research. Logical, yes. But I was unable to find anyone who could provide more details on how this actually works (apart from some wild claims that didn't make sense) and after long while, gave up on needing to know.

Until about a month ago, that is. In the Global Intelligence Agency Report (formerly "World Situation Report") dated 15 November 2024, Kim Goguen takes us through the entire process of what happens to an individual from birth through the medium of a birth certificate. It is explained clearly and concisely, and after such a long time I now finally understand how it works ~ it makes perfect sense. 

And makes me incensed!!! When I didn't know the details before, I was just slightly aghast at the concept of the birth certificate as a debt/slavery instrument. It was yet another means for the control system to "legalise" their "ownership" over Humanity, so what else is new? However, after learning from Kim how it all works,  their diabolical deceit and utter callousness is nothing short of astounding. We are truly nothing more than batteries and chattels to them. Yes, I should know better by now than to be incredulous at what they do, and this is really not as bad as all the heinous rituals, satanic stuff and agendas to maim us that they get up to. I guess what infuriates me is that they can take something as seemingly innocent as a birth certificate and turn it into something evil every step of the way.

OK rant over.

My question now is, was the birth certificate originally meant to be a benevolent instrument to "raise" an individual? Was it supposed to qualify (and quantify) "rights" to an individual born on the Planet? Or was it just a mere official document to grant ownership to the control system in a more benign manner?

For those interested, please follow Kim's report here. From what I know, these reports are posted on yt for public access a week after they are published by United Network News, but available immediately for subscribers via app and website.

Of course Kim covers other topics as well in the report, but for the purpose of this post, I'm only highlighting the part about the birth certificate. And as always, please use your own Higher Guidance as to whether this resource resonates with you.

I'm also repeating that I only follow the intel information and not the spiritual aspects of Kim's reports.

Finally, New Musik's Living By Numbers that was released in 1979....that's 45 years ago! Prophetic.


Namarie! ๐Ÿ’– 

13 December 2024

Fight Flight Freeze ~ The Triple Warmer Factor

We all know that the energies this year feel the strongest and most intense yet (duh Grace ๐Ÿ˜). When compounded by the volatile state of the Collective Consciousness, the energetic cocktail can get turbulent at best. For those who are sensitive to frequencies, it can feel like being on overdrive constantly.

It's for this reason that I'm posting this very simple and practical physical exercise that helps to calm the Triple Warmer Meridian, which governs the fight-flight-freeze impulse. The meridian concept itself is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) but in the video below, Donna Eden (Eden Energy Medicine EEM) applies her own understanding of energy flows (she actually sees them) and explains it from her point of view, demonstrating how we can help our body during times of distress:


The following is a diagram of the Triple Warmer Meridian, and the link below that takes you to a website that explains more for those interested:

Carol Macrae

Here's the video from Carol Macrae demonstrating how to trace this meridian backwards as well as how to boost energy levels and strengthen the immune system:


Apart from our own Spiritual Toolbox, Physical and Mental exercises that assist in attaining an optimal state can be a beneficial complement.

And now for lots of disclaimers ๐Ÿ˜‡ the last one being the most crucial.

1. I have almost zero knowledge of TCM so I have no idea how meridians work.

2. I have only a little knowledge of EEM ~ I like the idea and concept of how it works, I practice the Daily Energy Routine and a couple other exercises, and that's about it.

3. Most importantly, we know that our physical body in its present make-up has distortions, mutations and energy reversals. We also know that much of what is in the external stem from perversions or corruptions of True Knowledge and Divine Creation. For example, I've come across information from some Spiritual sources saying the Vagus Nerve (related to Triple Warmer Meridian) is key to our Ascension, and I've also come across some Spiritual sources saying the Vagus Nerve is a corruption of our Divine Template.

Let's assume the latter version is the truth. So....will doing exercises such as Triple Warmer Smoothie or Tracing Triple Warmer Meridian Backwards harm our Divine Template and hinder our Ascension process?

"I don't know the answer to that question, if I knew I would tell you." 

 The Look Of Love ~ ABC

But what I can say is that I do practice them daily and find that they do help, and that's what I need for now. This is of course in addition to Meditation practices. You will have to decide what's best for you, and what works for you. I'm only just energetically holding hands with all of you, walking each other Home.

Namarie! ๐Ÿ’œ

10 December 2024

The May-October Connection

Daily OM

**Update ~ This is the first of a possible 4-parter, links for the others todate:


There's an article in SpaceWeather that tells about how October's powerful geomagnetic storms were similar to the ones in May, when much of our Planet's skies lit up with gorgeous Celestial paintings in magnificent hues. Some farmers may not have been overly enchanted by the phenomenon because the storms interfered with their GPS, which they relied upon for crop processing. One fallout was crooked rows:


I found the article quite amusing, but I'm pretty sure the affected farmers didn't.


May & October 2024

The main reason I brought up the article is because of the mention that October had similarities with May. That is precisely what I've written in my notes! October felt very much like May ~ I say this from an energetic perspective apart from all the Solar flares and storms that were raging in October. Although not as extreme as May, the energy felt very identical. I had written this mid-October:

Let's not forget that massive energy dump back in May! Things got really weird thereafter until about September, and I personally had to declare cave-time for myself. And here we are again, with a whole new consignment delivered!

I think the following months leading right into the start of 2025 will be, well...."memorable".

I also wrote in September that what compounded things were the hard-hitting emotions:

I mentioned just last month that this period feels more challenging because there are strong emotions compounding situations. I feel that a large part of the rising emotions come from flashbacks of ancient memories that seem to sweep across our psyche in brief moments. It's like they are surfacing to be acknowledged, healed and cleared but they sometimes leave wisps of emotional charge behind, and that could be what's affecting us. Daily clearing of all that no longer serve is compulsory, in my opinion.

So we had that "protected" month of May, followed by a very intense energy wave plus emotionally-packed period from June until September, then another "protected" month of October. And then omigoddess the flotsam and jetsam that followed....

It's Mental

When I used the word "memorable" back in October, I didn't really know what I meant. Sometimes I write things that I myself don't understand but I proceed anyway because I'm strongly pulsed to do so. But yep, it's been pretty "memorable" so far. And if we apply the "pattern" from May, then this could be a pretty wild ride until about February 2025.

Apart from the emotional element that's still being keenly kneaded, we're also getting a major mental workout. I feel that our brain area is a hive of high activity ~ goodness knows what's happening there!

This started in September (here) but since November the process has been elevated to a whole new level. It's like we're in Mental Bootcamp where we have to really train, entrain and realign our mental attitude and outlook. It feels like we're having to make a pivotal mental shift in preparation for what's coming up early 2025. I truly don't know what that is, but I will stress again that we have to bear in mind (!) that our Planet's core seed atom is in the process of being vaporised. And that is an enormously humongous BIG DEAL indeed.

I will continue with more later.

Namarie! ๐Ÿ’™

09 December 2024

"Impulsive" X2.2

The Sun Today

It was a quiet two weeks on the Solar-front, but around 5 December 2024 we started to see some small sizzles registering on the chart, growing more active until the X2.2 on 8 December 2024.

SpaceWeather called the burst "impulsive" (read here).

The ensuing CME isn't Earth-facing:


  ....but it does look like Mercury and Mars are both in the line of Cosmic Fire:



As for the SR.... ๐Ÿ˜…

Space Observing System & Disclosure News Italia

Namarie! ๐Ÿ’š

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (ะะ›ะž ะฒะพะทะปะต ะกะพะปะฝั†ะฐ - ะคะตะฒั€ะฐะปัŒ 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my attention....it's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...